
video of an injured bobcat being rescued then becoming a foster mom to a bunch of other bobcat kittens | thumbnail includes one picture of a fully grown bobcat surrounded by bobcat kittens

'She takes those kittens in as if they are her absolute own': Rescued bobcat who cannot be released into the wild becomes the best foster momma, raising every kitten who needs a mom

video of a woman going to get a pizza and rescuing a cat along the way | thumbnail includes two pictures including a woman holding a cross-eyed cat and a cat sitting on a woman's lap while she eats pizza

Woman goes to on a quick pizza run, instead, she comes home with a cute stray cat (and a pizza)

video of a grandma Maine Coon cat meeting her grand kittens for the first time | thumbnail includes one picture of an old gray cat sniffing a ginger kitten

'Never seen 3 generations of cats before': Grandma Maine Coon meets her grandkittens for the first time (Video)

video of a blind grandmother taking care of 11 kittens and 2 cats | thumbnail includes two pictures of an old woman surrounded by and cuddling a bunch of kittens

Wholesome blind grandmother takes in 11 kittens, helping the 2 stray momma cats in the neighborhood care for them: '[They're] special to her as a family'

video of a sad senior cat getting adopted and living out the rest of his life with joy | thumbnail includes two pictures including a skinny sad senior cat and a cat nuzzling against a woman

'No one wanted this old cat': Caring woman adopts a depressed and lonely 13-year-old cat who's been in a shelter his whole life, giving him the home he so badly wanted for his final years

couple rescues two cats that were caged for years | thumbnail includes two pictures including a closeup of a cat with matted fur and an injured looking cat sitting on a fence

'This poor cat [was] struggling on the side of the road': Couple rescues neglected feline who escaped the cage she was locked in for years, adopting her and then saving her cellmate

video of a day Maine Coon cat meeting his kittens for the first time | thumbnail includes one picture of a large male Maine Coon cat next to a tiny white Maine Coon kitten

Giant Maine Coon cat dad meets his itty bitty clumsy babies for the first time, and his reaction is hilariously adorable (video)

video of a mom cat bringing her baby kitten into a man's car | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat climbing into a person's car holding a newborn kitten in her mouth

Kind person feeds a hungry stray cat, the feline momma then jumps into his car and asks him to take her kittens home (video)

video of a cat with a camera strapped to it running around and meeting a kitten

Person attaches a camera to their cat to see what it does all day, the fluffy feline meets a new feral kitten outside and tries to befriend it (Video)

video about a woman who saved a cat that was freezing outside | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat lying in snow and a cat with a cone

Kind woman rescues a frozen feline that was crying alone on the street, adopting it and giving it all the warmth and love it'll ever need: 'Another 30 minutes, and she would not have come back from it'

story about a woman adopting a paralyzed kitten and helping her learn to walk again | thumbnail includes two pictures including someone holding a black kitten and a black kitten with two casts on its legs

Woman adopts injured kitten that was suffering alone for weeks, giving him a warm home and helping him learn to walk again: '[The cat] refused to give up'

video of a dog who thinks that she is a cat | thumbnail includes a picture of four cats and a dog on a windowsill and a dog licking a Maine Coon cat

Dog who grew up with a bunch of giant Maine Coon cats thinks that she is a fabulous feline too: 'In her heart, she's all cat'

video of a woman who adopted the fat blind cat that no one wanted | thumbnail includes one picture of a blind and fat cat

'No one wanted this blind fat cat, so I adopted her': Person gives a home to the chonky feline no one wanted, and she turns out to be a silly goofball who just wanted love

video of an abandoned cat getting adopted by his neighbors | thumbnail includes a picture of a woman petting a cat and a closeup of an old cat

For weeks, this senior cat kept waiting for his owners who abandoned him to return, but they never did, so their kind neighbor took him in and gave him a new life

video of someone rescuing a cat then that cat dad bringing them their kitten and them both getting adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures including an orange cat screaming and a cute kitten

'He brought me his daughter': Kind Person Feeds a Hungry Abandoned Cat , and After Gaining His Trust, the Feline Father Brings Her His Kitten, so She Adopts Them Both (Video)

video of a cat that has been neglected in a cage for 12 years getting adopted | thumbnail includes one picture of a person petting a senior cat

'No one was willing to take a chance on her': Senior Cat Who Has Spent Most of Her Life Caged Is Finally Freed and Adopted Into the Best Family (Video)

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