
imgur thread about cats lying down flat on their backs | thumbnail includes two pictures of kittens lying flat on their backs

Cats Lying Flat On Their Backs Because Of Their Totally Exhausting Lives

viral imgur thread explaining overstimulation in cats | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat walking 'Sometimes, you'll be petting or playing with your cat- and they'll scratch you, or nip at you.  It happens to all of us!  This kind of behavior is typically referred to as overstimulation, and there are multiple ways it can happen adrianontherocks'

Why Do Cats Bite Their Humans: Viral Thread Explaining Overstimulation In Cats

viral imgur thread about why it's bad to use spray bottles on cats | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat 'Why you shouldn't use a squirt bottle on your cat, and what to do instead adrianontherocks'

Why Using Squirt Bottles On Cats Can Be Harmful Sometimes (Viral Thread)

story about a man crawling through forty feet of pipes to rescue a kitten stuck in a storm drain | thumbnail includes two pictures including a black kitten in a storm drain and two men sitting above a storm drain 'We realized the only way we were going to get this kitten was to trap him in the section he was in - so this fine gentleman climbed down a neighboring inlet and crawled through about 40 feet of pipe to trap the kitten tapwoodcarving'

Man Crawls Through 40 Feet Of Pipe To Rescue Tiny Black Kitten Stuck In Storm Drain (Viral Thread)

viral imgur thread about a footless lizard | thumbnail includes two pictures of a lizard with no feet sitting on someone's palm ''A story about Metric the footless lizard by CorvusTheCrow'

The Story Of A Person's Footless Lizard: An Awwdorable Viral Thread

viral thread about a large man rescuing two kittens | thumbnail includes two pictures including a tiny kitten in a car and a cat sitting on a man's shoulder

Giant Man Rescues Two Small Kittens And Makes The Internet's Hearts Melt (Viral Thread)

imgur thread about a dog with behavioral issues being returned by its owners and given a second chance by its breeder | thumbnail includes two pictures of a dog 'Per the contract they signed when buying her, they had to inform me first so I could decide what is best for the dog. I immediately brought her home. I didn't want a potentially dangerous dog being rehomed when I knew I could help her. rooloo97'

Couple Gives Up On A Misunderstood Dog With 'Behavioral Issues', But She's Given A Second Chance (Viral Thread)

a slideshow of fascinating doggo photos from Pompei | thumbnail includes  two photos of dogs in pompei

A Delightful Slideshow Of Pompeii Pups & History

 imgur thread about what makes platypuses cool | thumbnail includes a picture of a platypus swimming 'Phoebe the Platypus looks all cute because Platypus is all cute. However these back legs have a sneaky feature. The claws produce venom jonjohnjonjohn'

Platypuses Are Excellent And There Are Many Reasons Why (Viral Thread)

viral imgur thread about adopting two new cats | thumbnail includes two pictures including two cats in cat carriers and a cat looking into a mirror 'New rescues moved in <3 frumplecat'

Adopting Two Cats And The Shenanigans Starts Right Away (Viral Thread)

viral imgur threads about pumas | thumbnail includes two pictures including a baby puma roaring and a puma chilling 'Today I would like to tell you... facts about the Puma. Unfortunately if you have seen a normal cat then you already know almost everything about them as Pumas are the same but bigger... jonjohnjonjohn'

Thread: Pumas Are The Same As Normal Cats, Just Bigger

viral imgur thread about an animal that has 20,000 teeth | thumbnail includes a picture of a creepy-looking snail with teeth

The Animal With 20,000 Teeth: Informative Yet Funny Viral Thread

viral thread about Echidnas | thumbnail includes a picture of an Echidna 'Meet Edison. He is an baby Echidna, called a puggle. He came out of an egg which his mother Edweena stored in a pouch her belly... The Echidna is the oldest living mammal jonjohnjonjohn'

Viral Thread: The Internet Discovers The Cute Yet Hella Weird Echidnas

funny photos of birds acting like jerks | thumbnail includes a picture of a parrot shoving a glass off a table and a picture of a pelican trying to eat a cat

Bird Hijinks Ruining Everything For Everyone: A Thread Of Birbs Being Jerks

viral thread about deer being cool animals and getting their antlers stuck in things | thumbnail includes a photo of a deer with something stuck in its antlers 'In winter Deer are less active to conserve energy. In the spring they explore further and will often come into contact with humans. Dominic is going for a walk around the neighbourhood. There is nothing stuck in Dominic's antlers. Nothing at all jonjohnjonjohn'

Deer Are Pretty Neat And Their Antlers Definitely Never Get Stuck In Anything (Viral Thread)

a delightful compilation of pets at the pet store told through photos | thumbnail includes an iguana and a pet turtle eating salad

How Much Is That Lizard In The Window: A Look At Life Inside A Pet Store Through Photos