happy ending

story about two rescued orphaned manatees getting released back into the wild after a successful rehabilitation in a zoo thumbnail includes a picture of one of the manatees in water with an aquarium worker

Rescued Manatees Getting Released Back Into Wild After Successful Rehabilitation

story about a man who was reunited with his dog after 200 days apart thumbnail includes two pictures of the man and his dog including one of the dog nosing at the man's face and another of the man wiping his tears

Man Drives 1200 Miles To Reunite With Lost Dog

story about an abducted lemur returning to the zoo and being reunited with its family thumbnail includes two pictures of the lemur sitting | cute animal with a long striped tail and round yellow eyes

Abducted Lemur Reunited With Its Family

story about a fundraiser yoga class held with rescued farm animals thumbnail includes two pictures including a woman doing a yoga pose with a goat next to it and another of a woman doing a yoga pose with a pony behind her

Rescued Farm Animals Join Fundraising Yoga Class And Enjoy Nature

story about a porcupine who was rescued from the labor day wildfires and immediately after her release was reunited in the trees with her mate thumbnail includes two pictures including one of the porcupine lying flat sploot on its stomach and another of the porcupine snuggled up in a blanket

Porcupine Rescued From Wildfires Reunited With Its Mate

story of a 4 to 6 week old mountain lion cub who was rescued by firefighters from the California wildfires thumbnail includes a picture of the mountain lion cub covered in a pink blanket

Mountain Lion Cub Rescued From California Wildfires

story about an adorable puppy who was rescued from the rubble of the California wildfires thumbnail includes two pictures including a black dirty puppy being picked up from the rubble and another with the puppy on the ground being fed a treat

Puppy Discovered In The Rubble Of The California Wildfires

corgi that has one eye and two noses is living happily with two other corgis thumbnail has a picture of a corgi with one eye and two noses

Cheerful Corgi Has One Eye And Two Noses

kitten kittens happy ending vet wholesome cute saved story pictures pics adorable cat buttons cats

Kitten With Broken Jaw Saved Thanks To A Creative Use Of Buttons

reunited cat missing found lost shelter animals pets microchip aww happy ending cats | man in a face mask holding his lost cat

Man Reunites With Lost Cat When Searching For A New Cat At Shelter

clever stray cat adopted market food pointing animals aww smart cute | funny white cat reaching with a paw up to a high shelf to grab a bag of cat food at a supermarket

Stray Cat Leads Woman Into Store, Points At Food And Leaves Adopted

reddit student cat parents sad upsetting happy ending animals | Posted by u/nexerxe 7 days ago 6. 2 5 had my parents watch my cat my first year college because couldn't have her my dorm. Two months bringing her up live with and they give her away without telling They've been bad before, but my heart is broken now. Here is text exchange SMS know very upset. No don't think have any idea Today 15:42 Where is my cat Where is my cat Delivered

Internet Helps Student Find Their Cat, After Parents Secretly Gave it Away

hero brave adopted happy ending amazing rescued Video rescue - 7448069

Officer Swims Through Frozen Lake To Rescue A Pup And Then Adopts The Pup

happy ending pup rescued rescue - 7371525

A Scared And Abandoned Pup Gets Rescued And You Can Feel The Gratitude

paralyzed kitten happy ending Video rescue - 355847

Paralyzed Kitten Is Given a Second Chance Thanks to Some Very Kind People

shih tzu grooming happy ending animal shelter rescue - 1520389

Neglected Dog Sits in a Shelter Until She Gets Noticed by Someone Who Sees the Potential Under All That Fur