happy ending

story about a dog who got viciously attacked by three other dogs getting adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures including a happy white dog and an injured white dog

Heartwarming Rescue Of A Dog Who Was Terribly Injured After Getting Attacked By Three Dogs

a video about a dog who was dumped for not being designer getting a happy ending | thumbnail includes a dog in a cage

Dog Dumped For Not Being "Designer" Finds Furever Home (Video)

story about a kitten with paralyzed hind legs learning to walk again | thumbnail includes two pictures of a ginger kitten with paralyzed hind legs

Kitten With Paralyzed Hind Legs Determinably Fights To Start Walking Again

story about a man taking care of a very sick kitten then finding her and her sister a forever home | thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten on a man's shoulder and a man and a kitten booping noses

Man Protects Sick Newborn Kitten, Staying With Her Until She And Her Sister Found A Forever Home

a story about a roommate whose dog accidentally threw a cat out of the window with a happy ending | thumbnail includes text saying 'AITA if my dog accidentally killed my roommates cat while I'm not home? So my roommate(28F) and I(27F) have lived together for 3 years. We each have a pet. I have a dog(Eros) and my roommate has a cat(Tut). They have always been best friends because they were raised together and got along since they were similar in size(Eros is 15'

Woman's Dog Chases His Roommate's Cat Out Of A Window: Who Is Responsible

story about a cat who was abandoned in the middle of active labor getting rescued | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat and kittens and a note 'Brown - Please help US Please help us!! y homans rere trash and &usholes'

Cat In The Middle Of Active Labor Found Abandoned Outside With A Note

story about a cat adopting a kitten | thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten held in someone's palm and a cat cuddling a kitten

Cat Momma Adopts An Abandoned Kitten And Raises It Alongside Her Own

story about a cat who always looks sad | thumbnail includes two pictures of a sad looking kitten with a genetic condition

Kitten With Rare Condition Who Always Looks Sad Becomes A Total Cuddle Monster

video of three feral kittens getting rescued | thumbnail includes one picture of three kittens hiding under a couch part

Rescuing Three Terrified And Sick Feral Kittens (Video)

ICanHasCheezburger original story about a rescued goat getting brain surgery | thumbnail includes two pictures of a goat no a surgery table

Wild Goat Braves Life-Saving Brain Surgery Only To Come Back Stronger

story about a cat with four ears getting adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures of a cat with four ears 'Rescued Cat Born With 4 Ears Finally Finds A Forever Home'

Rescued Cat Born With 4 Ears Finally Finds A Forever Home

video of a senior dog who was abandoned in a cemetery getting rescued | thumbnail includes a picture of a dirty dog getting petted

Brave People Break Into Cemetery To Rescue And Abandoned 15-Year-Old Dog (Video)

story about a stray sick kitten getting adopted and transforming into a gorgeous white cat | thumbnail includes two pictures including a sick stray cat and a fluffy white cat '"She was so pitiful to look at. Her skin was infected and wounded and she smelled very bad," - Nur Hamizah'

Wounded And Sick Stray Cat Gets Rescued And Completely Transforms

story about a calf found suckling milk from its dead mother getting rescued and loving hugs thumbnail includes two pictures including a calf being operated on and another of a calf hanging out with a person and other animals

Tiny Helpless Calf Gets Rescued And Learns How To Love Humans And Hugs

story about a tiny owl with fish hook in its wing getting rescued by father and son thumbnail includes two pictures including a tiny owl in a bucket and a tiny owl in sitting on someone's hand

Tiny Owl Tangled In Fishing Line With Hook In Its Wing Gets Rescued

story about a rat stealing a cat's GPS tracker and sending the owner on a wild chase thumbnail includes two pictures including a man holding a cat and a map with lines drawn over it

Rat Steals Cat's GPS Collar, Sends Owner On A Wild Chase