funny tweets

When it comes to this here tag of Funny Tweets, it consists of any attempt on Twitter at comedy, without the necessary qualifier of succeeding. We also keep a list of top funny tweets that might be more along the lines of what you're looking for if you want actual funny tweets.

wholesome hilarious cat twitter heartwarming felines feline funny tweets Cats - 20386053

The Best Cat Tweets Of The Week Proving Once Again That Cats Rule The Internet (May 4, 2023)

18 cat tweets | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Cat - Nick @nick @ellle_em AITA for chewing up hundreds of dollars worth of laptop cords while my humans sleep? My humans seem very upset by it but I'm literally just a cat, just doing my thing. They should protect the cords better and should be playing with me instead of sleeping.' and 'Cat - Beach Friend (they/she) @Twofishie @ellle_em I (13F) love to run up my Dad's body with a giant poofy tail and sneeze directly into his face.'

AITA, But From The Cat's Purrspective: 18 Funny Tweets Of Cats Blaming Everyone Except Themselves

twitter thread about an advice column asking if people should turn off the light while their cats are eating | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - worms cited @christapeterso ... Once my beloved ex bf saw me feed wet food to Jen's cats and he was just aghast I served it to them in can shape. He was like "you don't fluff it up for them???????" Amber Sparks @ambernoelle Apr 22 This might be the most wholesome advice column question I have ever seen Show this thread'

Is It Wrong To Turn Off The Light While Cats Are Eating: Viral Twitter Thread Asking The Impurrtant Questions

viral twitter thread about a person deciding which cat to go to while two cats ask for their attention simultaneously | thumbnail includes a picture of two cats lying in two different rooms and one tweet 'Font - Josh Trebach, MD @jtrebach ETHICAL DILEMMA: both cats are meowing for you to come play with them but are in separate rooms and are watching you so they will know if you choose the other cat what do u do'

Man Faces Ethical Dilemma Of Choosing Between His Two Cats, Here Are The Internet's Funniest Responses (Viral Twitter Thread)

viral twitter thread about a man who calmed down a nervous passenger on a plane by showing her a cat meme | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Cara Lisette @CaraLisette I was taking my diazepam before my flight and the Swiss guy in the seat next to me saw and guessed I was nervous, so he asked me if I liked cats and then showed me a photo of a cat dressed as a pilot and said “I heard he's flying our plane, I think we can trust him” 8:28 PM - Apr 13, 2023 · 6.5M Views 7,996 Retweets'

Twitter Thread: Kind Man Attempts To Calm Down Nervous Traveler By Talking To Her About Cats

cute cats cat tweets funny tweets funny animals cat memes - 20080901

The Cutest And Most Clever Cat Tweets Of The Week (April 12, 2023)

viral twitter thread about a woman who had to move seats on a plane to accommodate for a cat | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - sarah rose etter @sarahroseetter ... they just had to change my seat on this flight because a “giant cat” had the seat next to me & they "want us both to be comfortable" lol i cannot wait to see what this cat looks like it has to be like an exotic animal right 5:54 PM . Apr 7, 2023 1.6M Views 519 Retweets 50 Quotes 30.7K Likes 431 Bookmarks'

Woman Is Forced To Change Her Seat On A Flight Because Of A 'Giant Cat' Who Requires The Highest Levels Of Comfort (Viral Twitter Thread)

viral twitter thread about two doctors talking in the phone and a cat interrupting them | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Josh Trebach, MD @jtrebach *phone rings in middle of the night* me: *answers phone* hey this is josh with toxicology doc: hi josh, I have a case I wanted t- my cat: MEOW doc: do you have a cat me: would it be weird if I said no 7:31 PM . Apr 6, 2023 · 5.3M Views 4,866 Retweets 130 Quotes 143.8K Likes 2,358 Bookmarks'

Cat Suddenly Meows While Doctors Are Having A Conversation, Immediately Stealing All Their Attention For Himself (Viral Twitter Thread)

List of funny and relatable cat memes | thumbnail includes two memes one including cat with fist up with text 'Cat - Me: I'm going to the bathroom My cat: WE are going' and cat leaning with text 'Cat - me thinking about having a little snack five minutes after I said I was full'

22 Purrfect Feline Friday Memes To Take With You To The Friday After Work Dinner

funny cat tweets | thumbnail text -  cats are up no good @catsuptonogood Nobody shines brighter than baby.

Funniest And Fluffiest Cat Tweets Of The Week (April 6th, 2023)

List of funny and cute cat pictures and videos | thumbnail includes two pictures including orange cat sneezing and black cat sneezing, with text saying 'Font - Catherson @CathersonTTV The best part of being alive today? Cat sneezes ...'

Bless You Meow-tiful Felines - 15 Sneezing Kitties Pictures And Videos For A Tuesday Pick Me Up

twitter thread about the cat who starred in the movie aliens | thumbnail includes two pictures including a kissing cat and a woman holding a cat 'If you're new here and didn't know this already have this fact to brighten your day. This is my cat Boris when he played Jones in Aliens. He was picked because he would hiss on camera because he was not a nice guy.'

'He Would Hiss On Camera Because He Is Not A Nice Guy': A Pawmazing Tribute To The Cat Who Played Jones In 'Aliens' (Viral Thread)

20 cat tweets smol smilly cats

20 Purrfectly Funny Feline Tweets Featuring Smol And Silly Cats

List of funny and silly cat pictures | thumbnail includes white cat make silly face and paw in it's mouth and white cat sticking out it's tongue

15 Derp Cats That Are In A Silly Goofy Mood And Sometimes Make No Sense

15 cat tweets

The Best Cat Tweets Of The Week Proving Once Again That Cats Rule The Internet (March 30, 2023)

viral twitter thread about funny food related names given to dogs and cats | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - lauren @NotABigJerk every type of italian sausage is a good name for a cat, every type of german sausage is a good name for a dog 12:01 AM Mar 26, 2023 3.2M Views 2,145 Retweets 193 Quotes 44.8K Likes 1,514 Bookmarks'

Twitter User Claims That Italian Sausage Names Are Good For Cats And German Sausage Names Are Good For Dogs, The Internet Reacts Hissterically (Viral Tweets)