
collection of funny stories about cats going to the vet | thumbnail includes two pictures including two cats climbing into a hole 'Both cats. Two separate visits. One exploring. One hiding. Same picture. Erin Ramos' and one cat inside of someone's clothes 'Pomona tried to hide only to discover I was wearing a vest not a jacket Emma Shipley'

Most Hissterically Ridiculous Experiences People Have Had With Their Cats At The Vet's Office

15 pictures of cats in vets' office sinks | thumbnail three panels side by side images of cats in sink

Super Sneaky Cats Hiding In Various Sinks Around Their Vets' Offices In Protest

twitter thread about expensive cat vet visits | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Julia Claire @ohJuliatweets Every time I go to the vet they say "That will be $400," and I say okay I will bankrupt myself again for my perfect small cat 6:28 PM - Aug 13, 2022 - Twitter for iPhone 1,072 Retweets 78 Quote Tweets 23K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Mega Expensive Vet Visits Suck But Our Purrfect Cats Are Worth Every Penny

32 cat at vets office pictures | thumbnail left cat on top of cabinet, thumbnail right cat's tail peeping out of cat carrier

A Hissterical Compilation Of Cats Betrayed By Their Humans And Taken To The Vet

A Youtube video about a tiny orange kitten that was found on the side of the road and nursed back to health | Thumbnail includes a close up of a small abandoned orange kitten with an eye infection

Tiny Abandoned Kitten That Was Given A 50/50 Chance To Live Beats All Odds And Thrives

collection of stories about funny encounters with cat owners at the vet | thumbnail includes one Facebook comment 'Font - Jackie Bolejack I took 2 cats in rolling carriers to the vet. There was a lady in front of me with a springer spaniel. Now the cats and I were 5 foot behind them. Also, this was the 1st year of the pandemic. She turned around and said my dog hates cats. I didn't say anything but I did have a mask on, it was the face of a cat. The dog looked up at me and froze! I guess I was'

Meeting Crazy Cat People At The Vet's Office: The Funniest, Cutest And Overall Most Ridiculous Stories

A TikTok video and 16 funny comments about a cat that gets tricked going to the vet and documents his day | Thumbnail includes a screenshot of a black and white cat looking at a pet carrier and a screenshot of the cat inside the carrier 'Why is the transportation prison out? betrayal'

Lincoln The Cat Gets Tricked Into Going To The Vet Via Transportation Prison Bag, Documents The Whole Thing

A TikTok video and 15 comments about cat owners paying hundreds of dollars in vet bills just to find out their cats have gas | Thumbnail includes two screenshots of a white cat with a yellow blanket 'I took my last cat to check if he'd gone blind and the vet said no he's just ignoring you'

Cat Owners Pay Hundreds Of Dollars In Vet Bills Just To Find Out Their Cats Have Gas

A YouTube video about the story of Duo, a rescued kitten with two faces | Thumbnail includes a screenshots a screenshot of a small black two faced kitten and a screenshot of the same kitten but older

Abandoned By Her Mother For Having Two Faces, Duo The Kitten Miraculously Survives And Gets Adopted (Video)

5 TikTok videos about a rescued kitten named Cass | Thumbnail includes two screenshots of a kitten holding a human's hand 'turns out he also is blind'

Blind Rescued Kitten Melts Pregnant Woman's Heart So She Lets Him Stay With Her Forever

5 Tiktoks about a rescued cat named Berry | Thumbnail includes a rescued cat the first day he was taken in, the same cat after healing and the same cat sleeping 'The day my wife found Berry & Now... Now I can take the best naps'

Stray Cat With Horrible Wounds Gets Rescued By Two Guardian Angel Hoomans

A YouTube video of a woman grooming a cat for the first time | Thumbnail includes a dark tortie cat looking up

Babka The Tortie Cat Goes To Groomer And Turns Out To Be A Purrfesional Escape Artist (Video)

2 TikToks of a mom cat holding her kittens and funny comments | Thumbnail includes two screenshots of an orange cat holding her grey kittens

Cat Holds On To Her Favorite Kitten For Her Dear Life As The Vet Gets Ready To Examine Them

6 TikToks about cats hating the vet and cancelling their appointments | Thumbnail includes a cat in a car, a white and orange cat, and a grey cat 'When you realize the road you're on is the same road as the mean vet Dear Mr. Vet pls cancel the snippy snappy appointment for cat for redemption pls  prescribe more food Kind Regards, Dad hi mr. vet robbie very helty don't need visit u but more treats thanks u robbies mom'

Cats Write Letters To Their Vets To Cancel Their Appointments

30 screenshots from a Twitter thread of chunky cats | Thumbnail includes two pictures of orange and white cats 'My vet said I'm overweight, but I think I'm just extra fluffy'

Vet Calls Cat Thicc And Chonky, Body Pawsitive Twitter Cats Say Otherwise

25 screenshots of pets after the vet | Thumbnail includes a picture of a dog and snoop dog 'Vets rang me to collect my dog after a procedure and warned 'he may be a little out of sorts'. Showed up and this man was absolutely BUTTERED'

25 Loopy Pets Post Vet Appointments