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23 cat tweets | Thumbnail includes one picture of a cat and a car, one picture of a cat hiding in a paper bag, one picture of text including 'cats being weird little guys @weirdlilguys nothing to see here' and one picture of text including 'cats being weird little guys T❤ @weirdlilguys state of the art anti-theft system'

23 Hilarious Tweets of Cats Being Wacky Whiskery Weirdos

Here to answer all of your procrastination prayers
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twitter thread about a cat that fell out of a window from the cat's perspective | thumbnail includes a picture of a ginger cat and a tweet 'Jorts (and Jean) @JortsTheCat Ok so, about yesterday I was just getting some fresh air and I noticed a bug. I crammed my large and heavy orange body under the slightly open window and climbed the window screen. Alas'

'As I was plummeting, I clung to the screen': Hissterical Recounting Of How A Cat Fell Out Of A Window While Chasing A Bug From The Ginger's Purrspective

The most dramatic moment of Jorts's life
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viral twitter thread about a wife finding her husband passed out next to their senior cat in the bathroom | thumbnail includes one picture of a black cat in a bathroom and one tweet 'Pam Pho @NerdyPam ... OMG. So my husband went to the bathroom. An hour later I text and ask if he's alive. He doesn't answer. I go into our bedroom, the bathroom light is on and the door is locked. I knock he says nothing. I knock louder and call his name. Nothing. I find a knife and unlock the door. 12'

Terrified Wife Finds Her Husband Passed Out On The Bathroom Floor, Wakes Him Only To Find Out That He Comforted Their Elder Cat During A Thunderstorm And Fell Wholesomely Asleep

All's well that ends well
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tweets about people experiencing cats for the first time and loving it | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Genie @lettersfromjuno So I'm sleeping alongside a cat for the first time ever at my big age... And I have been crying for an hour because I have never experienced something so serene in my life. This is actually so new to me and so beautiful. I feel like I've been waiting my whole life for this 10:12 AM May 18, 2024 1.6M Views 333 13.5K ... 59K ☐ 2.9K ↑'

People Share Their Heartwarming Stories Of Experiencing Cats For The First Time And Having It Change Their Lives

It really is life-changing
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viral twitter thread about someone returning a cat that was missing for a year to their family | thumbnail includes a picture of a black cat under a blanket and a tweet 'Magnum the dog @huskadoodledoo Guys you'll never beleve this!!! The cat we found yesterday and took to the vets has been missing for A WHOLE YEAR!!!! He's now back home and I've never been happyer to have an obsession wiv befrending any animal | see cos if I hadn't stopped to pet him, I wouldn't of noticed the 6:58 PM. May'

'He walked towards me and meowed to say hi back': Person Rescues A Cat That Was Missing For A Whole Year And Helps Her Reunite With Her Family

A happy ending
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viral twitter thread about a kid adopting an orange cat in a forest | thumbnail includes a picture of an orange kitten and one tweet 'Kuna @wryote About 17 years ago, I was riding my bike down a country road with my dad and heard meowing. I told dad there was a kitten somewhere but he was unenthused and left (). I walked through the forest looking up for a cat in a tree when, at my feet, the skinniest orange cat appeared. 6:05 AM May 21, 2024 10.7M Views 603 19.1K 129K 9K'

Skinny Orange Kitten Shows Up In Front Of A Kid In A Forest And Asks For Help, Gets Adopted After Heated Arguments With Parents And Lives A Purrfect Life With Them

A story that makes you appreciate cats and life
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viral tweets about cats experiencing the aurora borealis | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat sitting on a fence with the Northern lights in the background and a woman holding a cat during the aurora borealis 'my cat just experienced the aurora borealis, one of the world's most radiant natural phenomena... and she doesn't care'

Beautiful Pictures Of Cats Experiencing The Meowgical Northern Lights... And Being Purrfectly Indifferent

Just cats being cats... during the aurora borealis
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tweets and pictures of cute Maine Coon cats and kittens | thumbnail includes two pictures including a ginger Maine Coon kittens and a giant white Maine Coon cat lying next to a woman

Awwdorable Maine Coon Cats And Kittens Who Are The Gentle Giants Of The Cat World That Everyone Wants To Cuddle

