funny tumblr

The world of Tumblr is a bizarre one, but there's no doubt that it'll make you laugh. Expect threads on the randomest of topics, dank memes and the occasional cringe or smh.

animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - catpda how can ppl say cats dont have feelings like. when my cat got deadly sick she refused to eat a single thing and it had been days but when i started crying she ate just a little bit, and upon seeing how happy it made me, kept doing it whenever she could. now whenever im sad or crying she finds wherever i am with a mouthful of food and eats the pieces one by one, every time looking up at me making sure i was watching her eat i

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Adorableness

animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - theradioghost I STEPPED OUTSIDE OF THE FRONT DOOR OF MY OWN HOME ONLY TO FIND THE DEER THAT TRIED TO KICK MY ASS LAST YEAR STANDING RIGHT THERE IN MY FRONT YARD. BOLD AS BRASS. AM I NOT SAFE ANYWHERE ANYMORE theradioghost for those of you who were not here last year: this deer is the most obnoxious, unnatural red-orange color I've ever seen, only appears when it's raining, and once chased me a quarter mile through the woods. her n'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Mild Panic

animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - shikarius: Dad's gotten 1000% better talking about periods since we started using Shark Week euphemisms: "Ah, it's Shark Week?" = "Ah, you started your period?" "Harpoons on deck?" = "Do you have enough pads/ tampons/etc?" "Chum stocks are holding?" = "Do you need chocolate/ midol?" "Supplies are low cap'n" = "Yes, please." "What kind (of shark) is it?" = "How do you feel?" • "It's a Nurse Shark" = "I'm fine/not bad" • "GREAT WHIT'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Cuteness

animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'adobsonartworks Have any of you heard of the Harvard MIT Pigeon Prank? An MIT student dressed in a black-and- white striped shirt went to the Harvard football stadium every day of one summer, blowing a whistle while scattering breadcrumbs or birdseed to coax neighborhood pigeons down onto the field. At Harvard's opening game of the season, upon the referee's first whistle, it's said that hundreds of pigeons descended onto the field, caus'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Chaos

tumblr thread about an affectionate goat with pool noodles on its horns chasing and spooking a horse | thumbnail includes a picture of a goat with pool noodles on its horns and one tumblr post 'Font - It turns out that when someone puts pool noodles on a goat's horns, the goat doesn't really care. They're very light, after all, and she can't see them. You know who cares? Who cares a LOT? the HORSE. Hero took one look at Nutmeg wearing pool noodles and ran away. You know who doesn't want to be l'

Tumblr Thread: Affectionate Goat With Pool Noodles On Its Horns Chases Horse

tumblr thread about a tegu stealing blueberries | thumbnail includes two pictures including a tegu eating blueberries 'kaijutegu Follow I got distracted putting away groceries and SOMEBODY took advantage.' and a tegu in a basket 'She put herself in prison and then passed out'

Tumblr Thread: Delinquent Tegu Steals Some Blueberries

animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes a picture of a shocked cat 'Smile - dragondicks: psychara: worldofmarije: A while ago, I was playing around with Photo Booth. I put my cat in front of the camera and I almost died laughing when he saw himself. He was so shocked! НАНАНА "WHAT HAVE I BECOME" e dragondicks Source: worldofmarije 320,304 notes'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Confusion

animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes a picture of a shocked bird 'Hand - Designer Brand Fumi @blacksmoke1033 This cretin has been dropping sticks down our chimney for weeks and today he finally accidentally dropped himself, this is the face of someone who knows they've been HAD teasugarsalt The blue eyes mark this crow as young, not a full adult. You've been pranked by a teen hooligan. Source: 224,364 notes ...'

Animal Tumblr Posts Of Mischievousness And Shenanigans

tumblr thread about an opossum that infiltrated a cat carrier 'Font - talesfromtreatment Follow Foiled! Today I got to go on one of our runs to more rural shelters to help relieve overcrowding there. We ended up bringing back 21 kittens and 10 dogs. So fun day. But this morning, while I was getting stuff together in preparation for the 90 minute drive.. This happened.'

Tumblr Thread: Infiltration Of The Tiniest Most Dramatic Opossum

collection of funny tumblr dog posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - whatevernatureis my dog: this water no good,, it is too gross. it has bin here in this here water bowl too long for an hour... that... is to long for it to be dranken.. also my dog: this poddle... in the road. it is.. so. refreshing. Source: whatevernatureis 307,322 notes ...'

Funny Tumblr Posts That Are All About Dogs

tumblr posts about getting cats to drink more water thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - straightboyfriend Follow i was worried my cat is dehydrated because i never see him drink water so i've started leaving a cup of water that's "mine" (aka he sees me drink out of it once before he does) in my room so he thinks he is being a rebellious naughty by drinking out of it but rlly he is just following my plan & being hydrated .'

Getting Cats To Drink More Water: Funny Yet Informative Tumblr Posts

tumblr thread about a family cursed by a dachshund thumbnail includes a picture of a tiny dachshund 'Rectangle - unpretty Follow inARL i was walking to class and turned a corner and stopped in my tracks because there was a dachshund and i did not know how to respond Rectangle - unpretty Follow it only just occurred to me that this post is way funnier if you know that my dad has had a scar on his face since before i was born, left there by a dachshund attack'

Tumblr Thread: The Dachshund Family Curse

tumblr posts by badjokesbyjeff od jokes so bad they're good thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Rectangle - BAD JOKES badjokesbyjeff BY JEFF I can't take my dog to the park as all the ducks keep trying to bite him.. My fault for getting one that's pure bread. 3,273 notes'

Animal Jokes So Bad They're Actually Good

wholesome animal tumblr posts thumbnail includes one post 'Font - triflesandparsnips This morning my daughter, who is nearly four, saw the stretch marks on my hips and stomach. She ran her hands over them and asked what they were. "I got them when I grew up," I said, "and a few more when I had you." I grinned down at her. "They're my stripes. You'll get stripes too when you grow up." She was overjoyed. "Really?" I think she's in her room now, pretending to be a tiger. fandomsandfeminism A+ pare'

Tumblr Posts Of Pure Animal Wholesomeness

tumblr thread about medieval beekeepers thumbnail includes two pictures of medieval beekeepers 'Human body - plaguedoctormemes Follow Also i dont know if you guys have ever seen medieval beekeeper garb, but:'

Tumblr Thread: Cursed But Real Medieval Beekeeper Garb

tumblr thread about perfect-looking albatross and their funny baby thumbnail includes a pictures of 2 albatrosses and a baby albatross 'Bird - wittyandcharming Follow THESE PARENT BIRDS ARE SO BEAUTIFUL LIKE BIRDY DRAG QUEENS WITH FLAWLESS EYELINER AND THE BABY LOOKS LIKE AN UNFINISHED MUPPET AND I'M DEAD.'

Tumblr Thread: Albatrosses And Their Muppet-Looking Baby