
a chonky cat causes drama between two friends | thumbnail includes text saying 'Spaz is extremely food motivated. He will break into the Pantry to eat bread, wake us up at night by slamming into the door, and hunts for grasshoppers every day (even though there is snow outside). If you go near where the treats are held he will start begging'

Husbandry Specialist Bites Off More Than She Can Chew With Spaz The Cat

12 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background "Fast forward to today, we take her to the vet and turns out she has a broken leg and will need surgery. I'm devastated but I'm so glad that she was able to make it through the night and we were able to get her the help that she needs. Mum turns to me and makes a joke that it looks like I'm going to be spending a lot of money of Luna."

Woman's Bird Is Injured As A Result Of Her Mom's Negligence, Mom Refuses To Foot Vet Bill

a reddit thread about underrated animals | thumbnail includes three animals and text 'what's your favorite underrated animal, and why?'

Redditors Share Their Favorite Underrated Animals

11 reddit text images karen mil brings goat | thumbnail blue background text "MIL has PTSD and for most of the time I knew her it was very repressed but she recently had another traumatic event and is now struggling. She is very co dependent and has a hard time being around us without her husband, so I made a rule that she can bring one of her comfort animals. "

Crazy Karen MIL Brings 'Emotional Support Goat' To Her Son And DIL's House, Pure Chaos Ensues

13 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background text " I've been working from home for the last few years and I've found that my dogs have managed to teach themselves that me taking my headset off means it's time to come and hassle me for treats/attention! Has anyone else's dog started developing weird working from home quirks?"

Reddit Users Compare Their Dogs' Adorably Weird Working From Home Quirks

11 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background text "She has been making faces left and right about the pets, claiming she has allergies, the macaw is too loud when it talks, the dogs pitter-patter around the house is annoying, the cats sleep on her clean laundry.. I think she only likes the bunny and turtle as the snake apparently grosses her out as well."

Entitled Karen Moves In With Brother And His Wife Rent Free, Demands They Get Rid Of Pets

11 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background text "I (f25) have two dogs. 'Abby' (15) and 'Sam' (4). Both were rescues. My boyfriend 'Jim' moved in with me three months ago and I'm losing my mind. Jim had pets growing up and is a self proclaimed 'expert'. Inherently I have no issues with this, but since moving in, he micromanages everything I do with my dogs."

Controlling BF Moves In And Starts Micromanaging GF's Dog Parenting, She Goes Off On Him

viral imgur threads about pumas | thumbnail includes two pictures including a baby puma roaring and a puma chilling 'Today I would like to tell you... facts about the Puma. Unfortunately if you have seen a normal cat then you already know almost everything about them as Pumas are the same but bigger... jonjohnjonjohn'

Thread: Pumas Are The Same As Normal Cats, Just Bigger

12 tweets twitter thread, skink cat food bandit | thumbnail image of large skink in home eating from cat food bowl, tweet "Roxy @RoxyTall the cat food bandit strikes again 10:18 PM · Feb 9, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 7,085 Retweets 2,949 Quote Tweets 81.8K Likes"

Twitter Thread: Cat Food Bandit Of The Skink Variety Helps Himself To Neighbors' Cat's Feast

a wholesome thread about people saying goodbye to their pets before they go | thumbnail includes text saying 'When leaving the house, does anyone tell their pets they will be home later?' and 'Of course! Otherwise, how will they know?'

Wholesome Reddit Thread: Internet Shares How They Say Goodbye To Their Pets

woman adopts new puppy and neglects her senior dog | thumbnail includes text saying 'AITA for getting another dog? A. hole I (F45) got a new dog almost five months ago. She’s very young and energetic, nothing like my older dog who doesn’t do much anymore'.

Woman Adopts Young Puppy And Ignores Her Senior Dog: Reddit Weighs In

12 reddit text images entitled karen tries to pass of emotional support animal as service animal | thumbnail blue background text "She started to scream at me, threatening to sue me and call the cops. My response was:"For what? Refusing service to a woman who is faking a service animal? Which, by the way, is a civil penalty fine up to $250 each time in (state)? Go ahead, call the cops. I'll be here."

Entitled Dog-Toting Karen Flips Out After Being Refused Service Due To Her Fake Service Dog

13 text reddit images and one cat image | thumbnailblue background, dark purple cat graphic on right, text "This also extends to bedtime, where he will spend most of the night being King of the Hill curled up on her belly or hip. He is very comfy and pleased to be there, that there is very little that would convince him to move."

Man Gets Petty Revenge On Hooligan Cat For Hogging His Pregnant Wife And Projectile Vomiting

14 tweets diva dog twitter thread | thumbnail blue background text tweet "Reid @RVAReid My dog's turning into a diva. I gave her rotisserie chicken twice as a treat and now she won't eat unless it's rotisserie chicken. She really will sniff her food and look disgusted if it isn't rotisserie chicken. So now l'm constantly buying rotisserie chicken. 5:15 AM · Feb 8, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 5,675 Retweets 1,659 Quote Tweets 99.4K Likes"

Twitter Thread: Diva Doggos Refusing To Eat Dog Food After Exposure To Delicious Human Food

viral imgur thread about an animal that has 20,000 teeth | thumbnail includes a picture of a creepy-looking snail with teeth

The Animal With 20,000 Teeth: Informative Yet Funny Viral Thread

13 puppy tweets | thumbnail image of cute puppy wearing red harness, tweet "so I got a dog today"

Adorable Puppy Tweets: Twitter Users Show Off Their Sweet New Puppies
