
viral twitter thread about funny vet visits with cats | thumbnail includes two tweets ''Font - Lucy Huber @clhubes If you have a cat you have to get a vet that is a cat person and not a dog person bc mine tried to give me prescription food and I was like "I'll try but she probably won't eat it" and she was like "don't worry, they made it taste good so cats will eat it" and I was like ??? 7:28 PM Jun 23, 2023 1.2M Views 671 Retweets 159 Quotes 22.6K Likes ... 348 Bookmarks and'

Person Recommends Going To Cat-Only Vets, Other Twitter Users Recount The Most Ridiculous Things Vets Have Said About Cats (Viral Tweets)

14 pictures of cats | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Table - ATTDES' and 'Kitchen sink - you by wine-w 866-Vet-Pets te proactive about your Purell VANCED Nik Good Human'

21 Cats That Are Totally Fine About Going To The Vet And Are Not Scared At all

Fluffy Array Of 22 Grumpy Cats Baring Their Ivory White Fangs

Fluffy Array Of 22 Grumpy Cats Baring Their Ivory White Fangs

video and viral thread about a vet petting a cat and the cat having a funny reaction to it | thumbnail includes three pictures of a vet petting a cat 'Vet Plays The "I Love You" Spots On Kitty u/Thund3rbolt'

Vet Pets Cat In The Most Hissterical Way And The Kitty Absolutely Loses Its Mind (Viral Thread And Video)

20 reddit comments cats with bread slices instead of cones

A Hissterical Series Of Cats Who Rejected Cones And Embraced Comfortable Slices Of Bread Instead (20 Purrfect Pieces of Toast)

Fluffy Feline ‘Precious’ Sets Hearts Aflame with Her Electric Green Eyes, Humans Take Her to Vet Who Say She's Totally Normal (Cute Video)

Fluffy Feline ‘Precious’ Sets Hearts Aflame with Her Electric Green Eyes, Humans Take Her to Vet Who Say She's Totally Normal (Cute Video)

funny photos of cats who got haircuts at the vet's | thumbnail includes two pictures of cats who got shaved 'Please send thoughts and prayers. Not for him, the vet said he's actually in amazingly good health, but for me. I don't dare guess what his retribution might be. u/JuanPabloVassermiler'

Cats Who Went To The Vet To Get Shaved Plus Their Owners Who Hissterically Fear The Consequences Of Their Actions (Viral Thread)

twitter thread about vet visits | thumbnail text - Lisa @lafthegreat Replying jeremysmiles and @Eve6 week ago paid emergency vet $750 them tell us don't know happened cat, but if happens again, take video."

Comical Twitter Thread Illustrates How Ridiculously Expensive A Visit To The Vet Is

Spicy Purrito Wears a Kitty-Sized Straight Jacket at the Vet, Aggressively Meows in Futile Protests the Whole Time

Spicy Purrito Wears a Kitty-Sized Straight Jacket at the Vet, Aggressively Meows in Futile Protests the Whole Time

thread about cats who purr too loudly at the vet's office | thumbnail includes a picture of a veterinarian touching a cat's nose 'Font - r/AnimalsBeingDerps u/RezraRoze • Derpy Kitty 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 Join 132 My cat is unbothered by everything and adores new places and people. Today at the vet's office she was purring so loud the doctor couldn't hear her heartbeat so she had to briefly cover her nose to stop the purring.'

Funny Weirdo Cats Who Purr Too Loudly For The Vet To Take Their Heartrate Accurately (Viral Thread)

18 pictures of cats at the vet's office | thumbnail left and right pictures of cat at vet's office

A Series Of Cats With Varying Reactions Towards Being At The Vet's Office

original ICanHasCheezburger song about cats going to the veterinarian | thumbnail includes a picture of a woman playing the guitar with a cat next to her

Going To The Vet, As Told From A Cat's Perspective (Video)

17 screenshots from a Twitter thread where people shared photos and stories about how they thought their cat was one gender but ended up being another | Thumbnail includes a picture of an orange tabby and a picture of a siamese cat 'UPDATE- My new cat Morris. Morris went to the vet for the first time today. turns out he, is a she and needs a new name. We got Iris and it took a couple weeks to realize Iris was an Oliver. Iris was such a pretty name, too.'

From Morris To Morrisa: Short Stories Of People Finding Out That Their Male Cat Is Actually A Female (Viral Twitter Thread + Cat Tax)

funny stories about cats at the vet's office | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat on a bed 'She has hyperethesia so we've been to the vet a lot trying to find the right treatment. She has what they call a "red card" in her file (it means she has the potential for violence) I found out recently the note on her red card says "looks cute but will F*ck you up" ??????? that's my demon child. She barely weighs over 7lbs. Maggie Stewart'

What Is The Funniest Experience You've Had With Your Cat At The Vet's Office: ICanHas Users Answer

A Youtube video about a pregnant cat that adopted her own hoomans which later helped her birth her kittens | Thumbnail includes a picture of a man and a tabby cat and a picture of a cat nursing her kittens

Pregnant Stray Cat Adopts Hoomans That Later Help Her Birth And Nurse Her Kittens (Video)

video of a sick cat getting a piece of plastic removed from its stomach | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat with many bandages and a cat headbutting a man

After 2 Years Of Bad Health, Vets Remove Something Unexpected From Cat's Stomach And He Starts Feeling Better (Video)