funny tumblr

The world of Tumblr is a bizarre one, but there's no doubt that it'll make you laugh. Expect threads on the randomest of topics, dank memes and the occasional cringe or smh.

Sneaky and Cheeky: Celebrating 24 Cats Who Are So Cheeky They're Destined Be Sneaky | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a cat standing on its hind legs approaching a car ‘Cat: Excuse me, can you give me a ride home?’ ‘Driver: Which home?’ ‘Cat: Your home.’, the other image shows a cat behind window blinds with its fur poking through the slats ‘my cat thinks he’s hiding from me but he’s so fuzzy his fur sticks through the blinds’

Sneaky and Cheeky: Celebrating the 24 Cats Who Are So Cheeky They're Destined to Be Sneaky

20 cat tumblr posts

A Wholesome Bowl of Cat-Themed Tumblr Gems That Purrfectly Encapsulate How Silly Our Whiskered Pals Are

20 cat themed tumblr posts

Stupendous Series of 20 Hissterical Feline Posts From The Endless Depths Of Cat Tumblr

animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes a picture of a tortoise crashing through a wall and one tumblr post 'Font - Xxziggystardust Follow breadeddragons Follow HEEEEERE'S JOHNNY! the-awkward-turt Follow For those who are wondering, this is not Photoshopped. It is not all that unusual for adult sulcatas to walk/burrow through drywall. Not necessarily for any particular reason, just because they feel like digging and can't be bothered by the frivolity of human structures. bunjywunjy Follow'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Total Absurdity

tumblr thread about a story of a women choosing to marry the one who can catch her cat thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - keuhkopussirotta Follow Story idea: The most wanted woman in town has announced that she'll only marry the one who can open her front door with the key around her cat's neck. Many men try to hunt the cat down, chase and trap it, but to no avail, the cat is simply too quick, smart and clever, and always finds a way to evade and avoid them.'

Tumblr Thread: Prompt About A Woman And The Cat With A Key Around Its Neck

tumblr threads and posts about a cat who keeps causing mischief thumbnail includes two pictures of a cute black cat 'Text - sandersstudies Follow My husband has informed me that around 2-3am he woke up to muffled screaming and discovered that the cat had pulled open the Tupperware drawer and crawled inside, but her weight had closed the drawer and she was stuck inside and needed rescuing.'

Tumblr Thread: Delinquent Cat Keeps Causing Mischief

tumblr thread about the difference between rabbits and hares | thumbnail includes a picture of a hare and a part of a tumblr thread 'Rabbit - ratcoded Follow if you don't know the difference between a hare and a rabbit you've never gazed into the cold wild eyes of a hare and known that if it could speak it would speak backwards' 'gallusrostromegalus Follow Jack Rabbits are North American Hares and they're the WORST to encounter at night becuase'

Tumblr Thread: The Crucial Difference Between Rabbits And Hares

tumblr thread about a man picking up swans and bringing them to safety | thumbnail includes a picture of two boats full of swans and one tumblr post 'Font - This guy's job title is "Schwanenvater", aka "swan father", and his job literally consists of getting swans to safety before the winter chill sets in. How does he do this, you wonder? Easy: he goes up to EVERY SINGLE FUCKING SWAN in the city and sticks them in barges. I'm serious:'

Tumblr Thread: Swan Daddy Bringing All The Swans To Safety

tumblr thread about the two species of the Catopuma | thumbnail includes a picture of a catopuma and one tumblr post 'Organism - silverhawk Follow catopumas are so interesting 2 me bc theres only two species so far in the genus, and its either a very gentle looking asian golden cat'

Tumblr Thread: The Two Very Different Species Of Catopumas

tumblr posts about animals understanding the word 'no' | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - wow-david Follow My parrot has a vague understanding of the word “no." He knows to stop doing what he's doing when he hears it, and he knows how to say it. He knows it's a word that is used when he's doing something he shouldn't be doing. However, being told “no" doesn't make him stop doing it in future. If he's ever out of my sight or if l'm not paying attention, I know exactly when he's doing s'

Animals Understanding The Word 'No' And Not Caring (Tumblr Posts)

animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes a picture of a curious owl looking at a book of bird pictures 'Bird - Arial lefinitite t hinding Ellen D. Hartimeier YEAH, SHE'S GOOD LOOKING, I GUESS. NOT REALLY MY TYPE. I LIKE A BIGGER WINGSPAN. THERE WE GO. PAGE 236. LOOK AT THE PLUMAGE ON THAT ONE. SWEET JESUS. themaefive I ried to scroll past this. SIBLEY BIRDS'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Hoots

animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Product - E sandersstudies Follow My husband is playing DnD with some friends and told me to come look at the cat who is sitting in a chair like a person. My husband handed him a d20 and said "sir you have to roll a stealth check to convince the other party members you are a human" and the cat immediately batted the d20 and rolled a 14. The party cheered for him. sandersstudies Follow The final human player joined the table and'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Cuteness

tumblr thread about a cat causing mischief | thumbnail includes one picture of a man holding a cat up above a pile of cat food and one tumblr post 'Font - kaity--did Follow Do you know how hard it is to live with a cat that has the intelligence level of literally like a 3 year old but the pure chaos of a high ranking demon? He's learned to open the lazy Susan and won't stop clawing open the flour and rolling in it like a little chinchilla'

Tumblr Thread: Criminally Intelligent Cat Causing Chaos

animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Black - junowo Follow i'm so used to how my cats behave that i forgot rudy doesn't have low light vision like them, so i'll come out of my room after dark and turn on my phones light and there will just be a pig in the middle of the room who, from his perspective, thinks i just fucking teleported in front of him and this happens and he's always VERY startled wizardgirl artist rendition of an event that happens nightly'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Ridiculousness

tumblr thread about a rooster who likes blondes and tries to seduce a dog | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - anonymous asked i have a horrible misogynist rooster who only likes blonde hens so i always have to make sure i have 2-3 yellow hens around so he doesn't run anyone ragged. i didn't know this was a problem someone could have but i've had macklemore for eight slutty, slutty years and he's been overly obsessed with the blondness level of his lady friends for the entire time with '

Tumblr Thread: Rooster Who Likes Blondes Only Tries To Seduce Golden Retriever

animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Photograph - should-be-sleeping Seguir In fifth grade a boy tried to impress me by swallowing a whole tadpole live and I punched him so hard that he puked and the tadpole was fine. should-be-sleeping Seguir Truly was not expecting to read anything like that today tarynnasaurus I kept it in a terrarium and it became a normal & despite everything. About a year afterward (I thought) it died, so I sadly put it in a shoebox in the shed until '

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Delightfulness

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