funny tumblr

The world of Tumblr is a bizarre one, but there's no doubt that it'll make you laugh. Expect threads on the randomest of topics, dank memes and the occasional cringe or smh.

collection of funny tumblr posts and threads about animals thumbnail includes a picture of a tiger with the captions 'FACT OF THE DAY: zebras' stripes are not always black and white. sometimes they are black and orange' and 'this is a giraffe' 'Tiger - officialunitedstates FACT OF THE DAY: zebras' stripes are not always black and white. sometimes they are black and orange throwing-lego this is a giraffe Source: officialunitedstates 1,056,997 notes'

Silly And Funny Tumblr Posts About Animals

tumblr thread about cats going nuts for sweets thumbnail includes two pictures of a cat with its face covered in frosting 'Font - newgoofbootin Follow this photo set gets me every single time. The absolute chaotic narrative of if all. The feral expression of sheer blissful abandon. How much did they already EAT to get so much gooey crumb mess on their face. What even is the PHYSIQUE of this cat?? Spindly slenderman of a creature must, can, and WILL have pink frosting at all costs'

Tumblr Thread: Cats Stopping At Nothing To Get Sweets

a collection of funny cat tumblr posts thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - earnestwoman i love when i see my door open a crack and then a second later i see my cat's beautiful little face wretchedcrone i love when my door is busted open so forcefully that it bounces off the doorframe and my cat barrels onto my bed screaming Source: jollymonk42 239,421 notes'

Starting The Week Purrfectly With Funny Cat Tumblr Posts

tumblr posts about a cockatoo rocking out to music thumbnail includes a picture of a black cockatoo ''

Tumblr Thread: Cockatoo Rocking Out To Metal Music

tumblr posts about cats' random bursts of energy thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - akoiishi Follow Today my cat came galloping like a demon hellfire horse out of our kitchen, did a Tokyo drift around the rocking chair, ran up the couch, and finally launched herself directly into the center of the blinds in the window. The little shit hid under the couch for 3 hours after she brought the blinds crashing down and terrified herself.'

Funny Tumblr Posts About Cats' Unexpected Bursts Of Energy

funny cat tumblr posts thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Rectangle - dappermouth my cat is licking himself loudly and wetly, somewhere in this pitch- black room, and it sounds like there's an old man eating a bowl of chili in the dark with me Source: dappermouth 190,970 notes'

Hiss-terical Cat Tumblr Posts To End The Week On The Right Paw

tumblr thread about stacking things on super lazy cats thumbnail includes a picture of a cat with socks on it 'Asphalt - humantested-turingapproved Follow In case anyone is curious, you can put 27 toddler socks on a lazy cat and she won't move.' and another of a cat with a stack of ski caps on it 'Dog - mostlycatsmostly 23 ski caps and didn't budge'

Tumblr Thread: Lazy Stack-able Cats

tumblr posts about a jerk peacock that scares everyone thumbnail includes two pictures including to peacocks mid-flight and another peacock 'The feral cats, previously unaware that the Death Of The Universe And End Of All Things is currently living as a peacock, ran off at about fifty miles an hour and hid under the barn for the rest of the day. We probably should not have named the Death Of The Universe And The End Of All Things "Goofus," actually.'

Jerk Peacock Runs Around Scaring Everyone (Tumblr Posts)

collection of funny animal tumblr posts thumbnail includes a picture of cracked glass with a warning sign on it 'Water - UH OH! Yes, the glass is cracked, but iť's still strong enough to withstand the strength of our bears. Two inches thick, and several hundred pounds, this glass is made of several layers and is designed to splinter, not shatter. We'll be replacing it soon! CO O OORTY OF OAKIAND Z0 CAFOR retroactivebakeries #this does not fill me with confidence sonic-gems-collection yeah the g'

Ending The Week With A Funny Animal Tumblr Treat

tumblr thread about cats being confused by watching bird videos thumbnail includes two pictures of a black cat watching a laptop screen including one where the cat is super surprised 'Rectangle - muckkles Follow i pulled up this video on youtube that was like 8 hours of birds for cats to watch and i sat my cat in front of it and i didnt think shed be interested cuz she never watches tv or anything but she is Hypnotized Cat - she accidentally paused the video 101-1-'

Tumblr Thread: Cats Confused By Bird Videos

funnt tumblr cat posts thumbnail includes two pictures of a kitten behind a door that has a cat sticker on it 'Property - kawaii-animals-only She thinks she's hiding kittenanarchy help her she's so small unclefather Free her Source: 646,309 notes Apr 23rd, 2016'

Funny Tumblr Posts All About Cats

funny and informative tumblr thread about helping cats eat slowly thumbnail includes a picture of a cat trying to eat from a challenging bowl 'Cat - Kitties who eat too fast get THE PUNI SHMENT B OWL Sometimes cats eat so fast they puke bruh. It's not healthy. pancakemilkshake'

Informative And Funny Tumblr Thread About Helping Cats Eat More Slowly

tumblr posts about pet training not going the way it was expected thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - the-sky-traveler my brother is teaching his cat how to high five by giving her a treat every time she successfully taps her hand to his hand, which is all well and good, but now she thinks that she is entitled to food every time she high fives someone. i can't eat in the same room as her anymore because she'll just bap my hand rapid fire and then go nyoom straight in for my pizza like no'

Training Pets Gone Hilariously Wrong (Tumblr Posts)

funny animal tumblr posts thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - dovalbun RIGHT so when I started my sociology course in college, my teacher stated us off with well I guess we have to do icebreakers. I'm Jon, and I fear bears. why do I fear bears? because bears can run at 30 miles per hour and Chester Zoo is 30 miles away. that means a bear can be outside this door in an hour. why would a bear be here? because they can smell fear and I fear them.' Source: dovalbun 987,566 notes ...'

Funny Animal Tumblr Posts For A Blessed Week

tumblr thread about a senior cat that looks like a human | biggest-gaudiest-patronuses Follow this is small child almost old enough go pre-k, but also little old man wearing fur coat

Tumblr Thread: Senior Cat With The Face Of A Human

tumblr thread about a cat who doesn't know how to meow thumbnail includes a picture of two orange cats with the caption 'Text - Simcoe (left) and Citra (right), both girls. Both rescues. Both biological litter mates (sisters). Both long term loving projects to teach human trust to. Simcoe got 100% of the meowing capabilities.'

Tumblr Thread: Cat That Is Really Bad At Meowing