funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

best cat tweets of the week | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat and a dog sitting next to a door in the darkness 'The Dalbo Dog @Dalbodog Subscribe "My son always texts to say he's on his way home. So I open the door, letting his 17 year old cat, and 16 year old doggo know that he's on his way. This is them waiting for him. Though it was adorable, and wanted to share." 4:21 PM - Oct 23, 2024-428.8K Views'

The Freshest and Funniest Feline Tweets of the Week (October 27, 2024)

23 Very Spurrcific Funny Feline Tweets Only Cat Pawrents Will Understand

23 Very Spurrcific Funny Feline Tweets Only Cat Pawrents Will Understand

best cat tweets of the week | thumbnail includes one picture of a woman next to a black kitten 'Travis Akers @travisakers Can someone come get my wife. She's in some stranger's driveway because she saw a cat. . 2:14 AM - Oct 18, 2024 1.2M Views ...'

The Freshest and Funniest Feline Tweets of the Week (October 20, 2024)

best cat tweets of the week | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat outside and one X post 'Kinan @kinankawuryan My cat was missing 2 years ago and today we found out she's currently living in some rich man's house so l guess goodbye you're happier there baby • 1:24 PM ⚫ Oct 11, 2024 2.4M Views • 603 11K 126K 3.6K ↑'

The Freshest and Funniest Feline Tweets of the Week (October 13, 2024)

best cat tweets of the week | thumbnail includes one picture of an annoyed looking cat and one X post 'stick @briggityboppity TV forced me to do an update and now the youtube app isn't working and pepper is sitting here waiting for bird time after getting excited because I turned the TV on and I can't explain this to her she just thinks I don't want to let her watch her shows ALT 4:40 AM - Oct 1, 2024-342.5K Views 63 1.2K 28K 556'

The Freshest and Funniest Feline Tweets of the Week (October 6, 2024)

26 cat memes | thumbnail includes one meme including 'Top Ten Best Cat Breeds 1. Dumpster Blessing 2. Freelance Tenderloaf 3. Gutter Angel 4. Just Showed Up One Day 5. Barn Ghost 6. Royal Trash Goblin 7. Snack Master General 8. Le Slinkus 9. Crusty Sea Captain 10. Classic Potato' and one meme including 'Can i come over n stare at u like this'

26 Terrific Purrific Tweets of Cat Pawrents About Their Purrfect Precious Fluffy Feline Friends

24 cat memes | thumbnail includes one meme including 'his name is 3kg brown rice and he was born with 3kg of brown rice for a brain' and one meme including 'summoning circle: Sound of can Opening'

24 People Who Cannot Stop Themselves From Talking About Their Cats and Tweet About Them All the Time

best cat tweets of the week | thumbnail includes one picture of a black and white cat on a black background and one post 'Caroleeena @Caroleeenalala I don't usually photograph black cats against black backgrounds but this photo has changed my mind about that. 10:41 PM - Sep 25, 2024 -3.4M Views 844 11K 192K 4K +]'

The Freshest and Funniest Feline Tweets of the Week (September 29, 2024)

25 cat memes | thumbnail includes one meme including 'me reading petrarch: omg why is this the 100th poem about this lady's eyes and lips and hair! why do you keep listing body parts me to my cat, every time i see her, all day: you have a little face, it has a little nose, you have some little paws, your paws have little toes' and one meme including 'this is how people who type :3 want to be held'

25 Funny Fluffy Feline Tweets to Read to Your Comical Cute Cat and Say: 'That's You'

best cat tweets of the week | thumbnail includes one picture of a bobcat kitten and a fawn cuddling 'Caroleeena @Caroleeenalala This is a photo I saved from 2012 of a bobcat kitten and a fawn cuddling in a ranger's office after being rescued from a wildfire. This photo has always really touched by heart. 3:05 AM · Sep 15, 2024 - 2.6M Views'

The Freshest and Funniest Feline Tweets of the Week (September 22, 2024)

best cat tweets of the week | thumbnail includes three pictures of a cat jumping off the walls of a house and one tweet 'Kemi Marie (they/them) @kemimarie Subscribe i didn't know cats were so extra in general. like why is she scaling walls and so chaotic'

The Freshest and Funniest Feline Tweets of the Week (September 15, 2024)

best cat tweets of the week | thumbnail includes a picture of a black cat 'roberto updates @robertoupdates "he's so fat” “weird shaped" "chunkers” what makes you think his body is ripe for the pickings of your cruel discourse... he is roberto and he is free 2:32 AM - Sep 6, 2024-910K Views'

The Freshest and Funniest Feline Tweets of the Week (September 8, 2024)

best cat tweets of the week | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat 'HClaire-47 @clairebetweetin I STOLE (adopted) A CHILD (she is a cat) FROM PRISON (petsmart) WHERE SHE WAS HELD (napping) FOR DECADES (she is 9 m/o) please congratulate me on my heroism I did so good look her face . 10:12 PM. Aug 29, 2024 1M Views 205 15.2K ... 115K 1.8K ↑'

The Freshest and Funniest Feline Tweets of the Week (September 1, 2024)

best cat tweets of the week | thumbnail includes a picture of a news interview with a woman laughing and a man and a squinting ginger cat 'Barry Eidlin @eidlin Professional achievement unlocked: having my cat join me on national news as I comment on the current national rail lockout in Canada TV MYOUR RNING Canadian Railways Lock Out Workers as Talks Collapse NATIONAL CN, CPKC RAILWAYS LOCK OUT 9.3K WORKERS AFTER TALKS FALL APART 10:34 PM - Aug 22, 2024 705.5K'

The Freshest and Funniest Feline Tweets of the Week (August 25, 2024)

best cat tweets of the week | thumbnail includes a picture of an angry black cat 'ONE BILLION DRACULAS :3 @emwheezie Never seen Beanie as mad as the time my dad vacuumed up the scrap of paper he was playing with . • 7:17 AM • Aug 17, 2024 582.3K Views 38 1.9K 25K 860 ↑'

The Freshest and Funniest Feline Tweets of the Week (August 18, 2024)

best cat tweets of the week | thumbnail includes a closeup picture of a ginger cat and one tweet 'gay thugs anonymous @ineedabumprn my girlfriend's cat won't stop FaceTiming me just to do this for 15 minutes 5:12 AM - Aug 8, 2024 - 1.6M Views ማ'

The Freshest and Funniest Feline Tweets of the Week (August 11, 2024)