Imagine cuddling THAT
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viral tweets about the largest amount of money people have spent trying to save their cats | thumbnail includes one picture of a ginger cat and one tweet '1 Kidney, 1/2 Liver Runner @nephro_maniac How much would you spend on your pet to keep them alive? I once dropped $5k (all my savings) on a 20% chance to save Mr. Potatoes after he had a stroke. He lived. worth every penny. 2:55 PM · Mar 26, 2024 1.5M Views • 2K 173K 84K ☐ 1K ↑'

People Share Heartwarming Stories Of The Highest Amount Of Money That They've Spent To Save Their Cats' Lives

Because our cats are worth anything and everything
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20+ Purrfect Cat Tweets Featuring Your Favorite Funny Feline Friends

20+ Purrfect Cat Tweets Featuring Your Favorite Funny Feline Friends

Why tweet when you can meow?
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viral twitter thread and memes about cats with weak and strong chins | thumbnail includes two pictures of cats and a tweet 'Clem @ClemStalDim is it over for your cat? are they a chincel? rosy something to think about.... @t4m4gothic. Feb 16 138 STRONG CHIN 11:10 PM. Feb 16, 2024 2.5M Views 15.3K 86K 2.5K WEAK CHIN ... ↑'

Ridiculous Post About Cats With 'Strong Chins' And 'Weak Chins' Inspires Hilarious Memes And Reactions

Is your cat weak or strong chinned?
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viral twitter thread about a Polish repairman sending a text with a cat picture to his client | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat and a text message 'inspector is waitching me' and a tweet 'Mädi Kircher @MadiOkay Our Polish repair guy sent this to my boyfriend and I just love it 5:14 PM. Feb 7, 2024 · 2.8M Views 55 7.3K ... 146K 2.7K ↑ 1'

Cute Polish Repairman That’s Thrilled About A Client’s Cat Sends Him Pictures Of It As He Works, Twitter Reacts In The Most Wholesome Way

We'd react in this same way to this wholesomeness
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viral twitter thread about a senior cat with dwarfism | thumbnail includes two pictures of a very small cat and one tweet 'boi @fallonxx I just started following this 13 year old cat with dwarfism named Francis and I would DIE for him omg 6:01 AM - Dec 15, 2023 from Chicago, IL 702K Views 40 1.8K 23K 796 (→'

'He's A Tiny Grampa!': A Very Smol 13-Year-Old Senior Cat With Dwarfism Captures The Hearts Of Feline Enthusiasts On Twitter

Irresistibly smol and cute
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50 cat tweets from @weirdlilguys | Thumbnail includes one picture of a cat with an egg in its mouth, one picture of a man and a cat in bed, one tweet including 'cats being weird little guys @weirdlilguys EGG THIEF' and one tweet including 'cats being weird little guys @weirdlilguys there are many uses for cat'

A Year Of The 50 Best Cat Tweets From @Weirdlilguys To Laugh Through The Pain Of Finishing Another Circle Around The Sun

Another hissterical year bites the dust
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50 cat tweets from @TranslatedCats | Thumbnail includes one picture of a cat in a bar, one picture of a cat on a scratched leather chair, one picture of text including 'translated cats @Translated Cats The artist and his work.' and one picture of text including 'translated cats @Translated Cats Asked my girlfriend to come out tonight, she said she could go, but she had to bring a cat along.'

The 50 Best Tweets Of 2023 From Our Favorite Funny Feline Account @TranslatedCats To Celebrate A Year Of Hissterical Cats

More interesting than your Spotify wrapped
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viral twitter thread about a kitten repeatedly outsmarting a lawyer | thumbnail includes two pictures including a wrapped up gate and a kitten going through a fence and one tweet 'Will Mc @wmcelhan Over the last five days I've been involved in an intellectual battle of the ages: Lawyer vs. 5 month old kitten with cerebellar hypoplasia and parasites who wants to be around the other 2 cats. As you can see, this has been a very tough battle: A thread 4:09 PM - Nov 16, 2023 1.9M Views 0:01/0:10 K²'

Lawyer Gets Into Hissterical Intellectual Battle With His Tiny 5-Month-Old Kitten, And The Kitten Wins Over And Over: Viral Twitter Thread

Is anyone surprised the cat won? Because we aren't.
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