funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

10 dog tweets | thumbnail image of dog looking in mirror four ways, tweet "dog_rates This is Bongo. He unlocked the multiverse. It was way easier than he thought it would be. 14/10 for each of them 11:49 PM · Apr 4, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 22K Retweets 973 Quote Tweets 207.5K Likes"

Bestest Most Rufferific Doggo Tweets Of The Week (April 9, 2022)

11 cat tweets | thumbnail cat sitting on guy's head, "he's got his thinking cat on"

This Week's Most Supurrb Cat Tweets (April 8, 2022)

twitter thread about hermit crabs exchanging shells | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - sloane (sîpihkopiyesîs) @cottoncandaddy I just learned that if a hermit crab finds a new shell that is too big it will wait for other hermit crabs who need new shells to gather and then they will organize themselves by size and trade shells and I am pissed that the crabs have a better housing market than we do 6:34 AM Apr 3, 2022 - Twitter for iPhone 45.2K Retweets 838 Quote Tweets 384K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Hermit Crabs Organizing Themselves Based On Size And Trading Shells

14 animal related tweets | thumbnail blue background tweet text "H.E. Edgmon @heedgmon Just had to explain to my toddler that the chicken animal is the same thing as the chicken food and I thought she was going to be concerned. Instead she's chanting "tweet tweet, eat the bird" while shoveling nuggets in her mouth. 9:32 PM · Apr 1, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone"

Weekly Treat: Funniest And Overall Best Animal Tweets

twitter thread about someone encountering a scary-looking animal and not knowing what it is | thumbnail includes a picture of an unknown animal and one tweet 'Plant - Blizz ... @Blizzjuuheardd Boy what the fuck is this shit I'm getting out of tampa bro'

Person Photographs Strange Animal And Freaks Out, Twitter Tries To Figure Out What TF It Is (Viral Tweets)

20 animal memes and tweets | thumbnail left local dog wears hat tweet "Nessa Follow @nessadinneen Finally, some good news LIVE BREAKING NEWS LOCAL DOG WEARS HAT 11:20 "HE'S JUST WEARING IT! ON TOP OF HIS LITTLE HEAD! WOWI WHAT A GOOD BOY!" thumbnail right girl holding owl meme

Mid-Week Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul

twitter thread about cats being affectionate to their humans | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - johannes (yo-han-ehz) / semi-professional cuntboy @JohannesTEvans it's so funny that people think of cats as distant and aloof when frequently cats are just as obsessed with the people they live with as the people are with them and it's so GOOD 8:49 PM · Mar 22, 2022 - Twitter for Android 10.2K Retweets 1,797 Quote Tweets 93.1K Likes'

Actually, Cats Are Not Aloof, They Are Obsessed With Their Humans: Twitter Thread

twitter thread about a restaurant making pizzas for dogs | thumbnail includes two photos of a dog eating pizza and one tweet 'Food - Genie Espinosa @geniespinosa I just found a new pizza place that ALSO do pizzas for dogs (giving benefits to a charity) SO THIS HAPPENED: 11:03 PM - Mar 26, 2022 - Twitter for iPhone 11.9K Retweets 872 Quote Tweets 85.5K Likes'

Discovering A Restaurant That Makes Pizzas For Dogs For Charity (Twitter Thread)

12 dog tweets | thumbnail blue background, tweet "whatthefelk @whattheFELK Just heard a woman say, “I never give my dog medicine I haven't tried first" and her friend responded, “oh, Janet, no." 12:42 AM · Mar 22, 2022 · Twitter Web App 6,139 Retweets 399 Quote Tweets 125.8K Likes"

Bestest Most Rufferific Doggo Tweets Of The Week (March 26, 2022)

twitter thread about a dog butt-texting someone and scaring them | thumbnail includes two message panels and one tweet 'Font - rye. @DopeyMcGeee Fiance is out of town and I fell asleep texting her. Dog came and laid her bare belly on the turned-on screen and managed to send texts that definitely made her think I was having a stroke. J J+!$° A 00:01 & HB yg X do The Brain Hurt' 'Font - & HB yg X do The Brain Hurt Are you ok? N; Baby??? Rve???2? 6:12 PM - Mar 20, 2022 - Twitter'

Dog Sends Texts To Fiancé, Making Her Think Partner Is Having A Stroke: Twitter Thread

22 animal memes and tweets | thumbnail left imessage "relationship goals, glubglub, we broke up a year ago please go get help" fish meme, thumbnail right cat with cone tweet

Mid-Week Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul

viral twitter thread about a person who got rejected from cat sitting | thumbnail includes one tweet and one letter of rejection 'Product - ... @brondotcomputer I got rejected from...catsitting Hi Bronwyn, Thanks tor the call yesterday, it was great to meet you! You seem like a reaily nice person and we enjoyed chatting. But the other applicant we met with is a Marine Biologist. Which pretty much makes her overqualified to be a cat-sitter, but that's why we chose her. I knovi'

Twitter Thread: Woman Gets Rejected From Cat-Sitting For Being 'Underqualified'

15 animal tweets | thumbnail image of dark black dog with white spots around eyes, tweet "Wälf @hupstory this dog got the venom symbiote 1:02 AM · Mar 17, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 35K Retweets 1,453 Quote Tweets 306.5K Likes"

Weekly Treat: Funniest And Overall Best Animal Tweets

14 dog tweets | thumbnail image of guilty dog with mess, tweet "@danielaflorezz_ when your dog somewhere quiet af 11:33 AM · Mar 13, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 27.8K Retweets 2,608 Quote Tweets 142.5K Likes"

Bestest Most Rufferific Doggo Tweets Of The Week (March 19, 2022)

14 cat tweets | thumbnail image of two cats hugging, tweet "@HutCat you are my meow meow. 4:04 AM · Mar 14, 2022 · Twitter for Android 13.4K Retweets 465 Quote Tweets 44.1K Likes"

This Week's Most Supurrb Cat Tweets (March 18, 2022)

17 animal memes and tweets | thumbnail left "Pressing play on Netflix with a full plate of food Finally, Inner Peace" thumbnail right cat tweet "very cozy @pat_dunning been reading a book of mid-century Chinese satirical cartoons. Hua Junwu had the modern meme template pegged before any of us were breathin Nov. 1963 ト Locking at my faults Looking at otiner Peoples aいけら 62. Cat's eyes"

Mid-Week Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul