
Tumblr: a magical website with the bizarre, the hilarious and the unexpected. Think you've seen it all? Think again. The best one-liners, random threads and weird thoughts are yet to be discovered. 

a Tumblr thread about how a stray cat learned to meow after being rescued | thumbnail includes text saying 'This post led reminisce on nature cat's meowing, and have funny story/I befriended a feral cat once who had spent her life in the forest without human interaction. I was worried about her because she had a paw damaged from an old injury and was emaciated but obviously nursing kittens that were hidden away somewhere

Tumblr Thread: Awwdorable Rescue Cat Learns To Meow

tumblr thread about friends befriending bees and wasps | tumblr thread includes two tumblr posts 'Font - scotchjolras Follow The bees and wasps now recognise me as the person who gives them water. Which sounds cool but it means everytime I go outside they harass me until I fill up the waterer. On the bright side, I no longer have to fear wasps as they just buzz around me non-threateningly now. theropodtheroblogs Follow You are their water deity now' and 'Font - shedoesnotlivehereanymore'

Tumblr Thead: Stories Of Bees And Wasps Choosing Humans As Their Friends

animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - theverge.com US government plans to use drones to fire vaccine-laced M&Ms near endangered ferrets a The US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has a plan to save the endangered black-footed ferret, and it involves candy. The agency has proposed delivering vaccines to a ferret colony in Montana.. Lizzie Plaugic joyeuse-noelle: burntcopper: There is nothing about this title I don't like. The best part of this title is that'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Goodness

tumblr thread telling the folklore story of two black cats visiting a baby | thumbnail includes two black cats standing on their hind legs looking at a baby 'stele3 Follow The witches have come to lay their claim'

Tumblr Thread: Modern-Day Cat And Emu Folklore

animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - Dear Anyone Who Hates Cats elder-kelly: broadwayfangirlblr: My cat literally sleeps next to my face until she thinks I'm asleep and then she'll move to the end of my bed. If I wake up at night she'll go back up to me head and stay with me until I fall asleep again. In the morning she'll follow me when I call her. She's a precious lil nugget. idk it's still a bad musical'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Unexpected Knowledge

tumblr thread about a crane choosing a zookeeper as her new mate | thumbnail includes a picture of a man standing next to a crane 'Walnut immediately began paying special attention to Chris--and ignoring the eligible male crane in a nearby enclosure. Walnut initiated their courtship, performing the opening moves of a mating dance.'

Tumblr Thread: Crane Chooses Zookeeper As Her New Mate

collection of wholesome tumblr posts | thumbnail includes a picture of a husky and husky babies and a section of a tumblr post 'Dog - A gaytectives at work we have a family of three huskies who come in for daycare and everyone calls them "the mafia" it makes me so happy because occasionally out of nowhere someone over the radios will say "we're sending in the mafia" and then three huskies barrel their way inside and usually slip and fall on the tile ajfjajg gaytectives the white one '

Wholesomeness-Filled Tumblr Doggo Posts

tumblr thread about a cat causing mischief | thumbnail includes one picture of a man holding a cat up above a pile of cat food and one tumblr post 'Font - kaity--did Follow Do you know how hard it is to live with a cat that has the intelligence level of literally like a 3 year old but the pure chaos of a high ranking demon? He's learned to open the lazy Susan and won't stop clawing open the flour and rolling in it like a little chinchilla'

Tumblr Thread: Criminally Intelligent Cat Causing Chaos

animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - kirstenlouisemcduffie: my dad had a skype interview today so he was sitting in the living room looking all professional in his suit and tie and everything while he's talking to the people who are interviewing him. and OF COURSE my cat decided that she NEEDED to speak at that moment so she just starts meowing left and right and talking crazy talk to the point where the interviewers just start laughing because she'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Interruptions

animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Black - junowo Follow i'm so used to how my cats behave that i forgot rudy doesn't have low light vision like them, so i'll come out of my room after dark and turn on my phones light and there will just be a pig in the middle of the room who, from his perspective, thinks i just fucking teleported in front of him and this happens and he's always VERY startled wizardgirl artist rendition of an event that happens nightly'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Ridiculousness

tumblr thread about flamingos being the origin for the legend of the phoenix | thumbnail includes a picture of a flaming 'Water - The Central Africans told this to the Egyptians who told the Greeks* about this mysterious animal, and they ran hog-wild with it to create the now-famous Pheonix, but- The bird they were seeing in those volcanic lakes? Chris Kotze 2012'

Tumblr Thread: Flamingos Are The Origin Of The Phoenix Myth

animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - keuhkopussirotta Apparently a part of the reason why farmed bees stay in the beehives that humans build for them is because the farm hives are safer and sturdier. I don't know how a busy Discord server's worth of bugs that only have one brain cell each would logically conclude that the humans protect them from outside threats, illness and parasites, but if I understood right, the bees would be free to move away and build a new nes'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Knowledge

tumblr thread about small wild cats that look like house cats | thumbnail includes two pictures of small wild cats 'Font - blackswallowtailbutterfly Follow Wild Cats That Look Like Domestic Cats! European wild cat (Felis silvestris), sometimes erroneously listed as the ancestor of the domestic cat:'

Tumblr Thread: Wild Cats That Look Like Harmless Little House Cats

animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Rectangle - prokopetz ... My cats have very different communication styles when they urgently want something. One of them stares, and the other one yells, and if staring isn't having the desired results, the staring cat will go and fetch the yelling cat to yell on her behalf. #life #cats 2,114 notes'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Shenanigans

tumblr thread about letting cats go outside safely | thumbnail includes a tumblr post 'Font - kedreeva Follow Feel free to unfollow me right now if you believe it's okay to endanger your house cat or the local native fauna it absolutely will kill by allowing it outside unsupervised/off lead. Outdoor cats have a lifespan of 2-5 years. Indoor cats regularly live 15+, even getting up to 20+ sometimes. Unsupervised indoor-outdoor cats often don't make it past 5 and the ones that do are a very lucky'

Tumblr Thread: Finding Safe And Fun Solutions For Cats Who Love The Outdoors

animal tumblr posts | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Rectangle - strictlyquadrilateral earlier today i was nonverbal for a bit but no one was around except the cats, so i signed at molly that she's a good cat and she. immediately started purring. this cat knows too much. i live in fear that someday s fabulousairpirate the cat killed op strictlyquadrilateral #false she merely sat down on the keyboard and hit the post button prematurely'

Tumblr Animal Posts Of Hilarity And Hooligans