funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

twitter thread of weird paintings of cats | thumbnail includes a drawing of a cat wearing a rocket and one tweet 'Jaw - The Cultural Tutor @culturaltutor Thread of cats in art - the good, the bad, and the bizarre: Rocket Cat by Franz Helm of Cologne (1530) 19:z. 10:42 AM - Feb 24, 2023 2.1M Views ...'

Twitter Thread Of Cats In Art Throughout History: The Good, The Bad, The Bizarre, And The Absolutely Hilarious

30 tweets about cats | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Cat - Your chances of getting killed by a cat are low, but never zero BAY' and 'White - AT THIS POINT, TIDDLES REALISED MOTHER WAS OFF HER MEDS AGAIN'

30 Chaotic Cat Tweets That Resulted In Feline Fiascos: A Deep Dive Into The Twitter-Verse

25 pictures of cats | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Wood', 'Table - ACE ful place N', and 'Gesture - oy jay @jaymanji_ describe your cats' personalities in one picture each'

"Describe Your Cats In One Picture": Terrific Twitter Thread Holds A Litter Box Full of Kitty Purrsonality (25 Images)

30 pictures of cats | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Drinkware - Put me down I am the Law! @cats_and_cowboy_hats', 'Photograph - @cats_and_cowboy_hats', and 'Font - Cats And Cowboy Hats @CowboyCats'

30 Smol Cats In Cowboy Hats That Are Taking Us For An Adorably Funky Ride Through The Wild West

wholesome hilarious cat twitter felines feline cat tweets funny tweets Cats funny - 19350789

Funniest & Overall Best Cat Tweets Of The Week (February 16, 2023)

twitter thread about a landlord hiring a cat to solve a mouse problem | thumbnail includes a text exchange and one tweet 'Font - Kate Mooney @yatinbrooklyn so my neighbor and i both had mouse sightings this week. here's how our landlord responded: S Nope JL landlord no just my dog who i think does not know how to kill mice... Hmmm are you against a cat coming in for a few weeks? coming in where? (alternate nights) until he hunts and leaves his scent 9:21 PM. Feb 10, 2023 11.9M Views'

'Ok I Located A Cat': Landlord 'Hires' A Cat To Deal With Mouse Problem In Hilarious Text Exchange (Viral Twitter Thread)

twitter thread about people understanding their cats' meows | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - rob @rbngrhm cat owners will hear their cat go "prrrp" in a certain tone and be like "oh one second my cat wants the heating pad turned on" 2:51 AM. Feb 10, 2023 439.3K Views 2,562 Retweets 235 Quote Tweets 19.7K Likes'

When Humans Understand Their Cat's Meows A Little Too Purrfectly: Funny Viral Twitter Thread

20 cat tweets | thumbnail pictures of cat taking a bath in barrel "Take Meow Hand @Cats_Culture Bring me the towel!!!"

Funniest & Overall Best Cat Tweets Of The Week (February 9, 2023)

26 pictures of cats and text | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Computer - dij @DijahSB.6h Replying to @weirdlilguys homework A 2 command X O 70/" 9 W 388888 78888888 10000 G S D X C 4 E ODDION " F V 20 90 F R B N Amade M K command . 8 < L 137 . > r option 7 3 1,374 ₁19.7K', 'Cat - ARTEME @StellaAmato4.16m Replying to @weirdlilguys', and 'Font - cats being weird little guys @weirdlilguys quick what's ur cat doing right now'

The Internet Tweets Candid Cat Pics With Awwdorably Average Results (25 Pictures)

twitter thread about the two different kinds of cat absences | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Megan Wegenke @MegWegenke I don't completely know how to explain this, but as a cat owner you quickly learn that "absence of cat (chill)" and "absence of cat (suspicious)" are two very different kinds of silence 9:19 PM. Feb 1, 2023 . 4M Views 24.9K Retweets 937 Quote Tweets 196K Likes'

Twitter Users Explain The Two Distinct Kinds Of 'Absence Of Cat': Funny And Relatable Cat Ownership Moments

twitter thread about cats who really like bread | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat with a pita in its mouth and a blurry cat running away and one tweet 'Font - This user has entered w... @duckbldg he took my pita and ran 4:22 AM Jan 20, 2023 1.5M Views 7,717 Retweets 218 Quote Tweets 54.8K Likes'

Cat Steals Pita Bread And Bolts, Plus Other Cats Who Are Hilariously Obsessed With Bread (Twitter Thread)

15 tweets cats posing like models | thumbnail left and right cats posing model like "Does anyone else have that perfect pic, where kitty is playing model and posing just right? Let's see it!"

Twitter Thread: Purrfect Pictures Featuring Cats Being Super Models & Posing Just Right

twitter thread about a cat trying to grab a cat gif off someone's computer | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat pawing at a monitor with a cat picture on it and one tweet 'Product - pickle queen @hannahfps my mom actually sat and filmed her doin this to my monitor ... HELLO?? 0:07 910.3K views 834055 12:23 AM - Jan 29, 2023 - 2.4M Views 7,580 Retweets 298 Quote Tweets 104.2K Likes SUDO a ...'

Cat Vigorously Tries To Grab Moving Cat Gif Straight From A Person's Monitor, Mom Films It (Viral Twitter Thread)

52 tweets of cats | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Cat - Chad K @thegroovylion . 9h Replying to @literallymecats' and 'Cat - @MarwaBalkar. Jan 29 Marwa Replying to @literallymecats Sochi pie :'

50+ Randos Tweet Pictures Of Their Purrfectly Fabulous Felines In Viral Thread Making The Internet Go Wild For These Cute Cat Pics

32 cat tweets | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Cat - Curious Zelda @CuriousZelda My humans are here They looking tired They need to sleep But I am WIRED >' and 'Cat - Curious Zelda @CuriousZelda Dec 22, 2022 saw the void It never ends I looked too long And now 5 58 we're friends :'

Adorably Shook Cat Gazes Into Oblivion, Returns With Hilarious Poetic Whiskers From Beyond

twitter thread about a cat sitting on someone's keyboard and causing problems | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Jeremy Gibbs @jeremy_gibbs I spent all night convinced that my MacBook Air had a hardware failure-random text entry, clicking led to weird behavior, etc. I read console logs, booted into safe mode, performed hardware diagnostics. It turns out my cat was sitting on the wireless keyboard in the other room. 7:25 AM. Jan 24, '

Man Thinks His MacBook Broke, Finds Out His Cat Was Sitting On His Wireless Keyboard In The Other Room (Twitter Thread)