happy ending

story about a dog that was stranded on a lake getting adopted by her rescuer thumbnail includes two pictures including a dog on a frozen lake and a guy and a dog hugging

Dog Rescued From Frozen Lake Gets Adopted By Rescuer

story about a teacher rescuing an injured fox using cat treats thumbnail includes two pictures including a closeup of a fox and another of a fox under a car with someone handing it cat treats

Teacher Rescues Injured Fox Using A Box Of Cat Treats

story about a seal that was rescued 4 times in 3 different countries thumbnail includes two pictures including a seal coming out of a carrier and a seal near the ocean

Adventurous Seal Rescued 4 Times In 3 Different Countries

story about a Thai sailor who saved 4 kittens from a burning ship thumbnail includes two pictures of a man swimming with a kitten on his back

Heroic Thai Sailor Rescues 4 Kittens From Burning Ship

story about an abandoned pet tiger finding a forever home thumbnail includes two pictures including on of a caged tiger and one of a free tiger

Rescued 'Pet' Tiger Finds Forever Home At Wildlife Sanctuary

Story about a cat rescued from a fire being given an oxygen mask to breathe thumbnail includes a picture of a firefighter holding an orange cat in his hands with another firefighter pressing an oxygen mask to the cat’s face

Cat Given Oxygen Mask After Being Rescued From Fire

collection of positive animal news stories about animals thumbnail includes two pictures including a yellow penguin and a fish wearing a life jacket

Twenty-Five Most Positive Animal News Stories Of February

story about orphaned baby bats being released back into the wild thumbnail includes two pictures including an upside down bat with its tongue out and another of a baby bat covered in a blanket

Three Months After State-Wide Rescue Mission, Orphaned Baby Bat Released

story about two captive-born cheetah brothers getting released into the wild thumbnail includes a picture of a cheetah with a collar licking the forehead of another cheetah

First Ever Captive-Born Cheetah Brothers Successfully Released Into The Wild

story about a bomb squad coming to disable a suspicious bag only to find it full of kittens thumbnail includes two pictures including a picture of newborn kittens on a white towel and another of a cat in a carrier bag

Bomb Squad Called In To Disable Suspicious Bag, Finds It Full Of Abandoned Kittens

story about a disabled goldfish getting a handmade tiny life jacket thumbnail includes a picture of a goldfish in a lifejacket

Disabled Goldfish That Can't Swim Is Saved With Hand-Made Life Jacket

story about two orphaned otter cubs getting rescued thumbnail includes two pictures of two otter cubs held in someone's hands

Two Orphaned Otter Cubs Wandering The Streets Get Rescued

video about a dog who was in a cage for his whole life getting rescued thumbnail includes a picture of a happy golden retriever

After Spending Whole Life In A Cage, Dog Runs On The Beach (Video)

story about a man and a swan who have been friends for the past 37 years after he rescued it thumbnail includes two pictures including a man hugging a swan and an excited swan standing next to a man

Heartwarming 37-Year Friendship Between A Man And The Swan He Rescued

viral thread about a dog who was chained up for a year and a half getting adopted thumbnail includes two pictures of a happy dog 'He spent the first year and a half chained up before being rescued. Didn't even have a name. Yesterday he came home with me. Never going to see a chain again. He's a good boy. - poorschmuck'

Dog That Spent Year And A Half Chained Up Gets Rescued (Viral Thread)

viral thread about a cat who was rehomed 5 times finally finding its forever home thumbnail includes two pictures of a ginger cat 'A rescue kitten who has been re-homed 5 times. We saw his little face on the ad, called... and they basically told us he would pee on everything we owned... We've had him almost 3 weeks now, and would you believe it not a single incident outside the litter box!! He was scared at first of course but he warmed up quick and is seriously the sweetest boy.-bythez'

Nervous Kitty Re-Homed 5 Times Finally Finds Forever Home (Viral Thread)