
viral imgur threads about pumas | thumbnail includes two pictures including a baby puma roaring and a puma chilling 'Today I would like to tell you... facts about the Puma. Unfortunately if you have seen a normal cat then you already know almost everything about them as Pumas are the same but bigger... jonjohnjonjohn'

Thread: Pumas Are The Same As Normal Cats, Just Bigger

12 tweets twitter thread, skink cat food bandit | thumbnail image of large skink in home eating from cat food bowl, tweet "Roxy @RoxyTall the cat food bandit strikes again 10:18 PM · Feb 9, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 7,085 Retweets 2,949 Quote Tweets 81.8K Likes"

Twitter Thread: Cat Food Bandit Of The Skink Variety Helps Himself To Neighbors' Cat's Feast

a wholesome thread about people saying goodbye to their pets before they go | thumbnail includes text saying 'When leaving the house, does anyone tell their pets they will be home later?' and 'Of course! Otherwise, how will they know?'

Wholesome Reddit Thread: Internet Shares How They Say Goodbye To Their Pets

woman adopts new puppy and neglects her senior dog | thumbnail includes text saying 'AITA for getting another dog? A. hole I (F45) got a new dog almost five months ago. She’s very young and energetic, nothing like my older dog who doesn’t do much anymore'.

Woman Adopts Young Puppy And Ignores Her Senior Dog: Reddit Weighs In

12 reddit text images entitled karen tries to pass of emotional support animal as service animal | thumbnail blue background text "She started to scream at me, threatening to sue me and call the cops. My response was:"For what? Refusing service to a woman who is faking a service animal? Which, by the way, is a civil penalty fine up to $250 each time in (state)? Go ahead, call the cops. I'll be here."

Entitled Dog-Toting Karen Flips Out After Being Refused Service Due To Her Fake Service Dog

13 text reddit images and one cat image | thumbnailblue background, dark purple cat graphic on right, text "This also extends to bedtime, where he will spend most of the night being King of the Hill curled up on her belly or hip. He is very comfy and pleased to be there, that there is very little that would convince him to move."

Man Gets Petty Revenge On Hooligan Cat For Hogging His Pregnant Wife And Projectile Vomiting

14 tweets diva dog twitter thread | thumbnail blue background text tweet "Reid @RVAReid My dog's turning into a diva. I gave her rotisserie chicken twice as a treat and now she won't eat unless it's rotisserie chicken. She really will sniff her food and look disgusted if it isn't rotisserie chicken. So now l'm constantly buying rotisserie chicken. 5:15 AM · Feb 8, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 5,675 Retweets 1,659 Quote Tweets 99.4K Likes"

Twitter Thread: Diva Doggos Refusing To Eat Dog Food After Exposure To Delicious Human Food

viral imgur thread about an animal that has 20,000 teeth | thumbnail includes a picture of a creepy-looking snail with teeth

The Animal With 20,000 Teeth: Informative Yet Funny Viral Thread

13 puppy tweets | thumbnail image of cute puppy wearing red harness, tweet "so I got a dog today"

Adorable Puppy Tweets: Twitter Users Show Off Their Sweet New Puppies

12 reddit text images, dog phrases to erase from existence | thumbnail blue background text "Freyhna · 6 days ago "Oh but I don't mind" there is a reason I don't want my dog to jump up on you and you allowing it/inviting her to do it is undermining me, my training, and confusing my dog. Ultimately I get to choose what behaviors are acceptable for my dog and jumping up on people is not one of them. Thi"s is for the ultimate safety of my dog and those around me.

Dog Owners Choose Common 'Dog Phrases' That They Want To Erase From Existence (Reddit Thread)

10 reddit text images, dog owner anxiety surrounding travel | thumbnail blue background dog graphic, plane graphic, text " notcleverenough111 · 6 days ago You just have to do your research, just like for a kid's daycare. Look for a staff training curriculum/certification, webcams, regular boarding updates would be nice, feeding process, what types of cleaning supplies they use, how they evaluate dogs to become a member and how the"

Dog Owners Discuss Minimizing Anxiety And Assuring Adequate Pet Care Before Travel

11 reddit text images bf demands gf sell horse | thumbnail blue background, red flag, horse graphic, text "Then last night he told me it was time to sell Lady. I laughed at him and asked if he was serious. He was. I told him no and he said I needed to start prioritizing this relationship more and I said I've done nothing but prioritize this relationship. We argued about it and he apparently thinks I can just put her down as she's old anyways."

Controlling Boyfriend Demands That Equestrian GF Sell Her Horse To 'Prioritize The Relationship'

viral thread about Echidnas | thumbnail includes a picture of an Echidna 'Meet Edison. He is an baby Echidna, called a puggle. He came out of an egg which his mother Edweena stored in a pouch her belly... The Echidna is the oldest living mammal jonjohnjonjohn'

Viral Thread: The Internet Discovers The Cute Yet Hella Weird Echidnas

funny photos of birds acting like jerks | thumbnail includes a picture of a parrot shoving a glass off a table and a picture of a pelican trying to eat a cat

Bird Hijinks Ruining Everything For Everyone: A Thread Of Birbs Being Jerks

14 grey tux cat tweets | thumbnail left grey tux cat cute "look at my new cat" thumbnail leftRuby ... @ZayraRuby_ Replying to @giantsimp Grey tux cats are my fav>> 10:27 PM · Feb 2, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone

Cat Loving Twitter Users Show Off Their Fabulous Grey Tux Felines In Pawesome Thread

11 tweets including images | thumbnail image of polar bear in middle of street tweet ""We've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty, What da hell is a polor bear doin in Arlington texas"

Polar Bear Sighting Inspires Twitter Comedy In This Beary Silly Thread