funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

12 tweets of dogs in snow | thumbnail "if your cold your dog is cold too, my dogs:" thumbnail right image of two large white dogs laying in happily in piles of snow

Twitter Users Show Off Pictures Of Delightful Dogs Enjoying A Snow Day

20 animal memes and tweets | thumbnail left opossum tweet "every time I say I dont know, my therapists says I think you do know" thumbnail right dog and rabbits meme

Mid-Week Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul

12 text based tweet images | thumbnail tweet text foreground blue background

Twitter Thread: Cultured Pets Experiencing The Struggle Of Multilingualism

funny tweets from pet parents about the perils of raising pets | thumbnail includes text saying 'Microdosing being a parent by taking my dog to the dog park where he pretends I do not exist the whole time & throws a fit when we leave'

Funniest Tweets From Pet Parents About The Perils Of Raising A Pet

11 tweets including images | thumbnail image of polar bear in middle of street tweet ""We've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty, What da hell is a polor bear doin in Arlington texas"

Polar Bear Sighting Inspires Twitter Comedy In This Beary Silly Thread

15 animal tweets | thumbnail image of dog that looks exactly like will ferrel tweet "DJ Square @thomasthesquare someone said my dog looks like Will Ferrell and I can't unsee it now URESH"

Weekly Treat: Funniest And Overall Best Animal Tweets

10 tweets about animals making humans put phones away | thumbnail image of cat putting paw over woman's eyes tweet " @AnnettePursley This picture is not Photoshopped this is my cat telling me to stop tweeting 9 My dogs are passive aggressive my cat is note e"

Twitter Thread: Pets Helpfully Encouraging Their Humans To Put The Phone Down

this week's collection of cat tweets thumbnail includes one tweet 'Text - wadley @marrowing Found out last night our cat goes to the kebab shop down the road every day and they give him lamb mince. There's a picture of him on the wall 2:56 AM · Dec 4, 2020 · Twitter Web App 811 Retweets 132 Quote Tweets 19.4K Likes'

25 Pawfect Cat Tweets For Cat Lovers

a compilation of funny tweets about dogs stopping their owners from sleeping | thumbnail includes tweet saying 'Getting in bed with your dog be like'

Puppers Pushing Their Humans Out Of Bed: Twitter Thread

25 animal memes and tweets | thumbnail left meme of two rabbits "Poor John, Maisie has no concept of personal space " thumbnail right horse tweet "Rachel Feltman @RachelFeltman Follow The pigeons were crowding this horse's bucket so he dumped out some feed for them omfg"

Mid-Week Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul

super funny animal text photos and memes | thumbnail includes two texts saying 'What in the world?! Cat's face made me luagh It seems to be angry at the corn on the cob!'

Animal Text Memes Full Of Wholesomeness And Laughs

twitter thread about a person accidentally eating bird seed every day | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Barney Bear @notthedinosaur ... just found out i've been putting bird seed in my yogurt every morning. lol 5:38 PM - Jan 30, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 786 Retweets 126 Quote Tweets 27.5K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Woman Accidentally Puts Bird Seed In Her Yogurt Every Morning

15 animal tweets | thumbnail blue background tweet "Lucy Huber @clhubes ... When youre pregnant with your first kid everyone tells you how hard it will be and how you won't sleep etc etc and that's TRUE but also not a single person tells you one day your toddler will say "good night, love you" individually to every one of his trucks, the cats, and you. 8:45 PM · Jan 27, 2022 · Twitter Web App 5,916 Retweets 757 Quote Tweets 102.7K Likes"

Weekly Treat: Funniest And Overall Best Animal Tweets

viral tweets about donkeys thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Leslie ... @LlamaRamaPyjama Replying to @spindlypete and @MaraWilson My grandpa's donkey figured out how to turn off the electric fence and open the gate, and then proceeded to teach the horse so they could hang out by the lake. 7:10 AM Mar 18, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 294 Retweets 22 Quote Tweets 10.2K Likes'

Twitter Gets Funny About Donkeys (Viral Tweets)

a funny twitter thread about capybaras unleashed | thumbnail includes text saying 'I will pay good money for a capybara'

Capybaras Unleashed In Viral Twitter Thread

twitter thread about a cat beating up cats and getting jailed at home | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - naledi @naledimashishi ... My cat had been housebound for two weeks after beating up another cat in that cat's house. I let her out yesterday just to see if she was ready to be a law abiding citizen. She went straight to go beat up that cat again a she's back inside indefinitely 5:03 PM · Aug 6, 2021 - Twitter for iPhone 21.3K Retweets 3,501 Quote Tweets 133.3K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Cat Jailed At Home For Being A Corrupt Criminal