
stories of people breaking up with their a-hole partners instead of ditching their pets | thumbnail includes text saying ' I remember him saying my diabetic cat needed to go so he could get a dog. We weren't even living together. I looked him dead in the eyes and said. "My cat will outlive this relationship" considering she was really sick at the time he said it was unlikely and stormed off. We broke up 6 years ago and my cat is still going strong.'

People Who Chose Their Pets Over Their Exes Recount What Happened

12 reddit text images mistakes people made with dogs } thumbnail blue background text "I went out to pick up some delicious Indian takeout last night, and took my dog along because he loves car rides.hen we got home, I went to do the usual getting out of the car routine: except there was no leash"

Dog Owners Confess Stupid Mistakes They've Made That Somehow Didn't End In Disaster

viral twitter thread about someone making an army of snow ducks | thumbnail includes two pictures including a snowball maker toy and a whole lot of snow ducks and one tweet 'Product - woahh mann @ashhhhhhole this is the best day of my life 8:44 PM - Jan 15, 2022 - Twitter for iPhone 91.5K Retweets 8,701 Quote Tweets 953K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Woman Builds An Army Of Snow Ducks And Goes Viral

12 reddit images thread dog altercation good boy | thumbnail blue background text "I ran home (note not a runner by any stretch of the imagination), trying to remember where I left my car keys so I could grab them and go out looking for my dog. I finally made it to my building and who's there, sitting on my patio patiently waiting to get back in? The goodest good boy in the whole world. A little extra clingy, but otherwise fine."

Reddit Thread: Good Boy Doggo Waits For Human At Home After Altercation With Bigger Dog

Alison Fitzgerald Kodjak @alikodjak CLU This is my dog protesting leaving the dog park today"11 twitter thread images thread of dogs protesting | thumbnail background dog laying down in protest on street "

Twitter Thread: Dogs Who Have Had Enough Lying Down In Protest

tumblr thread about a story of a women choosing to marry the one who can catch her cat thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - keuhkopussirotta Follow Story idea: The most wanted woman in town has announced that she'll only marry the one who can open her front door with the key around her cat's neck. Many men try to hunt the cat down, chase and trap it, but to no avail, the cat is simply too quick, smart and clever, and always finds a way to evade and avoid them.'

Tumblr Thread: Prompt About A Woman And The Cat With A Key Around Its Neck

12 reddit text images dog custody battle | thumbnail blue background dog bottom right corner text "Dog custody in break up [Help] My live in boyfriend and I are breaking up, and moving out of our shared apartment. Our dog adores both of us, and we each adore our dog. Our dog likes routine and does not like moving between different locations."

Couple Seeks Advice On Dog Custody Debacle After Recent Break Up: Reddit Thread

12 reddit thread images of text and cat | thumbnail left image of cat with party hat standing up, thumbnail right image of chonky cat standing up text "Posted by u/selfdestructvoice 15 hours ago 25 30 3 27 15.6k Meet Beanbag! Our senior foster-fail is on a dechonking journey. Clearly, I am a heartless human for resisting her begging."

Senior Cat Foster Fail Shows Off Dechonkification Transformation: Reddit Thread

11 text reddit images from thread on woman seeking advice | thumbnail blue background with small animated dog in right bottom corner, text "Although my partner and I will be covering the costs of the operation - which are going to be quite high- my family has been saying very hurtful things about it. "Why waste all that money a dog". "

Woman Seeks Advice On How To Deal With Family Members Who Say 'Why Waste So Much Money, It’s Just A Dog'

viral tweets of people sharing stories of finding their cats in random weird places thumbnail includes one tweet 'Text - Dr Kelly @KellyQuilt Took in a parcel for my neighbour across the road earlier. I just went to his house to tell him, he opened the door and there was one of my cats, sitting on his chair all comfy. 8:41 PM · Dec 4, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone 4.6K Retweets 1K Quote Tweets 150.5K Likes'

Twitter Users Share Funny Stories Of Finding Their Cats In Weird Places

14 images twitter thread orange cats funny faces | thumbnail left and right orange cats making funny faces, text "@TransfemCaracal orange cats make the funniest faces "

Twitter Thread: Silly Orange Cats Making The Funniest Faces

heartwarming stories about acts of kindness from pets | thumbnail includes a photo of a cat and the text saying '

Reddit Shares The Kindest Thing Pets Have Done

funny tweets about cat owners not throwing away trash because their cats like it | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Kendra (normal version) @kendrawcandraw Cat ownership is just going "that trash has been there for two months because the cat likes to sit on it. That's the cat's trash" 6:18 PM - Jan 10, 2022 - Twitter for iPad 9,613 Retweets 1,001 Quote Tweets 73.2K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Cat Owners Keeping 'Trash' For Their Cats

13 reddit text images of boyfriend giving girlfriend ultimatum over cat | thumbnail blue background "fter she got the cat she kept asking me what's wrong. I told her it was so inconsiderate of her to get the cat because I am allergic and what if we decide to move in together one day? I said I don't see this working out if she plans to keep the cat. She told me I'm overreacting and we just started dating so I shouldn't try to "control" her "

Entitled Dude Gives Girlfriend Of Two Months Cat UItimatum: It's Him Or The Cat

tweets about people adopting pets who have been returned to shelters multiple times | thumbnail includes a picture of two cats cuddling and one tweet 'Cat - a cactus cat tree .... @melissa_kohl Replying to @michaelscat2 my boys were so traumatized by moving from shelter to shelter and being in there so long that it legitimately took over a year for one to enjoy getting petted. i was constantly making progress with him it was just so slow. i would die for my perfect bonded boys'

Pets Who Have Been Returned To Shelters Finally Finding Forever Homes (Tweets)

12 reddit text images rehoming dog conversation | Thumbnail blue background ". She was always scared outside, at my office, at coffee places, at other apartments, even just outside on the street. Two weeks ago I came across a female acquaintance who lives outside the city, who has a dog that my dog loves and who offered to take her for a few hours to try how my dog likes it"

A Pawsitive Dog Rehoming Story, Reddit Users Discuss And Support One Another