
video of a man encountering a lynx cub in the wild and trying to pet it | thumbnail includes a picture of a lynx cub raising its paw

'I'm gonna see if I can pet it': Man Encounters Wild Lynx Cub and Tries to Purrsuade It to Become Friends (Video)

video of a black kitten getting rescued and becoming friendly over time | thumbnail includes one picture of a black kitten hissing

Spicy Black Kitten Completely Transforms After Getting Rescued, Turning into a Sassy, Snuggly Softie (Video)

video of a Maine Coon dad meeting his babies for the first time | thumbnail includes one picture of a fully grown Maine Coon next to two main Coon kittens

Giant Grumpy Maine Coon Cat Dad Meets His Delightfully Derpy Babies for the First Time (Video)

video of a cat with a funny meow that doesn't like to be called baby | thumbnail includes three pictures of a cute black and white cat making faces

'She's a crazy, outrageous cat': Cat Has the Weirdest Meow, Hates Being Called Baby and Always Responds When She’s Talked To (Video)

video of a cat drinking milk behind a Dean giving a sermon | thumbnail includes one picture of a Dean giving a sermon and a cat on a table behind him

Sneaky Cat Steals Some Milk During Dean's Morning Sermon: 'The Lord giveth, and the Cat taketh away' (Video)

video of a cat getting pushed under a couch by a roomba | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat lying on the floor next to a roomba

Relentless Roomba Pushes Innocent Cat Under The Couch In A Hissterical Battle (Video)

video of a mom cat bringing her babies into someone's house | thumbnail includes one picture of a white cat holding a kitten in her mouth outside of someone's door

Kind Person Feeds A Hungry Stray Cat, The Next Day, The Feline Momma Brings Them Her 4 Kittens (Video)

video of what a cat does at night while its owners are sleeping | thumbnail includes one black and white picture of a cat sleeping next to a man

Couple Decides To Film What Their Cat Does At Night, The Results Are Adorable And Hissterical (Video)

video of a snow leopard cub taking its first steps outside with the help of its mom | thumbnail includes two pictures of a snow leopard cub and his mom

The Cutest Snow Leopard Cub Taking His First Steps Outside: 'She needed mum Laila's help to be brave' (Video)

video of a couple who didn't like cats adopting a cat that likes to ride motorcycles | thumbnail includes two pictures of a cat sitting on a man's shoulder as he and a woman ride a motorcycle

Couple Who Didn't Like Cats Gets Adopted By A Spicy Kitten Who Love Riding Motorcycles With Them (Video)

video of a cat that is friends with a bunch of cows | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cow licking a cat and a cat sitting on a cow

'They get snuggly and love each other': Tiny Cat Loves Hanging Out With Giant Cows, And They Love Him Back (Video)

video of a rescued meerkat becoming friends with a cat | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat licking a meerkat

'The two began to bond almost immediately': Meerkat That Was Rescued From A Petting Zoo Becomes Best Friends With A Cute House Cat

video of two orange kittens yelling for help and being rescued | thumbnail includes one picture of two kittens screaming

Two Awwdorable Orange Kittens Scream For Help, Immediately Jump Into Man's Hoodie And Get Rescued (Video)

video of a black cat that loves spooking his mom and also loves almonds | thumbnail includes two pictures including a black cat looking scared and a closeup of a black cat

'She'll do her fluffy crab walk in front of me': Black Cat Is Obsessed With Scaring Mom And With Drowning Tiny Almonds (Video)

video of a cat and a boy reacting to seeing a helium balloon for the first time | thumbnail includes two pictures of a cat and a boy playing with a helium balloon

Cat And Boy React To Helium Balloon For First Time, And Both Are Equally And Awwdorably Excited (Video)

video of a senior cat whose owner passed away getting adopted again | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat making a cute face and a cat cuddling with a woman

'No one wanted this old shelter cat' Whose Owner Passed Away, But Thankfully, She Got A Second Chance At Happiness After Getting Adopted (Video)