funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

a thread on Twitter about funny cat and dog nicknames that people give their pets | thumbnail contains tweets saying ' Sometimes I just call my cat Face' and 'I call my bf's cat Francy "Sweetybutt" sometimes. Also "Knife Gremlin" because she likes knives for some reason.'

Twitter Users Recall The Craziest Nicknames Folks Gave Their Pets

19 animal memes and tweets | thumbnail left cat on pole on home, "gotta pay the rent somehow" tweet, thumbnail right barn owl meme "Barn owls when humans invented barns: Oh yeah. It's all coming together."

Mid-Week Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul

Alison Fitzgerald Kodjak @alikodjak CLU This is my dog protesting leaving the dog park today"11 twitter thread images thread of dogs protesting | thumbnail background dog laying down in protest on street "

Twitter Thread: Dogs Who Have Had Enough Lying Down In Protest

an awwdorable article about cats 'working from home' | thumbnail includes text saying 'reply with your favorite pictures of work stoppage cats'

Cats Workin' Heckin' Hard From Home

viral tweets of people sharing stories of finding their cats in random weird places thumbnail includes one tweet 'Text - Dr Kelly @KellyQuilt Took in a parcel for my neighbour across the road earlier. I just went to his house to tell him, he opened the door and there was one of my cats, sitting on his chair all comfy. 8:41 PM · Dec 4, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone 4.6K Retweets 1K Quote Tweets 150.5K Likes'

Twitter Users Share Funny Stories Of Finding Their Cats In Weird Places

funny tweets about cat owners not throwing away trash because their cats like it | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Kendra (normal version) @kendrawcandraw Cat ownership is just going "that trash has been there for two months because the cat likes to sit on it. That's the cat's trash" 6:18 PM - Jan 10, 2022 - Twitter for iPad 9,613 Retweets 1,001 Quote Tweets 73.2K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Cat Owners Keeping 'Trash' For Their Cats

list of this week's funniest cat tweets | thumbnail is a tweet saying 'oh to be a cat cradled gentle by bananas'

This Week's Most Supurrb Cat Tweets (January 14, 2022)

cute cats looking disgusted for funny twitter thread | thumbnail includes text saying 'they're judgemental'

Floofers Guilty Of Contempt Of Cat: Cute Twitter Thread

a thread about whether you should kick out a house guest or not if they insult your pet | thumbnail includes two tweets saying 'Would you kick someone out of your house for being rude to your dog or cat?' and ' My adult son, upon seeing my sweet Il'il Pit for the 1st time said "She's pretty ugly". That was about the last time I spoke to him'

What To Do When A Houseguest Disrespects Your Pet: Twitter Weighs In

23 animal memes and tweets | thumbnail left opossum tweet "cait @kittynouveau i'm dying My dog likes opossums. Last night, he found one in the backyard, and brought her INTO THE HOUSE. He put her in his crate and fell asleep next to it. When I realized she was still alive I moved the crate outside. dog 2:02 PM · 8/28/21 · Twitter for iPhone" thumbnail right cat meme

Mid-Week Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul

rate dogs doggos twitter rating tweets funny lol cute aww adorable wholesome uplifting | WeRateDogs dog_rates only rate dogs. This is meteorite has fallen clearly superior part galaxy. Please only send dogs. Thank 14/10 adorable puppy sleeping in a ditch in the grass

Crisp Doggo Ratings By 'We Rate Dogs' (20 Tweets)

twitter thread about crows surrounding Walmart | thumbnail includes a picture of hundreds of crows next to a Walmart and two tweets 'Sky - xolaris ... @sashasdagger WHAT THE FUCK R ALL THESE MFS DOING AT WALMART??? Walmart*' and 'Font - Arty the Goth BunBoi @SuperiorArtemis Replying to @sashasdagger Judging by the amount of them, I can safely say someone must've dropped a fry on the floor 12:04 AM - Jan 7, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 9 Retweets 1,114 Likes'

Twitter Thread: Hundreds Of Crows Surround Walmart, The Internet Reacts As Expected

14 animal related tweets | thumbnail image black chat conversation "radishcarton not this man messaging me from his dogs instagram AS THE DOG 3:05 ull5Ge 1 · Instagram 121 followers· 26 posts You don't follow each other on Instagram You both follow champagnepapi View Profile 1:24 AM Hey can you unblock my dad He misses you Accept message request from 1)? (c If you accept, members will also be able to call you and see info like your Activity Status and when you've read messages. "

Weekly Treat: Funniest And Overall Best Animal Tweets

an article about a man trying to win his ex back using his dog's instagram | thumbnail includes text saying 'not this man messaging me from his dog's instagram AS THE DOG'

People Are Using Their Pets To Win Their Exes Back And It's Lowkey Working

twitter thread about chicken names 12 images | thumbnail blue background "Amanda ... @Pandamoanimum A man I sometimes chat to in the park when walking our dogs was telling me this morning about his new rescue chickens. He pretty much made my day when he told me he'd called them Hen Solo, Jabba the Cluck, Obi-Hen Kenobi and Princess Layer. 12:06 PM · Jan 6, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 3,001 Retweets 382 Quote Tweets 42.4K Likes"

Weirdly Humorous Names Twitter Users Gave Their Chickens: A Thread

a compilation of funny cat tweets from this week | thumbnail includes a tweet saying 'people with black cats be like 'omg isn't he cute?' and then show you a picture like this lol'

This Week's Most Supurrb Cat Tweets (January 7, 2021)