funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

12 thoughts of dog tweets | thumbnail blue background, twitter tweet "Thoughts of Dog® O @dog_feelings ... THE HUMAN JUST GRABBED THEIR KEYS. AND MY LEASH. THEY ARE PUTTING ON. THEIR OUTSIDE FEET. I DO BELIEVE. IT IS ADVENTURE TIME 7:47 PM · Jan 23, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 14.1K Retweets 1,037 Quote Tweets 227.3K Likes"

12 Fetchin' Hot New Tweets By Doggo Twitter Sensation 'Thoughts of Dog'

12 twitter images | thumbnail image of bird on train, and tweet "There is quite literally a bird on my train and everyone is being brilliantly British and not commenting on it, as if this is completely normal."

Twitter Thread: British Birds Take A Quaint Ride On Public Transportation

list of this week's funniest cat tweets | thumbnail is a tweet saying 'So that's what the holes in pizza holes are for'

This Week's Most Supurrb Cat Tweets

17 animal related tweets | thumbnail blue background with tweet text " One time I was talking to a guy I just met and told him how my dog is anxious around other dogs and he was like "I've only known you a few minutes but l'm almost positive it's you that's anxious and your dog is picking up on that" and he wasn't wrong but he was being a bitch "

17 Funniest And Overall Best Animal Tweets We Found Today

a funny thread about a man walking on all fours to entertain their pet cat | Thumbnail includes text saying 'f chasing my cat around. He says he likes to chase her on all 4 because that way the cat will "Feel like she's playing with a really big cat and that's more fun for her"

Twitter Thread: Man Chases Cat Around On All Fours

a funny thread about void (dark black animals) | thumbnail includes text saying 'smol void baby'

Twitter Thread: Void Cats And Dogs Just Chilling Out

hilarious cat tweets for halfway to caturday | thumbnail includes text saying 'apparently I was taking pictures of the wrong cat'

Halfway To Caturday: Cat Memes And Tweets

15 animal memes and tweets | thumbnail left cat cooking meme cat nip "Cat - "Next it says add catnip." "You sure?" "Yep, that's what it says."" thumbnail right bat butt cheek tweet

Mid-Week Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul

this week's collection of animal tweets | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Leigh Cowart ... @voraciousbrain once when I was catastrophically depressed, I put my dirty dishes out in the rain (??????) and discovered the next day that all of my silverware had been stolen by an enormous raccoon who does not fear me 10:46 PM - May 11, 2021 Twitter for Android 10K Retweets 412 Quote Tweets 186.6K Likes'

Comedy Jams: 23 Funny Animal Tweets

funny tweets of cats in the hats and dogs wearing hats too | thumbnail includes two tweets of a cat wearing a hat and a dog wearing a hat too with text 'my new favorite picture'

Cats In The Hats (And Dogs) Is Our New Favorite Twitter Thread

16 animal tweets | thumbnail light blue background tweet "raya || booktwt & writer ... @rayarvx "women are so hard to please" books?? personalized playlists??? gifting annotated books??? knowing our coffee orders???? cats??? 7:00 PM · Jan 21, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 12.8K Retweets 1,207 Quote Tweets 69.8K Like"

Weekly Treat: Funniest And Overall Best Animal Tweets

13 tweets with images, pets with human names | thumbnail blue background bottom left cat and dog animation, bottom top tweet "knee v @yungbeefcake ... animals having human names is funniest shit ever there's a cat on my aunties road called ross 3:01 PM · Jan 16, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 1,182 Retweets 388 Quote Tweets 30.7K Likes" thumbnail right bunny tweet" this is simon"

Twitter Users Show Off Their Pets With Humorous Human Names

a super cute thread on Twitter about penguins with afros | thumbnail includes tweet saying 'When were y'all gonna tell me that baby penguins have afros??'

Penguins With Afros Are Bringing Joy To The Internet

a super cute airport sniffer dog retires and gets and amazing surprise | thumbnail includes text saying 'After more than eight years of service, this TSA airport sniffer dog officially retired..  This is how they surprised him on his final bag search.. '

Airport Sniffer Dog Retires And Gets A Pawsome Surprise On Last Day

a super cute cat tweets compilation | thumbnail includes a tweet with text saying ' a dog is a pet but a cat is just a small guy who lives in your house'

This Week's Most Supurrb Cat Tweets (January 21, 2022)

viral twitter thread about someone making an army of snow ducks | thumbnail includes two pictures including a snowball maker toy and a whole lot of snow ducks and one tweet 'Product - woahh mann @ashhhhhhole this is the best day of my life 8:44 PM - Jan 15, 2022 - Twitter for iPhone 91.5K Retweets 8,701 Quote Tweets 953K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Woman Builds An Army Of Snow Ducks And Goes Viral