funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

a compilation of funny cat memes on the internet | thumbnail includes text saying 'take me to the fridge tiny human' and also 'I took film classes from a Czech guy who was like "when I was in my country I make movie about cat who wear sunglasses, and he shows people true feelings" and years later I saw it and it kicks ass. It's called The Cat Who Wore Sunglasses.'

Halfway To Caturday: Cat Memes And Tweets

22 animal memes and tweets | thumbnail left dinosaur tweet "Father Drinks McGee: Necromanc... ... @drinksmcgee The Flamingo was the only natural predator of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. 7:04 PM · 1/21/21 · Twitter for Android" thumbnail right cat meme "My cat is afraid of baths so in order to get him into one I have to fill it with rubber ducks"

Mid-Week Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul

a funny twitter thread with users showing images of how to tell they have a cat without showing the cat | thumbnail includes two images of kitty carnage and the caption 'tell me you have a cat without telling me you have a cat'

Hoomans Show Hiss-terical Ways To Tell Whether Someone Has A Pet Cat

funny tweets about cats moms and the difficulties of pregnancy | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat with a bunch of kittens all over it and one tweet 'Product - Shawna B @theproestdwarf One of my favorite very specific image genres is cats that look completely unprepared for the realities of parenthood. 8:05 PM Nov 13, 2021 - Twitter Web App 19.3K Retweets 468 Quote Tweets 117K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Cats Who Are Unprepared For The Realities Of Parenthood

a list of funny tweets about cats using their humans as walking arms | thumbnail includes two tweets that say 'just realized l'm my cat's rich friend' and 'Let's be honest. You're that cat's personal assistant'

Twitter Thread: Cats Using Their Hoomans As ATMs

17 animal themed tweets | thumbnail blue background with tweet "@SirOpsALot I just learned that 1 horse has about 15 horsepower and I'm so mad I can't think straight 9:43 PM - Nov 11, 2021 - Twitter Web App 30.5K Retweets 2,080 Quote Tweets 333.4K Likes"

Weekly Treat: Funniest And Overall Best Animal Tweets

a funny Twitter thread about a sphinx cat with a wig on | thumbnail includes a tweet saying 'I had to see these photos of somebody putting their spine cat in a wig and now so do you'

Spooktacular Sphynx Cats Wearing Wigs

a compilation of funny cat memes on the internet | thumbnail includes two memes saying 'you only like cats, that's not true, I like other animals as well' and 'Wanna hang out? me: sure'

Halfway To Caturday: Cat Memes And Tweets

24 animal memes and tweets | thumbnail left snail tweet "themme themmememes memed @themmememes Brb getting my snail chores done Unlike humans, snails don't abide by the rules of night and day. Generally, snails will sleep on and off in between periods of 13 to 15 hours. Afterwards, they experience a sudden jolt of energy for the next 30 hours, where they get all their snail chores done!" thumbnail right "Dog - Netflix: Are still there :"

Mid-Week Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul

viral twitter thread about police chasing a runaway pig | thumbnail includes two pictures of police officers attempting to catch a pig and one tweet 'Shoe - Corina Newsome, M.Sc. @hood_naturalist So this pig got out and had everybody ankles cracked. I'm screaming. (Photos by Tony Giberson) 7:18 PM - Nov 5, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 4,553 Retweets 1,397 Quote Tweets 36.4K Likes'

Police Goes On Hour-Long Chase After Runaway Pig And Twitter Gets To Meme-ing

17 sleeping cat tweets | thumbnail left tweet "@andlikelaura the cat's all and im just like 6:55 AM · Nov 6, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone 2,596 Retweets 152 Quote Tweets 24.7K Likes"  thumbnail right orange tabby cat sleeping on couch

Twitter Using Crazy Cat People Send In Their Best Sleepy Kitty Snapshots (Thread)

15 animal tweets | thumbnail image of deer at store group of deer behind her entering store with tweet "@Julidooty A deer walked into a store in Colorado. The shop owner gave her some cookies. After leaving the store, she returned after half an hour with her entire family. EXIT LALASSES"

Weekly Treat: Funniest And Overall Best Animal Tweets

15 otter themed tweets | thumbnail background side by siude same image of otter looking at cup of coffee with tweet in foreground "JeanaDraws friendly reminder to do your holiday shopping early, especially for small businesses! totally not a biased opinion or anything but otters make for great gifts no matter who the recipient"

Otterly Adorable Otter Tweets From Last Week

funny tweets about dogs trying to eat human food | thumbnail includes two memes saying 'When my dog doesn't get to eat my entire pad thai.' and 'when my cat doesn't get to eat my vegan pizza'

Funny Pets Upset Over Not Getting To Eat Hooman Food

12 dog tweets | thumbnail dog sitting upright in couch looking at camera, tweet "Oct 26 This is Hagar. He is watching you watch his favorite movie and wants to make sure you laugh at the funny parts. 13/10 he'll rewind if you didn't WeRateDogs® catch that last one Laugh & Triends ulcome e 279 27 5.8K 76.5K"

12 Charming New Doggo Rates By 'We Rate Dogs'

list of this week's funniest cat tweets | thumbnail is a tweet saying ' having relationship with human man: disappointing. unfulfilling building tiny army cats: entertaining, comforting, emotionally fulfilling'

This Week's Most Supurrb Cat Tweets (November 5, 2021)