funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

13 animal tweets | thumnbnail side by side image of a dad with daughter's new dog in arms, tweet reads "dad: dont bring home any more dogs, also my dad with my new dog"

Weekly Treat: Funniest And Overall Best Animal Tweets

List of funny raccoon memes from twitter and reddit |  thumbnail includes

Raccoon Medley: Trash Panda Tweets And Memes

This week’s collection of cat tweets | thumbnail includes two tweets of cat photos, text reads 'She is auditioning to become a throw rug.' and 'A (very) rich evening loaf today, friends?'

12 Supurrb Cat Tweets We Found On Twitter

Halfway To Caturday cat memes | thumbnail includes two cats holding hands and the text 'Just want y'all to know my cats fell asleep on the couch holding hands"

Halfway To Caturday; Fun Memes About Cute And Cuddly Cats

viral tweets and memes about capybaras taking over a neighborhood in Argentina | thumbnail includes two pictures of capybaras and

Hundreds Of Capybaras Now Rule A Neighborhood In Argentina: Funny Memes And Tweets

tweets appreciating bears | thumbnail includes a picture of a bear sitting and a fact about bears and one tweet 'Vertebrate - clair without the "e" ... @nastywomanatlaw "why are you crying?" because bears sit and look at good views SENSE OF BEAUTY -many people have witnessed bears in the wild partaking in unusual behavior such as sitting still for long periods of time in one spot doing apparently nothing but staring at scenic vistas such as sunsets, lakes and mountains. There is'

Twitter Thread: Giving Bears Some Much-Needed Love

12 tweets with photos of pets taken out of context | thumbnail includes

Pets Who Have Some Explaining To Do: Wacky Photos Of Animals With Zero Context

12 animal tweets | thumbnail left dog jumping on guy, thumbnail right tweet text "bro stop, I don't wanna play" my dog: "

Weekly Treat: Funniest And Overall Best Animal Tweets

list about fancy dogs | thumbnail includes a photo of a dog lounging on the couch and the text 'My dog was definitely a dramatically wealthy woman in his previous life'

Fancy Bois: Awwdorable Photos Of Sophisticated Dogs

list of this week's funniest cat tweets | thumbnail is a tweet saying 'y cat pooped in the flower pot (fake flower) I put on work desk. Because there's sand in the pot. my Why do I love cats'

This Week's Most Supurrb Cat Tweets

a list of cute animals who are truly a part of the family | thumbnail includes a dog wearing a graduation cap and the text 'My son Graduated from #TexasTech this weekend and our puppy dog Fergie was excited to be there to support him. Congratulations Connor.'

Precious Pets Who Are Proud To Be Part Of The Family

19 animal memes and tweets | thumbnail left harry potter cosplay dog tweet "When your dog is a better Harry Potter cosplayer than you." thumbnail left rat watching rattatoullie meme "i want my rats to grow up with positive role models. so we watched ratatouille together. gravy was really into it."

Mid-Week Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul

list about a cute giant tortoise on twitter | thumbnail includes a giant tortoise eating a pumpkin and the tweet "Happy #FirstDayofFall, Pals! In honor of this occasion, here's a picture of me with a pumpkin. Enjoy the season!"

Thoughts From Big Al The Giant Tortoise

compilation and roundup of funny animal memes and tweets for October | thumbnail includes a photo of two dogs and the caption 'September 20th vs October 1st'

Fresh And Fun Animal Medley For October

14 animal tweets | thumbnail tweet text I know we're all tired of being on Zoom, but some important Zoom etiquette reminders: - everyone wants to see your cat - don't just say “my cat is here," hold your cat up to the camera so we can see it - when your cat is on camera, either say "cat" or type "cat" in the chat

Weekly Treat: Funniest And Overall Best Animal Tweets

funny twitter thread about pets who trespass where they shouldn't | thumbnail includes two photos of a cat in a science lab with the caption 'CAT. THERE IS A CAT IN THE LAB. A CAT'

Pets Sitting Places They Shouldn't: An Awwdorable Collection Of Funny Photos