funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

21 tweets cats working

Tantalizing Tweets of the Fluffy Feline Variety Featuring Hard-Working and Purrfessional Cats Hustling From 9 to 5

The Most Entertaining Cat Tweets That Are Hissterical And Purrfect

The Most Entertaining Cat Tweets On Twitter That Are Hissterical And Purrfect

20 lolcats

Top 20 Cat Memes of The Week - Cheezburger Users Edition #338

19 cat tweets

The Freshest and Funniest Feline Tweets of the Week (March 28, 2024)

viral twitter thread about a male cat that instantly fell in love with the first female cat that he saw | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Quentin @Tangrenin A girl at a party tonight was talking about when moving in with her bf, she brought her female cat. And her bf male cat was completely baffled and in awe for weeks, following her and looking at her all the time, forgetting to eat, etc 2:17 AM Mar 24, 2024 .8.6M Views 221 10K 213K ☐ 13K 企'

Boyfriend's Male Cat Meets Girlfriend's Female Cat For The First Time And Instantly Falls In Love, Forgetting To Eat And Following Her Around

viral twitter thread about a cat somehow ordering a bed for itself on Amazon | thumbnail includes two pictures including a dog in a bed and a ginger cat and two tweets '...what do you mean "purchased one time," i don't remember buying this why is that today's date' and 'jeeyonardo dicaprio 심지연 @jeeyonshim did my cat just buy himself a bed, i'm 3:25 AM · Mar 21, 2024 44.8K Views crying'

Shocked Cat Owner Returns To Her Phone Only To Discover That Her Cat Somehow Ordered A Cat Bed For Himself From Amazon

19 cat tweets

The Funniest Cat Tweets From This Past Week (March 20, 2024)

viral twitter thread about a cat behaving horribly at the vet's | thumbnail includes a picture of a fluffy grey cat and one tweet 'Alice Wickenden @AliceWickenden Guess who managed to shake off two I doses of sedative within 10 seconds of getting to the vet, break her carrier, refuse adamantly to get vaccinated, and be called 'in the top ten' of worst behaved cats they've ever seen: 5:29 PM Mar 13, 2024 3.4M Views 2K 172K 38K 905 ↑'

Cat Declared To Be 'In The Top 10' Of The Worst Behaved Cats Prompts Other Twitter Users To Share Their Own Hissterical Vet Stories

20 pictures of cats being weird little guys

20 Hissterical Pictures of Cats Being Weird Little Guys

20+ Purrfect Cat Tweets Featuring Your Favorite Funny Feline Friends

20+ Purrfect Cat Tweets Featuring Your Favorite Funny Feline Friends

25 cat tweets

Best Cat Tweets of the Week From the Feline Corner of the World Wide Web (March 14, 2024)

34 cat memes

A Heartwarming Helping of Hilarious Cat Memes Featuring Felines Being Purrfect Little Angels and Not Getting Into Any Mischief Whatsoever

22 cat tweets

Best Cat Tweets of the Week From the Feline Corner of the World Wide Web (March 7, 2024)

28 cat memes

A Litter Box Full of Hissterical Cat Memes To Scoop Up Happily With A Side Of Laughter

viral video about two cats causing chaos in a vets office | thumbnail includes one security photo with two people in a room and a cat running across the camera and one tweet 'wukko @uwukko the cats flying across the camera??? people just standing in shock?? this is real cinema'

2 Chaotic Cats Baffle Vet and Owner, Wreaking Havoc As They Fly And Zoom All Across The Room

wholesome hilarious cat feline funnies hysterical twitter adorable heartwarming funny memes cute felines cute cats feline cat tweets silly funny tweets Cats funny cat memes - 24723461

Every Day Is Caturday At ICanHasCheezburger With A Phenomenal Frenzy of Feline Funnies