funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

twitter thread about a cat getting more affectionate with a pregnant woman | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Keke Palmer @KekePalmer My cat Jackie can tell there is a baby coming. Idk how, but she has never ever been so clingy. Like EVER. Now she is climbing on top of me to cuddle. She's going to be devastated. Any tips? 10:15 PM - Jan 18, 2023 - 9.8M Views 2,229 Retweets 555 Quote Tweets 123.5K Likes'

Cat Suddenly Becomes Incredibly Clingy Toward Her Pregnant Owner, The Internet Reacts (Viral Twitter Thread)

twitter thread about a woman thinking that something is wrong with her neighbor who is simply talking to her cat | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Karen González @_karenjgonzalez It finally happened. My neighbor approached me in the hall because she's concerned my boyfriend is abusive. I let her know that when she hears me say, "Stop it, Oscar! That hurts!" I'm actually talking to my cat. I have an abusive cat. 4:15 PM - Jan 21, 2023 from Baltimore, MD - 403.8K Views'

Neighbor Thinks Woman Is In Danger When In Fact She's Simply Yelling At Her Jerk Cat (Viral Twitter Thread)

twitter thread about cats causing trouble | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Premee Mohamed @premeesaurus having a cat is great. every day i'm like 'how did i live life before this.' i mean yes the crime rate in my house is up like 40,000% percent. but. worth it for the new experiences every day with this guy. 6:44 PM - Jan 17, 2023 - 1.1M Views 8,197 Retweets 262 Quote Tweets 44.9K Likes'

Twitter Thread: The Funniest 'Crimes' Committed By Cats Who Are Total Hooligans

twitter thread about the Dallas zoo losing a clouded leopard | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Dallas Zoo @DallasZoo The Zoo is closed today due to a serious situation. 6:20 PM - Jan 13, 2023 - 42M Views 11.7K Retweets 5,999 Quote Tweets 198.1K Likes'

Zoo Announces That They Lost A Clouded Leopard In The Funniest Way, The Internet Reacts (Viral Thread With A Happy Ending)

AITA tweets from the perspective of cats | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - clip studio pain @freezydorito AITA? I always guard the bathroom when my roommate is using it to protect her from dangers (family tradition however she refuses to extend this courtesy to me when i use my bathroom at 3AM even when i scream for her. is she being unreasonable? i'm a cat if this is relevant 1:08 AM - Jan 7, 2023 - 1M Views ... 5,323 Retweets 89 Quote Tweets 48.2K Likes'

AITA Posts From The Perspective Of Cats For Cats Who Need A Little Extra Mental Support (Viral Twitter Thread)

twitter thread about the Oklahoma Department Wildlife getting pissed at an employee writing 'your mother' under a cougar sighting report description | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation @OKWildlifeDept Whoever filled out a cougar sighting report and wrote "your mother" under the description drop your @ we just want to talk 5:39 PM - Jan 9, 2023 - 9.6M Views 24.1K Retweets 2,118 Quote Tweets 222.7K Likes'

Employee Writes 'Your Mother' Under A Cougar Sighting Report Description, Wildlife Conservation Gets Hilariously Pissed (Viral Twitter Thread)

twitter thread about the reality of living with cats | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - they/themily @e_davishale cat ownership is hearing a single soft *clink* from across the house and yelling GET AWAY FROM THE BUTTER 7:41 PM - Jan 7, 2023 5.2M Views 17.4K Retweets 926 Quote Tweets 191.8K Likes'

Hissterical 'Cat Ownership is' Tweets Go Viral, Capturing The True Reality Of Having Cats

twitter thread about cats liking unexpected foods | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat eating a purple beet and one tweet 'Cat - Rev. Poppy Haze @poppy_haze every cat upon instantiation will spawn with one random non-meat food item it is obsessed with. There is no way to tell what this is until the day the cat will steal something off your plate like its life depended upon it Creature Tik Toks @CreatureTikToks - Dec 30, 2022 0:18 1.4M views 10:18 PM - Dec 30, 2022 J Tik Tok 5.4M'

Twitter Thread: Random Non-Meat Foods That Cats Are Obsessed With And Will Fight You For

18 cat tweets weird faces | thumbnail left and right pictures of cats making weird faces

Twitter Users Post Pictures Of Their Cats Making Some Ridiculously Weird Faces And We Are Here For It

14 serious cat tweets | thumbnail left and right cats with serious faces "@michaelscat2 can yall post a photo of your cats serious face 😭"

Twitter Thread: Cat Owners Share Pictures Of Their Felines Looking Serious As Heck

50 tweets of cats | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Cat - d: @ilovecats_98 "cats are not affectionate" The cats: :' and 'Property - Brianna Parkins @parkinsbrea What made this morning's trip to the bathroom interesting is that I don't actually own a cat. :'

2022 Wrap-Up: Best 50 Cat Tweets Of The Year

50 cat tweets cats being weird lil guys | thumbnail left black cat riding on white stuffed unicorn, thumbnail right cat eating husk of corn "cats being weird little guys"

50 Best Cat Tweets Of The Year Featuring Cats Being 'Weird Lil Guys'

14 cat tweets | thumbnail left cat tweet vet and kitten, thumbnail right cat sitting in front of space heater

This Week's Most Meowrific Cat Tweets Featuring Lots Of Feline Goodness (December 15, 2022)

15 pictures and tweets of sphynx cats | thumbnail left and right sphynx cats

15 Spectacular Sphynx Cat Tweets And Pictures To Shine A Spotlight On The Goofiest Hairless Felines

14 tweets featuring poorly drawn cat doodles | thumbnail left cat with sunflower hat, thumbnail right cat with sunflower drawn on paper "angiest sunflower"

14 Tweets Featuring Cute Cat Doodles By Twitter Connoisseur "Poorly Drawn Cats"

twitter thread about a cat sitting on a person who does not like cats | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat sitting on a girl who is grimacing and one tweet 'Cat - Noeh Gee @badassnoe Replying to @_B_S Cat was like "wassup bitch you got a problem I'm right here" T-Mobile Wi-Fi 4:56 PM ... 7 57%'

Cat Spots The One Non-Cat Person In The Room, Hilariously Chooses To Sit On And Stare At Her (Twitter Thread)