funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

twitter thread about a neighbor thinking that a woman is scolding her boyfriend all the time when it's actually a cat | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - abby govindan @abbygov moved into a new building & my neighbor joked "I hear you constantly lecturing your bf, he sounds like a handful" and I replied "lol men am I right?” bc I didn't want to tell her that Im single & just earnestly scold my cat for taking a tone w me when I do everything around here 8:26 PM - Nov 19, 2022 -'

Neighbor Thinks Woman Constantly Lectures Her BF Even Though It's Actually Her Cat, Hilarity On Twitter Ensues

twitter thread of reasons to own cats | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Keifer @DannyVegito highly recommend owning a cat because it makes dealing with every negative emotion a little bit easier. it's difficult to feel the full weight of crushing reality when a little freak is doing olympic laps around your home after taking a loud sh t 8:15 AM - Nov 20, 2022 - Twitter for iPhone 3,299 Retweets 116 Quote Tweets 24.4K Likes'

Funny Reasons To Own A Cat According To Mildly Disgruntled Sarcastic Twitter Users

twitter thread about funny cat parenting moments | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - cait @punished_cait i'm telling my fiancé "the cat says you never pet him. he's so sad he's crying" and my fiancé is getting mad and yelling across the house "that is NOT true! i pet him all the time!" 3:54 AM - Nov 19, 2022 - Twitter for iPhone 9,274 Retweets 697 Quote Tweets 183.7K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Parenting Moments That Only Cat Owners Would Understand

30 screenshots from a Twitter thread where people posted pictures with their cats along with some weird behaviors that their cats do | Thumbnail includes a picture of a white cat carrying a yellow flower and a picture of a grey cat carrying an envelope 'My cat brings me flowers wherever I am My cat brings me the mail'

Weird Little Things Cats Do That Make Us Appreciate Them Even More (Thread)

twitter thread about cats annoying their owners | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - monica @trash_snapp I'll be like "yeah this is my emotional support animal” and it's just a cat who actively works to make my life more difficult 7:17 PM - Nov 10, 2022 - Twitter for iPhone 18.9K Retweets 1,876 Quote Tweets 137.6K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Funny Stories Of Cats Actively Working To Make Their Humans' Lives More Difficult

15 cat tweets | thumbnail left cat working a small grill with fire, thumbnail right destroyed office chair cat sitting on it tweets

This Week's Most Meowrific Cat Tweets Featuring Lots Of Feline Goodness (November 10, 2022)

twitter thread of funny ugly cat photos | thumbnail includes an ugly picture of a ginger cat and one tweet 'Cat - ☆chey ☆ @guttergore i just took the fucking UGLIEST picture of my cat . wtf 7:46 AM - Nov 5, 2022. Twitter for iPhone 5,995 Retweets 623 Quote Tweets 91.9K Likes ...'

Twitter Users Proudly Show Off The Funniest And 'Ugliest' Pictures Of Their Cats That They've Ever Taken

twitter thread about cats being put on diets and having temper tantrums | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - ellory smith @ellorysmith : My cat is on a (MEDICALLY PRESCRIBED) diet and it's making him so violently pissed off it's bringing the whole household to their knees 8:16 PM - Oct 27, 2022 - Twitter for iPhone 2,427 Retweets 184 Quote Tweets 77.4K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Delinquent Cats Who Got Put On (Medically Prescribed) Diets Having Temper Tantrums

14 cat tweets | thumbnail image of cat standing in front of podium "The King has asked me to become Prime Minister because this nonsense has gone on long enough.”

This Week's Most Meowrific Cat Tweets Featuring Hefty Levels Of Feline Goodness (October 25, 2022)

twitter thread about a cat who looks constantly sad | thumbnail includes two pictures of a very sad looking cat and one tweet 'Cat - cait @punished_cait this lady in one of my fb cat groups has a cat with the saddest face i've ever fucking seen in my life and i'm obsessed with her. every time she posts this cat i go insane. i love you sad eyed cat Sorsha caboco 5:03 PM - Oct 22, 2022 - Twitter for iPhone 5,380 Retweets 349 Quote Tweets 58.2K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Cat With 'The Saddest Face' Goes Viral, But Don't Worry, 'She's Not Actually Sad, She Just Looks Like This'

twitter thread of cats getting blasted in the face with milk from cows throughout history | thumbnail includes one photo of a man aiming a cow's teat and milking it straight into a cat's mouth and one tweet 'Organism - Cats of Yore @CatsOfYore ALT Here is a thread of barn cats getting blasted in the face with milk. First, Robert Carlson and Captain in Illinois. 1947. 12:15 PM - Oct 17, 2022 - Twitter Web App *** 8,253 Retweets 656 Quote Tweets 68.6K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Hissterical Historical Barn Cats Getting Blasted In The Face With Milk

twitter thread about the black-footed cat | thumbnail includes one picture of a black-footed cat stretching, one tweet 'Cat - Fascinating @fascinate The black-footed cat is the deadliest wildcat in the world. Though they only weigh 2 - 6 pounds, they take down more prey in a single night than a leopard does in 6 months. 1024 4:36 AM - Oct 12, 2022 - SocialOomph 23.9K Retweets 9,809 Quote Tweets 226.5K' and one meme of a black-footed cat 'Why they making this regular ass cat live in the ZOO'

Twitter Discovers The Tiny But Lethal Black-Footed Cat, Famously Known As 'The Regular A** Cat' From That One Meme

14 cat tweets | thumbnail left and right cat pictures small kittens "2 sause long, 1 flower tall"

Meowrific Kitty Cat Tweets Featuring Hefty Levels Of Feline Goodness

10 cat tweets | thumbnail left and right studio ghibli cats images, "cats of studio ghibli"

This Week's Most Meowrific Kitty Cat Tweets (September 28, 2022)

twitter thread about a cat getting kicked out of a botanical garden | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Sarah McAnulty, Ph.D @SarahMackAttack ... Tonight I saw a massive orange cat get escorted out of Longwood Gardens. I asked “is he not welcome here?", and the guy sighed & said “He shows up at the most inopportune moments". So now, obviously, I want an entire sitcom about their relationship. 6:41 AM - Sep 17, 2022 - Twitter for iPhone 2,253 Retweets 115 Quote Tweets 42.1K Likes'

The Story Of The Criminal Cat Who Got Escorted From A Botanical Garden

twitter thread of paintings of cats stealing food | thumbnail includes a painting of a cat stealing food off a table and one tweet 'Font - Cats of Yore @CatsOfYore ... One of my favorite sub-genres of art is Cats Stealing Food in Still Life Paintings. It's so wonderfully disrespectful. So here is a thread celebrating the need for snacks triumphing over art. First, Still Life with Cat. Alexandre-Francois Desportes, 1705.'

Twitter Thread: Hooligan Cats Stealing Food In Still Life Paintings Throughout History