happy ending

story of bubby the cat who finally found his forever home - thumbnail of sad looking bubby

Animals Of Instagram Spotlight Of The Week: Bubby, The 3-Legged Cat

collection of stories of rescued animals and their rescuers thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat with a gunshot wound and another of an owl with singed wings

Heroes Of The Month: Celebrating Rescued Animals And Their Rescuers (November 2020)

shelter senior cat is adopted by a senior woman who completes him - thumbnail of senior cat with senior woman

14-Year-Old Cat Finds Purrfect Companion To Share Golden Years With

story about a kitten who was found frozen to a truck tire getting adopted by the man who saved her thumbnail includes two pictures including one of the kitten wrapped up in blankets and held by a vet and another of the tiny kitten wrapped up in blankets up close to the camera

Kitten Found Frozen To Truck Tire Adopted By Man Who Saved It

story about an owl that was rescued from inside of a Christmas tree getting released back into the wild thumbnail includes two pictures including an owl inside a box surrounded by Christmas tree parts and another of a woman letting a tiny owl go and the owl flying away

Tiny Owl Rescued From Christmas Tree Is Set Free

heroic man jumps into pond after alligator that grabbed his puppy, he wrestles with the alligator's jaws and frees his dog - thumbnail includes two images one of the man working to open the alligator's jaw to free his dog and one where the dog escapes the alligator's jaws

Heroic Man Saves His Puppy From Jaws Of An Alligator

video about the smallest bunny in the world being born to a rescue rabbit and having a near death experience but surviving and living happily thumbnail includes two pictures of the smallest bunny in the world

Rescued Rabbit Gives Birth To The Tiniest Bunny In The World (Video)

story about a horse who got stuck up to its neck in frozen mud and was rescued and is expected to recover thumbnail includes two pictures including a horse stuck in frozen muddy water and another of a horse lifted up using straps around its bpdy

Horse Rescued From Icy Mud Hole, Recovering Well

video about a baby deer asking a woman to rescue it

Couple-Day-Old Deer Fawn Asks Woman To Rescue It

story about a very large cat who weighed 41 pounds and had to be carried around in a stroller losing 22 pounds thumbnail includes two pictures of before and after the cat's weight loss one of a really fat cat held by a veterinarian and another of the same cat after the weight loss lying with its owner

Forty One Pound Chonk Cat Is Now Half As Chonky And Gets The Zoomies

story about a kitten nursery that is looking for volunteers to help take care of injured and hurt kittens thumbnail includes two pictures including one of a tiny kitten being bottle fed and another of a tiny orange cat without an eye

Kitten Nursery Doing Incredible Work But Is In Need Of Volunteers

story about a parrot who saved his owner from a housefire by calling the owner's name thumbnail includes one picture of a man sitting and holding a parrot with firefighters in the background

Parrot Saves Owner's From Fire By Calling Owner's Name

update on the story of a cat getting shot in the face he's doing amazing now thumbnail includes two pictures including an injured ginger cat and another of the same ginger cat being held by one of his caretakers

Cat With Gunshot Wound Gone Through Surgery And Is 'Doing Amazing'

story about an owl that was rescued from the California wildfires by firefighters thumbnail includes two pictures including the owl with its spread out wings singed and another of the owl making a funny face at the camera with its caretaker behind it

Owl With Singed Wings Rescued From Silverado Fire

collection of stories about people heroically saving animals thumbnail includes two pictures including one of a large officer with a tiny kitten on its shoulder and another of firefighters smiling at the camera and a deer in a blanket

Heroes Of The Month: Celebrating Rescued Animals And Their Rescuers (October 2020)

story about a stranded dolphin who was rescued and released back into the wild in India thumbnail includes two pictures including people carrying the dolphin on a stretcher together and another of a man holding the dolphin about to release it into the river

Dolphin Stranded In A Canal Rescued And Released Back Into The Wild