funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

twitter thread about a woman ending a date because her date said that she hates cats | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - ely kreimendahl @ElyKreimendahl the queerest moment of my life was a first date with a cute girl that was going really well until she said “I hate cats" and I was like ohhh and she was like "should we just end this now?" and I was like "ugh. yeah probably" and then we hugged goodbye 3:53 AM - Sep 9, 2022 - Twitter for iPhone 10.1K Retweets 1,309 Quote Tweets 258.6K Likes'

Twitter Thread: People Choosing Cats As Their Very First Priority, Even When Dating

10 cat tweets, cats are weird | thumbnail left cat covering other cat's tail area, thumbnail right black cat peering through closet

Fresh Feline Tweets Featuring Cats Being Weird Lil Guys From Cat Twitter Sensation 'WeirdLilGuys'

twitter thread about cats fooling their owners into buying them more food | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Lisa @GlitterMagpie I've grown up with cats, had them all my life. Would describe myself as an experienced cat owner, but sometimes I still fall for their shit. Tried a new catfood and they loved it so I bought a massive box. We all know how this ended 9:22 PM - Sep 1, 2022 - Twitter for Android 707 Retweets 126 Quote Tweets 18.5K Likes MUA'

Twitter Thread: Fussy And Spoiled Cats Fooling Their 'Experienced' Owners

12 cat tweets | thumbnail left what kind of chicken is this cat sitting on eggs, thumbnail right cat with arrow pointing towards but with fur, direct your opinions

This Week's Most Meowrific Kitty Cat Tweets (September 8, 2022)

23 cat tweets cats talking | thumbnail blue background tweet "memes i wish i could tag my cat in - no bully mode @memesiwish I love a talkative cat. Yeah that's right my little meow meow tell me about ur day. 6:17 AM Jul 12, 2022 Twitter for Android . 23.9K Retweets 1,641 Quote Tweets 166.7K Likes 27"

Talkative Cats That Just Want To Meow And Tell Their Humans About Their Days

twitter thread about paintings of cats being spoon fed by humans throughout history | thumbnail includes one image of an old woman holding a bundled up cat and spoon feeding it and one tweet 'Chin - Cats of Yore @CatsOfYore Good news! I found a bunch of paintings of people throughout history spoon feeding cats like babies. First, this peasant woman with a cat, ca. 1640 - 1642. ALT 9:48 AM - Aug 26, 2022. Twitter Web App'

Twitter Thread: Paintings Of People Throughout History Spoon-Feeding Cats Like Babies

twitter thread about the differences between the live action and the animated version of the lion king | thumbnail includes a screenshot of a live action lion cub and an animated shocked lion cub and one tweet 'Plant - lewis @lewisjwr I'm not joking when I say this is quite literally the worst thing I've ever seen in my life put to film. These are the same moments in the Lion King story: the moment Simba notices the stampede 3:26 PM - Aug 22, 2022'

Twitter Thread: Meme-ing The Heck Out Of The Differences Between The Animated And The Live Action 'The Lion King'

twitter thread about expensive cat vet visits | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Julia Claire @ohJuliatweets Every time I go to the vet they say "That will be $400," and I say okay I will bankrupt myself again for my perfect small cat 6:28 PM - Aug 13, 2022 - Twitter for iPhone 1,072 Retweets 78 Quote Tweets 23K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Mega Expensive Vet Visits Suck But Our Purrfect Cats Are Worth Every Penny

twitter thread about cats sitting in dishwashers | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat inside of a dishwasher and one tweet 'Cat - sévérienne l'autre @sixscosepoise He won't come out of the dishwasher ETT'

Apparently, Some Cats Have An Unexpectedly Weird Obsession With Dishwashers (Twitter Thread)

twitter thread with cat puns and animal puns | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Cat Damon @CornOnTheGoblin ... [telling a joke to a classroom] what does a cowboy cat say? kindergartener: kitty up [about to say meowdy] meo- what the f ck did you just say 5:01 AM - Aug 11, 2022 - Twitter for Android 11.4K Retweets 126 Quote Tweets 112.8K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Kindergartener Outwits Teacher With Purrfect Cat Pun Plus Other Animal Puns

19 cat tweets | thumbnail blue background tweet "aCoupleofN3rds @aCoupleofN3rds Rescue Cat Five Years Ago: can I sit here? Is that cool? I'm sorry if it's not. Thank you so much for not hating me, it's really nice. I love you. Rescue Cat Today: I SNUCK INTO THE PANTRY AND ATE ALL THE CRACKERS CLEAN UP MY VOMIT YOU SWINE FOR I AM RULER OF THE LIVING ROOM"

19 Supurrb Cat Tweets We Found When Scrolling During The Holiday

14 cat tweets | thumbnail blue background tweet "vampire prince nina @NinaModaffari : normalize....asking your friend / family to visit only their pet...not e ven talk to them. just to visit their pet. ex-roommate? hey, I need to visit your cat. we were friends, and i need to pet them and kiss their toe beans. normalize this as a society. i am high 9:32 AM Jul 31, 2022. "

This Week's Most Supurrb Cat Tweets (August 4, 2022)

twitter thread about whether cats fart or not | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Pyrrhica posts cats @memesiwish My bf just farted and blamed it on the cat. He insists it was Mister Moo Moo and that makes me realise...I've never heard a cat fart before. Does your cat fart? 5:00 PM - Jul 30, 2022 - Twitter for Android 567 Retweets 464 Quote Tweets 17.5K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Boyfriend Blames Cat For Farting, The Internet Passionately Debates The Impurrtant Issue

twitter thread about Larry the cat staying at Dawning Street after Boris Johnson resigns | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Larry the Cat @Number10cat Time to clarify a few things: 1. I'm not "Boris Johnson's cat" 2. Like all Prime Ministers, he's only a temporary resident of Downing Street 3. I live here permanently. When he finally goes, I stay 4. Yes, it's all very embarrassing but it will be over soon 8:55 AM - Jul 7, 2022 - Twitter for iPhone 14K Retweets 724 Quote Tweets'

Larry The Cat Reassuringly Announces He Will Not Leave His Home After Boris Johnson's Departure (Twitter Thread)

twitter thread about cats locking themselves in the bathroom | thumbnail includes one picture of two cats looking at the camera from behind a door and one tweet 'Font - misplaced comma or Julee Balko when I'm an author @misplacedcomma2 Our cats opened the bathroom cabinet drawer, thereby blocking the bathroom door from opening. I took this picture by sticking my phone under the door. Trying with a hanger to close the drawer so I can open the door. A dog would never do this.'

Twitter Thread: Criminal Cats Lock Humans Out Of The Bathroom And Madness Ensues

15 cat tweets | thumbnail left and right images of woman cooking cat dinner "memes i wish i could tag my cat in @memesiwish mom before getting a cat: we DO NOT NEED A CAT mom after: ill cook for you later, lulu's dinner is almost ready"

This Week's Most Supurrb Cat Tweets (June 23, 2022)