happy ending

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Rescuers Save an Abused and Elderly Cat Who Won't Let Them Touch Her, but Then Something Changes

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Florida Woman Is Finally Allowed to Keep Her Pet Alligator and We're So Happy for Her

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A WWII Veteran Has Finally Been Reunited With His Precious Pup After 10 Long Days

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Watch a One-Eyed Street Cat Transform Into a Healthy and Happy Feline

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Firefighters Rescue Baby Ducklings That Fell Through a Grate

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A Clever Vet Managed to Save Conquer the Goldfish After a Pebble Got Stuck in His Throat

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Rescued Kittens Get Adopted by a Sweet Dog Named Bitsy

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Affectionate Cat Thanks Human for Rescuing Him Hours Before He Was Supposed to Be Euthanized

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Flight Attendant Gets Adopted by a Stray Dog and Decides to Return the Favor

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Cola the Rescue Dog is So Incredibly Happy About His New Prosthetic Legs

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Curiosity Almost Killed This Cat That Got Her Head Stuck in a Grate

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Marine Takes His Beloved Labrador on a Farewell Trip Across the Country After She's Diagnosed With Cancer

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These Sailors Spent Their Independence Day Rescuing a Drowning Raccoon

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House Inspector Finds a Grumpy Floof in Desperate Need of a Home

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This Kitten Survived a Three Hundred Mile Ride In the Bumper of a Navy Helicopter Pilot's Car

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Good Guy Lowe's Hired a Man and His Support Dog After No One Else Would