
video of what a cat does when its owners are sleeping at night | thumbnail includes one black and white picture of a cat sitting next to a sleeping man

'This is why we're always tired!' Couple Decides To Film What Their Cat Does At Night, The Results Are Hissterical (Video)

video of a cat that is afraid to come down from the highest shelf | thumbnail includes three pictures including a white cat on a high shelf and a woman holding a scared cat

For Two Weeks, This Cat Has Not Come down From the Highest Shelf, Freezing Every Time Her Owners Put Her on the Ground: 'She used to have a bubbly personality...'

video of a cat and a fox that love playing and cuddling with each other | thumbnail includes three pictures including a closeup of a fox and a cat and fox cuddling and a cat and fox touching noses

'Fox thinks he’s a cat and the cat thinks she’s a fox': Rescued Fox Cub with No Tail Cries Whenever His Kitten Best Friend Is Away from Him (Video)

video of a cat and an otter who grew up together and like to cuddle | thumbnail includes one picture of an orange cat and an otter cuddling

Awwdorable Otter and Kitten Grow Up Together, and Now, They Cannot Sleep without One Another (Video)

video of a feral cat warming up to the person that saved her after three years | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat sniffing a shirt and a cat lying on a woman's hair

'It took 3 years': Woman Adopts a Pregnant Feral Cat Who Refused to Trust Her, but One Day, She Found the Kitty Lying on Her Shirt, and Things Were Never the Same (Video)

video of a kitten losing its brother and mother and adopting another orphaned kitten as its sibling | thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten alone and two kittens together

Sweet Kitten’s Brother Crosses the Rainbow Bridge, So His Fosters Adopt a Recently-Orphaned Kitten for Him, and the Two Immediately Make a Little Family of Their Own

video of a cat that has been living on the streets for ten years getting adopted | thumbnail includes one picture of a dirty white cat meowing

Senior Cat That Has Been Living on the Streets for 10 Years Gets Adopted and Finds His Soulmate (Video)

video of a mom cat giving birth in a woman's car and getting adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures of a cat surrounded by kittens in a woman's car 'stray cat had her babies in woman's jeep'

Stray Momma Cat Gives Birth to Kittens in Woman’s Truck, Asks for Help with Her Babies, Then Gets Adopted into Her New Furrever Home (Video)

video of a lynx walking in a forest and sniffing a camera | thumbnail includes one picture of a lynx in a forest

Fabulously Fluffy Lynx Finds Hidden Forest Camera and Goes in for an Adorable Sniff (Video)

video of bobcat kittens on a golf course playing with golf balls | thumbnail includes two pictures of a bunch of bobcat kittens playing with balls on a golf course

Adorable Bobcat Kittens Break into a Golf-Course Mid-Game, Steal Some Gold Balls and Prove That Cats Will Be Cats No Matter the Size (Video)

video of a cute stray cat greeting his favorite human in the same way multiple times | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat climbing a fence

This Stray Cat Has Known This Man for 5 Years, and Every Time They Meet, It Greets Him in the Same Excited Way (Video)

video of three horses rescuing a kitten | thumbnail includes three pictures of horses touching and interacting with a kitten

'This is my family, and I belong here': 3 Adorable Rescue Horses Find a Tiny Kitten, Fall in Love with Him and Adopt Him into Their Family

video of a mom cat bringing her babies into someone's house | thumbnail includes one picture of a calico cat holding a kitten in her mouth and another kitten on the ground next to her

Kind Person Feeds A Hungry Stray Cat, The Next Day, The Feline Momma Brings Them Her 6 Kittens (Video)

cute video of a cat and an otter cuddling | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat and an otter cuddling

Otterly Adorable Otter Cannot Fall Asleep Without Cuddling His Cozy Orange Kitten (Video)

video of a cat who likes one song and hates all others | thumbnail includes two pictures of a cat vibing while a woman plays the guitar behind him

'The only thing that comforted him was this one song': Cat Who Loves Music Flips Out When Mom Dares to Play the Wrong Tune (Video)

video about a shy cat finally getting adopted and opening up | thumbnail includes three pictures including a cat hiding on a counter and a cat inside a cabinet and a cat meowing

'No one wanted her because she's shy': Person Adopts a Nervous Cat and Gives Her All the Love and Space She Needs Until She Finally Opens up and Shows Who She Really Is (Video)