I Can Has Cheezburger? Newsletter

funny tumblr

The world of Tumblr is a bizarre one, but there's no doubt that it'll make you laugh. Expect threads on the randomest of topics, dank memes and the occasional cringe or smh.

tumblr thread about giving a dog buttons with recorded words on them to press on when they want something thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Text - moderngargoyle Follow I made the absolutely fucktacular mistake of giving my dog buttons that I recorded words on to talk with and she keeps waking me up in the thrice damned wee hours o the night to tell me and deubtless she eould not POSSIBLY wait until merning to say-that she wants to eat the cat's food'

Tumblr Thread: Teaching Dog To Speak Using Buttons With Recorded Words

Don't. Do. It.
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collection of funny animal tumblr posts thumbnail includes a picture of Usain Bolt posing with a tortoise 'Leg - awisemanoncesaidnothing Usain Bolt posing with his winning tortoise at a tortoise race frantzfandom are you telling me the fastest man in the world spends his free time racing slow ass animals yoheezy are you telling me the fastest man in the world has the fastest slowest animal Source: awisemanoncesaidnothing 775,742 notes ...'

Ending The Week With Funny Tumblr Animal Shenanigans

Time for your tumblr animal treat!
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collection of funny tumblr cat posts thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Text - kramergate my cousin's cat was acting really weird today, freaking out and not letting anyone near her, hissing and growling, and it got so concerning they decided to take her to the vet it took two adults to get the cat into the carrier and in the process my aunt got clawed so badly she had to go to the emergency room for shots/stitches, so eventually the cat gets to the vet the vet has to sedate her to take a look'

End The Week With A Treat: Funny Cat Tumblr Posts

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Christmas themed tumblr posts about animals thumbnail includes one picture of a cat screaming in front of a 2D Christmas tree 'Carnivore - prguitarman Was trying to take a photo of our new 2D Christmas tree when my kitty decided to jump in and become the star Source: prguitarman 222,463 notes ...'

Closing The Year With Christmas Themed Animal Tumblr Treats

Christmas shenanigans - tumblr style
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One of the rarest parrots

kakapo is one of the rarest parrots Its the world's heaviest parrot Its possibly the oldest living bird and It has a subsonic turn that can travel several doesn't even it GALUMPHS there is literally word what this precious is moss potato
Via submariet
tumblr thread about a bird that keeps messing with the dog thumbnail includes a picture of a confused looking dog and the caption 'Text - kingtcholla Follow MY BIRD IS SITTING IN THE TOP CORNER OF HER CAGE CALLING MY DOG’S NAME AND ASKING IF HE WANTS A TREAT AND IF HE WANTS TO GO TO OUTSIDE AND HE'S TOO STUPID TO REALIZE IT’S HER SO EVERYTIME SHE SAYS SOMETHING HE LOOKS AT ME LIKE'

Tumblr Thread: Jerk Parrot Messing With Dog

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tumblr thread about a dumb dog who licks doors whenever he wants to go outside thumbnail includes a picture of a dog licking a closet door and the text 'Now whenever he needs out, he will go to any random door and start licking it. And I mean any door - the bathroom door, my bedroom door, my closet, the goddamn door of a kitchen cabinet, even'

Tumblr Thread: Dog Licks Doors Whenever He Wants To Go Out

the bedroom door, the bathroom door, the cabinet door, the shower door, and the closet door..........
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tumblr thread about kittens in vet clinics getting temporary names and a kitten named 'Trash Bag' getting adopted thumbnail includes a picture of a black kitten and the text 'Text - drferox Follow 'Temporary' Names Vet clinics often have litters of kittens to raise. Either they're too young for a shelter, too sickly, or the clinic intends to adopt them out when they're big enough. Whatever the reason, nurses often end up raising kittens and giving them 'temporary' names. Organism - drferox Foll'

Tumblr Thread: Kitten 'Temporarily' Called 'Trash Bag' Gets Adopted

The best Trash Bag we've ever known
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adorable tumblr thread of what real wolves are like - thumbnail of beginning of thread "if youve never physically been in the presence of like, a real live wolf, and you probably wont get the chance to, heres some stuff about them you should know"

Wholesome Tumblr Thread As To What Real Wolves Are Like

We want to meet a real wolf
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tumblr thread about an academic paper about chickens thumbnail includes a snippet of the paper and all the words in it are 'chicken'

Tumblr Classics: Academic Paper Which Is All Chicken

Chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken
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funny tumblr posts about animals thumbnail includes to pictures of a rabbit including one where someone is touching the rabbit's forehead with their finger and another where they lift their finger and a finer shaped hole stays on the rabbit's head and the caption 'Skin - iridessence I'M SCREAMING this was SO rude Source: hitmewithcute 172,828 notes Oct 18th, 2020'

Tumblr Gets Funny About Animals

your classic tumblr funnies - all about animals
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tumblr thread and posts about a rooster who always lets hens eat snacks first unless its blueberries thumbnail includes a picture of a rooster and the caption 'Text - samandriel Follow the same rooster - god guys he's so cute - he always lets hens eat treats first and won't have any treats until they've had as much as they want, unless it's a blueberry. shit, blueberries are like serious fucking business for Pharaoh. he's a gentleman until the damn blueberries come out and then he don't play no'

Tumblr Thread: Gentleman Rooster Always Lets Lady Friends Eat First

...unless it's blueberries.
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dog decides lawn roomba is sheep and try to herd it - thumbnail of tumblr thread "so one of my neighbors has a lawn roomba or whatever they're called, and this thing.."

Doggo Successful Herds A Lawn Roomba (Tumblr Thread)

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collection of funny tumblr posts and threads about cats thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Text - Imaonade me: "walking* my cat: i am going to run in front of you. i am going to sprint in front of you so fast mid step and you are going to punt me into the sun me: okay sir yes sir Source: Imaonade 228,666 notes'

Catmusing And Funny Tumblr Posts About Cats

Funny cats - tumblr style
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tumblr thread about cat owners sharing stories of their cats screaming at them overdramatically either for silly things or because they're angels who want to protect their humans thumbnail includes one screenshot of text 'Text - lord-kitschener Obviously I want you to take care of your pets and make sure they get food and fresh water on a regular basis, but cats being huge drama queens and screaming hysterically at you and acting like they're tragic famine victims who haven't eaten in weeks and'

Tumblr Users Share Funny Stories Of Cats Being Loud Dramatic Angels

they either want food or they're being angels - no in between
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cute and funny tumblr thread about cats - thumbnail of beginning of tumblr thread, "Me: *Removes my cat from my lap to do something else.*  My cat: Father is…evil? Father is unyielding? Father is incapable of love? I am running away. I am packing my little rucksack and going out to explore the world as a lone vagabond. I can no longer thrive in this household."

Tumblr Thread About How All Cats Talk Like Disparaged Victorian Children

Seems accurate
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