funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

viral twitter thread about getting a cat off a roof over and over | thumbnail includes a picture of a man lifting a chair toward a cat that is stuck on the roof and one tweet 'Font - Ben S. Hyland @Ben_S_Hyland My wife persuaded me to get a cat on the grounds they're independent and take care of themselves. Anyway, here's a picture of me helping Bobby off the shed roof after he got stuck. Again. ...'

Twitter Thread: Cat Continues To Get Stuck On The Roof Plus Other Pets Rethinking Their Choices

16 cat tweets | thumbnail left balck cat smiling cutely, thumbnail right cat walking "

This Week's Most Supurrb Cat Tweets (June 16, 2022)

10 cat tweets | thumbnail left cat sewing, sewing machine "come on, auntie will fix the dress for you" thumbnail right cat spitting fire "a cat that spits fire"

Ten Fresh, Fancy, And Feline Tweets From 'Translated Cats'

twitter thread about funny cat behaviors that humans can't do | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - sarah schauer @sarahschauer love that cats get irritated and walk away after you accidentally move 1 inch. what if you saw someone eating and they fumbled with their napkin and you just went "ugh" and left the restaurant 1:07 AM - Jun 8, 2022 Twitter for iPhone 1,331 Retweets 49 Quote Tweets 20.7K Likes :'

Twitter Thread: Purrfectly Acceptable Cat Behaviors That Are Unacceptable When Humans Do Them

twitter thread about a cat making a hammock out of an ottoman and funny places people found their cats | thumbnail includes two pictures of a cat sitting inside of an ottoman and one tweet 'Vertebrate - ... *delanie **- @FrickinDelanie just found out my ottoman is destroyed because this man decided to turn it into a hammock 5:41 AM - Jun 2, 2022 Twitter for iPhone . 22.8K Retweets 2,164 Quote Tweets 363.1K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Cat Turns Human's Ottoman Into Hammock And Other Funny Places People Found Their Cats Hiding In

14 cats as art tweets | thumbnail left cat playing with flowers image "Hey reply to this with photos of your cats that you believe are also Art like I want to see Cats Who Are Art" thumbnail left cat in box labeled spaghetti

Twitter Thread: Cats Are Art, Cat Loving Twitter Users Show Off Felines As All Types Of Art

tweets about spicy cats going to the vet | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Chelsea M. Cameron @chel_c_cam My friend Liz is a vet tech, and they call the cats they have to wrap up so they don't claw the vet "spicy purritos" I thought everyone needed to know 5:33 AM - May 14, 2022 - Twitter for iPhone 2,317 Retweets 178 Quote Tweets 27K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Stories Of 'Spicy Cats' Losing Their Minds At The Vet

10 cat tweets students thanking cats | thumbnail left and right cats helping human's research, tweet "Sami Schalk @DrSamiSchalk In one of my student's final project acknowledgements they thank their cat. 10:59 PM · May 9, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 5,738 Retweets 1,711 Quote Tweets 100.5K Likes"

Twitter Thread: Feline-Loving Graduate Students Shout Out Their Supportive Cats In Research Acknowledgements

14 funny and cute cat tweets | thumbnail blue background tweets "steph mccann @steph_mcca ... girls trip!!!!!! Me and my girl cat were in the living room and now we are in the kitchen 6:54 AM · May 9, 2022 · Twitter Web App 26.7K Retweets 969 Quote Tweets 282.9K Likes" "@petpuppie i don't have a brain there's just a tiny little hello kitty floating around in my head 5:41 PM · May 9, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone"

This Week's Most Supurrb Cat Tweets (May 12, 2022)

12 cat tweets | thumbnail left and right grey cat on desk tweet "Jana G. Pruden @jana_pruden A cat just ran into my office and jumped up on my desk. I am at home. We don't have a cat."

Twitter Thread: Purrific Lil Cat Visits Woman's Office And Sets Up Camp

11 cat tweets, quest | thumbnail left cat with light beam shining, thumbnail right fluffy cat "@NomadsWandering Replying to @weirdlilguys What be thy quest? 2:57 AM · May 3, 2022 · Twitter for Android"

Cats Of Twitter Declare Their Readiness To Accept The Quest Of A Lifetime, Feline Style

14 cat tweets | thumbnail left cat doing split "i'll do it" thumbnail right cats cuddling "me and you"

This Week's Most Supurrb Cat Tweets (April 29, 2022)

10 cats working images | thumbnail left cat tech support worker in front of computer, thumbnail right cat sitting at laptop at desk

Feline Breadwinners Working Heckin' Hard For Their Moneys: A Twitter Series Of Cats With Jobs

viral tweets about a funny cat that looks perpetually shocked | thumbnail includes two pictures of a cat with huge wide eyes and one tweet 'Cat - jinx @bigfootjinx ... every single morning i wake up to jinx sitting on my pillow staring into my soul READING'

Perpetually Spooked Cat Who Looks Like A 'Stuffed Animal' Goes Mega Viral On Twitter

15 screenshots of funny and cute tweets about animals | Thumbnail includes a man with 4 cats 'I have 4 cats now'

Weekly Treat: Funniest And Overall Best Animal Tweets

10 dog tweets | thumbnail image of dog looking in mirror four ways, tweet "dog_rates This is Bongo. He unlocked the multiverse. It was way easier than he thought it would be. 14/10 for each of them 11:49 PM · Apr 4, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 22K Retweets 973 Quote Tweets 207.5K Likes"

Bestest Most Rufferific Doggo Tweets Of The Week (April 9, 2022)