happy ending

story about a horse and a pony who were stuck in mud for18 hours getting rescued thumbnail includes two pictures including firefighters rescuing a pony from a hole in the ground and another of a woman next to a rescued horse

Pony And Horse Stuck In Mud For 18 Hours Get Rescued

video of a dog going through a weight loss journey thumbnail includes a picture of an obese dog

Obese Dog Loses Weight And Can't Stop Smiling (Video)

viral imgur thread about a cat who was abused by its previous owner getting adopted and going through surgery successfully thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat with a cast and another of a cat with a cast being hugged '"We weren't sure if his leg was too damaged to repair since the band had been on there for weeks. But his surgery went really well! The surgeon was able to repair his severed Achilles tendon, remove the dead tissue, and piece his leg back together." - thecomfycat'

Abused Cat Gets Adopted And Has Successful Surgery To Fix Broken Leg (Viral Thread)

collection of the most positive animal news stories of January thumbnail includes two pictures including one of a blind cat and another of a horse a dog and a pony who all have the same looking spots

Thirty Most Positive Animal News Stories Of January

viral imgur thread about a cat with behavioral issues getting adopted thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten and another of a cat and a dog cuddling '"Gorgeous cats like Kyrie get a LOT of attention and people tend to... say they’re okay with the behavior problems and then return the cat a week later because they aren’t perfect... Well, we hit the jackpot for Kyrie." - adrianontherocks'

Terrified Kitten Falls In Love With New Adoptive Family (Viral Thread)

Story about a dog saving her owner's life from an oncoming car thumbnail includes two pictures including a dog lying on its back and another of a dog in a rescue vest

Previously Abused Dog Saves New Owner, Dragging Her Away From Oncoming Car

video of a badly injured puppy found by highway getting nursed back to health and adopted thumbnail includes two pictures including a scared dog hiding and another of two dogs cuddling

Injured Dog Found By Highway Sprints To New Adoptive Family (Video)

story about a pair of polar bear cubs getting abandoned by their natural mother and adopted by four human foster moms thumbnail includes a picture of two polar bear cubs

Abandoned Polar Bear Cubs Get Pampered By Their Adoptive Human Moms

story about a blind senior feral cat getting rescued thumbnail includes two pictures including one of a blind cat and another of a cat lying down

Feral Blind Senior Cat Gets Adopted, Becomes BFFs With Another Cat

story about a dog falling through thin ice and getting rescued thumbnail includes two pictures including a police officer in a frozen river rescuing a dog and the police officer next to a dog that's wrapped up in a blanket

Dog That Fell Through Thin Ice Gets Rescued

story about an owl that was shot three times recuperating and getting released back into the wild thumbnail includes two pictures including one of a scan of an owl with three gunshot wounds and another of a great horned owl being released back into the wild

Owl Found With Three Gunshot Wounds Recuperates And Returns To The Wild

video of a puppy who was abandoned in a cats' colony getting rescued and adopted thumbnail includes two pictures including a puppy eating from a pile of food next to a cat and another of the puppy being held by a woman

Tiny Abandoned Puppy Found Inside A Cat Colony Gets Adopted (Video)

story about an injured owl getting released back into the wild thumbnail includes two pictures including two women letting an owl out of a carrier and another of a snowy owl flying

Injured And Rescued Snowy Owl Released Back Into The Wild

story of firefighters coming to rescue a kitten stuck in a tree but the kitten jumps off on its own and climbs up another tree thumbnail includes two pictures of a kitten in a tree and a firefighter reaching out to catch it but it jumps off on its own

Firefighters To Rescue Feisty Kitten Stuck In Tree, It Jumps Down On Its Own

cat escapes at airport, reunited with owner after 11 days - thumbnail of scared cat being held

Cat Survives 11 Days In Airport Ceiling, Reunited With Owner

viral imgure thread of a sick dog getting rescued and adopted by a NASA pilot thumbnail includes two pictures including a malnourished dog on the ground and another of a happy dog on grass '"While super sweet, Dobby was not in great shape when we first met her. She was malnourished and had a pretty bad case of mange."  -kdoremus105'

Journey Of Malnourished And Sick Dog Getting Rescued By NASA Pilot