funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

15 cat tweets cats with old people names | thumbnail left and right image of cats dressed up in suits "edgar and beatrice" "memes i wish i could tag my cat in @memesiwish I love when cats have old people names 11:15 AM - Dec 21, 2021 - Twitter for iPad 2,396 Retweets 520 Quote Tweets 24.6K Likes"

Twitter Thread: Cats With Old People Names, Distinguished, Charming, Refined

50 dog tweets from 2021 | thumbnail blue background " @lovedoveclarke There is literally no rule that says you have to get married and start a family. Normalize splitting a mansion with your 5 best friends and 10 dogs. 12:56 AM - Mar 9, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 55.3K Retweets 5,833 Quote Tweets 384.7K Likes"

Recapping 2021: 50 Best Dog Tweets Of The Year

| thumbnail includes text saying 'Why did I buy u a 200$ cat bed if ur gonna sleep in garbage' and a cat picture

The Week's Most Supurrb Cat Tweets (December 24)

tweets about dogs leading their owners to the same spot on a walk over and over | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Kristen Arnett ... @Kristen_Arnett my dog will say "i know a spot" and then take me to the place where they found an old french fry three months ago because they keep hoping to find another one there 9:11 PM - Dec 17, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 2,330 Retweets 182 Quote Tweets 45.8K Likes'

Tweets Of Dogs Who Know The Best Spots On Walks (After Finding A Dorito There Once)

the 50 best cat tweets of 2021 from @TranslatedCats | thumbnail includes text saying 'Mom said she was afraid that she bought it and misunderstood. She stepped on her own grandchild.'

50 Best Tweets From 'TranslatedCats': Purrfect Kitties

30 thoughts of dog tweets | thumbnail blue background "Thoughts of Dog® @dog_feelings ... just a heads up. i will be running around the house. as fast as possible. for the next 15 seconds. i will have no regard for furniture. or any individuals in my way. when i am done. do not ask me why i have done this. because i do not know 1:49 AM · Mar 3, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone 13.6K Retweets 1,278 Quote Tweets 171.9K Likes"

Recapping 2021: 30 Best Tweets Of The Year By 'Thoughts Of Dog'

best cat tweets of 2021 | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat next to a door with a note on it and one tweet 'Property - HP Fuckcraft @Charlietrypsin I forgot the best bit of my walk today: this cat who's owners are fed up PLEASE TON'T RING Ok KNOCK ON DEHA LF OF THE CAT SHE IAS HER UNN ENTRANCE IN THE SDE DR AD KNO Ts VERY MR 5:16 PM · Jan 13, 2021 - Twitter for Android 64K Retweets 3,288 Quote Tweets 461.3K Likes'

50 Best Cat Tweets Of 2021: The Funniest And Most Viral Of Cat Twitter

18 animal tweets | thumbnail left big golden dog smiling laying next to small sleeping golden puppy "WeRateDogs® This is Barron and his son, Carlos. Carlos just came home from college after barely surviving finals. Barron missed him a whole bunch and will not leave him alone. Both 13/10 @dog_rates · Dec 14 397 27 13.3K 148.4K"

Weekly Treat: Funniest And Overall Best Animal Tweets

twitter thread about cool things orangutans do | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - professional games man @MynachMelyn Replying to @Chinchillazllla Orangutans offer mangoes to pregnant women working in agricultural fields, because in their infinite wisdom and respect they are both able to deduce another species' pregnant appearance and have compassion enough for them to share resources 11:35 PM Dec 12, 2021 - Twitter for Android 531 Retweets 40 Quote Tweets 16K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Stories Of Orangutans Being Loving And Awesome

a funny twitter thread about taking your dogs to the bar with you | thumbnail includes text saying 'Can just say had best night my life taking my dog out dinner and drinks and 100% will be happening again xxxxx'

People Are Taking Their Dogs With Them On A Night Out And It's Incredible

list of this week's funniest cat tweets | thumbnail is a tweet saying ' the feminine urge to let your cat sniff anything you're holding or eating so that way they feel included'

This Week's Most Supurrb Cat Tweets

a silly thread about why you need to adopt a duck | thumbnail includes text saying 'my first date?'

16 Duck Tweets That Are Pretty Persuasive

an awwdorable twitter thread about cats hogging the bed | thumbnail includes a tweet saying 'Permission to nap on my bed-- denied' and 'I can relate'

Cute Cats Deny Hooman Pur-mission To Sit On Bed

12 animal tweets | thumbnail "Tatty Hassan @tattyhassan ... Urgh adulting is so hard. Deciding whether you're making the right commitments or not, planning your next steps to align with other things / commitments that you have in life. I just want to be a cat. 3:19 AM - Dec 11, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone 12.2K Retweets 190 Quote Tweets 13.2K Likes"

Weekly Treat: Funniest And Overall Best Animal Tweets

tweets about cat owners finding their cats un random places thumbnail includes a picture from an apartment listing of a cat chilling on a bed and one tweet 'Furniture - Michael Hubank ... @generoom The neighbours just put the house up for sale. Couldn't resist checking it out on Zoopla. That's our bloody cat. O 13/14 11:12 AM - Mar 28, 2021 · Twitter Web App 27.8K Retweets 3,714 Quote Tweets 304.5K Likes'

Owners Finding Their Cats In Unexpected Places (Viral Tweets)

12 tweets yogurt mice slimming study hilarity | thumbnail left "Grosdoriane @Grosdoriane Yogurt Scientist: damn... is it just me, or are these mice getting kind of hot? = abc NEWS A LOG IN Yogurt Makes Mice Slimmer, Sexier By Katie Moisse May 7, 2012 7:39 PM - Dec 6, 2021 " thumbnail right "the mice after all that yogurt" image of cartoon mouse with butt sticking out

Twitter Thread: Users Poke Fun At Weirdly Sexy Scientific Study Involving Yogurt And Mice