funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

a humorous thread about a cat saved from a burning building who looks mildly annoyed | thumbnail includes photo of the cat looking upset and text 'I think he started the fire'

Cat That Looks Outraged At Being Saved Steals Twitter's Heart

list of this week's funniest cat tweets | thumbnail includes two tweets saying 'This god-mn cat' and 'Why do we even bother buying catbeds'

The Week's Most Supurrb Cat Tweets (December 10)

a funny twitter thread about dogs and cats being seperated from their owners and the anxiety the owners feel | thumbnail includes text saying ' Y'all always talking about dogs having separation anxiety but about about my separation anxiety my dog'

People Share How They Cope With Leaving The House Without Their Pets

a cute thread of dog photos from Twitter | thumbnail includes text saying 'last pic of your dog in your camera roll NO CHEATING!!!!" what are we doing? who's cheating on this assignment'

Twitter Asks Users To Post Most Recent Doggo Pics, They Do Not Disappoint

15 hilarious cat memes from the twitter account @memesiwish in 2021 | thumbnail includes tweet saying 'he was a punk, she did ballet, what more can I say'

The Best Cat Tweets Of 2021 From "memesiwish"

13 animal tweets | thumbnail man holding other man's head tenderly "clay @bitchrespecter ... i hold my cats head like this sometimes 11:32 PM · Dec 3, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone 5,092 Retweets 320 Quote Tweets 66K Likes"

Weekly Treat: Funniest And Overall Best Animal Tweets

a bunch of hooligan cats jumping onto christmas trees like crazy cats | thumbnail includes text saying 'Travis is a menace' and a picture of a cat sitting in a christmas tree and then zooming out of it

18 Hooligan Cats Jumping On Christmas Trees

an article of tweets about huskies and sled dogs | thumbnail includes two pictures of husky dogs attached to sleds

Woman Discusses What It's Like To Go Dog Sledding

memes tweets and pictures of funny dogs who are also good dogs thumbnail includes two pictures including a dog sticking its nose through a Japanese door 'Nose - Staying at a house in Japan when suddenly' and another of a dog with a shaming sign on it 'Dog - I MADE MY DAD JUMP WHEN 1 FARTED WHILE HE WAS WATCHING A HORROR FILM!'

Fourteen Funny Dogs That Are Good Boys

funny tweets about cats and kittens from this week| thumbnail includes a tweet saying 'My cat checking on me after another failed talking stage'

This Week's Most Supurrb Cat Tweets (December 3, 2021)

collection of cat pictures, memes and tweets | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat hanging off someone's leg and a tweet with a cat on a teacher's shoulder ''

Scrumpdillyicious Cat Dumperooni: Memes, Pics And Tweets

a series of cute tweets and photos of cats celebrating Christmas and the holiday spirit | thumbnail includes a tweet saying 'we made my dad dress up as santa so my could take santa pictures'

Super Cute Cats Getting Into The Christmas Spirit

tweets about animals being annoying | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Olayemi Olurin @msolurin My neighbor passed me in the hallway and asked me if everything's good. I said yea why. She said she heard me screaming at a man this morning for disrespecting me. So I had to explain to her than the large disrespectful man in question is actually a cat named Raheem 12:42 AM - Nov 29, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 9.492 Retweets 641 Quote Tweets 129K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Spoiled Pets throwing Temper Tantrums

20 animal memes and tweets | thumbnail left otter tweet "Niki @HancockNiki If students thoroughly read my online syllabus, they'll find an easter egg to send a picture of an otter for extra credit. I forget that l've done this until I start receiving emails titled "otter lol" thumbnail right fox meme " When you're scrolling for some fresh new memes but dang it's a nice fox"

Mid-Week Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul

a funny twitter thread about dogs addicted to online gaming | thumbnail includes two frog photos and a tweet saying 'I don't answer my texts sometimes because my phone often gets seized by frogs'

Frogs Addicted To Online Gaming: Ridiculously Silly Twitter Thread

funny tweets about dogs doing through existential crisis' | thumbnail includes two photos of dogs and the text 'my dog is having an existential moment'

Going Thru It: Photos Of Dogs Having Existential Moments