happy ending

story about an owl that was shot three times recuperating and getting released back into the wild thumbnail includes two pictures including one of a scan of an owl with three gunshot wounds and another of a great horned owl being released back into the wild

Owl Found With Three Gunshot Wounds Recuperates And Returns To The Wild

video of a puppy who was abandoned in a cats' colony getting rescued and adopted thumbnail includes two pictures including a puppy eating from a pile of food next to a cat and another of the puppy being held by a woman

Tiny Abandoned Puppy Found Inside A Cat Colony Gets Adopted (Video)

story about an injured owl getting released back into the wild thumbnail includes two pictures including two women letting an owl out of a carrier and another of a snowy owl flying

Injured And Rescued Snowy Owl Released Back Into The Wild

story of firefighters coming to rescue a kitten stuck in a tree but the kitten jumps off on its own and climbs up another tree thumbnail includes two pictures of a kitten in a tree and a firefighter reaching out to catch it but it jumps off on its own

Firefighters To Rescue Feisty Kitten Stuck In Tree, It Jumps Down On Its Own

cat escapes at airport, reunited with owner after 11 days - thumbnail of scared cat being held

Cat Survives 11 Days In Airport Ceiling, Reunited With Owner

viral imgure thread of a sick dog getting rescued and adopted by a NASA pilot thumbnail includes two pictures including a malnourished dog on the ground and another of a happy dog on grass '"While super sweet, Dobby was not in great shape when we first met her. She was malnourished and had a pretty bad case of mange."  -kdoremus105'

Journey Of Malnourished And Sick Dog Getting Rescued By NASA Pilot

story about a bear cub getting rescued thumbnail includes one picture of a bear cub

Rescued Lost And Injured Bear Cub Will Be Released Into The Wild After Winter

tumblr thread about an abused dog getting adopted and learning to bark again thumbnail includes a picture of a dog '"When I got her, she’d been abused and would cower and pee at almost everything, and had been mistreated when she’d barked, so she never would. I had to re-teach her to bark by gathering her whole human pack and having everyone bark and howl and feed her treats and pet her till she got excited enough to join in."'

Tumblr Thread: Dog Previously Mistreated For Barking Learns To Bork Again

story about two kittens being rescued from getting crushed in a recycling plant thumbnail includes a picture of two newborn kittens with their eyes closed

Two Newborn Kittens Rescued From Recycling Plant

collection of the most positive animal news stories of December 2020 thumbnail includes two pictures including one of a dog with prosthetic hind legs wearing a medal and another of two tiny possums sitting on someone's fingers

Thirty Most Positive Animal News Stories Of December

story about a homeless man running into a burning animal shelter and rescuing all of the animals inside it thumbnail includes two pictures of a black homeless man with two rescued dogs

Homeless Man Rescues All Animals From A Burning Shelter

story about a feral blind kitten getting reunited with his half-blind cat brother thumbnail includes a picture of a blind ginger kitten and a half-blind ginger cat

Blind Feral Kitten Reunited With His Half-Blind Brother

story about a small dog falling off the side of a cliff and getting rescued by firefighters thumbnail includes two pictures including a firefighter holding a dog in their arms on a cliff and another of the dog being returned to its owner

Small Dog Heroically Rescued From Cliff

story about a baby elephant that was hit by a motorcycle while crossing the road getting cpr and surviving as well as being returned to its mother thumbnail includes two pictures including a baby elephant lying on the road and receiving cpr and another of the baby elephant back with its mother

CPR Revives Baby Elephant, It Returns To Its Mother Safely

collection of the most positive animal news stories of 2020 thumbnail includes a smiling man surrounded by dogs and a roaring baby mountain lion | To remind everyone that 2020 wasn't all bad.

Forty Most Positive Animal News Stories Of 2020

story about a circus bear getting rescued and brought into sanctuary thumbnail includes two pictures including a bear in a cage and a bear with apples

Circus Bear Living In Terrible Conditions Rescued And Brought To Sanctuary