
22 cat tweets | thumbnail includes one cat tweet including 'I would say somewhere between 15 and 25% of my day is spent simply removing cats from places where cats do not belong, and I only have two (2) cats'

22 Terrific Cat Tweets From Feline Pawrents You'll Relate to Fur Sure

25 cat tweets | thumbnail includes one tweet including 'broadly i think you can categorise all cats into cats that think they are people, cats that know they are cats, and cats that will never know a single thing their entire lives'

25 of the Funniest Tweets From Cat Pawrents About Their Fluffy Feline Friends

25 cat memes | thumbnail includes one meme including '*be homeless and destitute* *scavenge through some trash so I may survive another night* *get caught by higher beings, they will surely destroy me for going through their stuff* *the higher beings inexplicably take me in for reasons behind my understanding* *I have a home now* Caught this stray eating out of our trashcan outside. He lives inside now.'

25 Cat Pawrents' Tweets to Turn Your Tattered Tuesday Into a Cat Comedy Show

23 cat meme | thumbnail includes one cat meme including 'asked my roommate for an update on my cat tofu and she sent me this'

23 Cat Tweets to Tell Your Cat He's a Cutie Patootie Little Creature

21 cat tweets | thumbnail includes one tweet including 'He had been baked'

21 Terrific Comedic Cat Tweets for This Weekend Every Cat Pawrent Can Identify With

20 cat tweets | thumbnail includes one tweet including 'Pspspspsps responsibly.' and one tweet including ' girls trip!!!!!! Me and my girl cat were in the living room and now we are in the kitchen' and one tweet including 'Getting a cat: My depression Crime rate in my house' and one tweet including 'Cat at night: ..'

Cat Pawrents Purroudly Present: How it Really Feels Having a Fuzzy Fluffy Feline Friend at Home

23 cat tweets | thumbnail includes one tweet including 'I was applying for homeowners insurance today and they asked if I had any pets to which I said, "yes, two cats." And then they asked me "have they been trained to attack or cause bodily harm?" and I wanted to know if anyone had been able to do this because I'll hire you' and one tweet including 'huge news.. i've had chips for 5 years and this week she finally started sitting on my lap which i previously accepted she'd never do in her life'

23 Happy Yappy Cat Pawrents Who Cannot Stop Posting About Their Cute Cats on Twitter

22 cat tweets | thumbnail includes one tweet including 'Me, asleep in bed: *slightly adjusts leg* My cats: the energy became incredibly hostile here? I'm just gonna go...would rather sleep on the couch than deal with ur disrespect.' and one tweet including 'A lot of people don't realize this She can do it with one paw or two'

It's Caturday! 22 Cat Pawrents Flock to the Web and Yap About Their Fluffy Feline Friends All Over Twitter

21 cat tweets | thumbnail includes three tweets including 'feed the cat boring oversimplifies the dynamic sounds like a chore fatten the beast interesting pleasing to the ear gives power where power is due' and 'I don't completely know how to explain this, but as a cat owner you quickly learn that absence of cat (chill) and absence of cat (suspicious) are two very different kinds of silence' and 'you'd think the thing in my house with the most cat hair on it would be my cat'

21 Terrific Tweets by Cat Pawrents Benefitting From the Bond With Their Fluffy Feline Friend

20 cat tweets | thumbnail includes one tweet including 'cancel my plans my cat just sat on me' and one tweet including 'Dog owners will pick names like max or bailey and cat owners will literally name their cat beef stroganoff' and one tweet including 'My cat, who is currently unemployed and pays no rent, is unhappy with his fancy new cat food and I, a walking talking miracle apex predator made of 14 billion year-old Stardust, am on my way back to the store to rectify the matter for some reason'

20 Pawrrific Terrific Tweets by Cat Pawrents You Can Swear are Written About Your Cat

24 cat tweets | thumbnail includes one cat picture and 'cue the pink panther music' and 'Liquid Gold' and 'the soup in the bowl im holding the second i look away'

Caption This Cat: 24 Furtastically Funny Replies of Feline Fanatics For a Splendid Slinkey Cat

26 cat memes | thumbnail includes one meme including 'Top Ten Best Cat Breeds 1. Dumpster Blessing 2. Freelance Tenderloaf 3. Gutter Angel 4. Just Showed Up One Day 5. Barn Ghost 6. Royal Trash Goblin 7. Snack Master General 8. Le Slinkus 9. Crusty Sea Captain 10. Classic Potato' and one meme including 'Can i come over n stare at u like this'

26 Terrific Purrific Tweets of Cat Pawrents About Their Purrfect Precious Fluffy Feline Friends

24 cat memes | thumbnail includes one meme including 'his name is 3kg brown rice and he was born with 3kg of brown rice for a brain' and one meme including 'summoning circle: Sound of can Opening'

24 People Who Cannot Stop Themselves From Talking About Their Cats and Tweet About Them All the Time

25 cat memes | thumbnail includes one meme including 'me reading petrarch: omg why is this the 100th poem about this lady's eyes and lips and hair! why do you keep listing body parts me to my cat, every time i see her, all day: you have a little face, it has a little nose, you have some little paws, your paws have little toes' and one meme including 'this is how people who type :3 want to be held'

25 Funny Fluffy Feline Tweets to Read to Your Comical Cute Cat and Say: 'That's You'

twitter thread about declawing cats and alternatives to it | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Lamb TTFC SOON @lambcorpsess If you declaw your cats you should not have cats at all. I've watched the procedure in person and it's so painful for them. "But it scratches ... everything!" Then you're probably failing to enrich it properly, big shocker I know. It disables them and they have to relearn to walk. 8:52 PM • Aug 5, 2024 602.3K Views 365 15.4K 33K 763 ↑'

The Truth About Declawing Cats and Healthy Alternatives That Won’t Hurt Your Fabulous Felines

23 cat tweets | Thumbnail includes one picture of a cat and a car, one picture of a cat hiding in a paper bag, one picture of text including 'cats being weird little guys @weirdlilguys nothing to see here' and one picture of text including 'cats being weird little guys T❤ @weirdlilguys state of the art anti-theft system'

23 Hilarious Tweets of Cats Being Wacky Whiskery Weirdos

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