
13 text based reddit images, dog custody debacle | thumbnail blue background text "Well, it's been 2 months since Beca and I broke up, I won't mention the reasons. The only thing that was in doubt would be the Sand. In the beginning, he always spent 3 days a week with her and everything, but I started to feel that he came back with bad behaviors and a little anxious, which I discovered later on that "

Frustrated Dog Owner Refuses To Share Doggo Custody With Ex, Turns To Internet For Advice

9 reddit text images, one embedded video of dog reunion | thumbnail includes three side by side images of black dog with orange collar reuniting with other dog "my dog reunites with my brother's dog after 7 months apart"

Brother’s Doggos Reunite After 7 Months: Reddit Rejoices

embedded video and 9 reddit text images | thumbnail snow, man, moose approaching, "brave little doggo distracts moose to try and protect human"

Brave Little Dog Protects Owner From Giant Moose: Reddit Praises Pour In

12 reddit text images dog, guilt about yard | thumbnail blue background text "actually think our relationship was better before having a yard because we went on so many adventures together and I wasn't getting mad at her for destroying the yard. When my lease is up in 2 months, we're moving back to an apartment with no yard. It has a balcony so she can lay outside and people watch, and a dog park so she can play with friends. "

Yards Are Overrated: Doggo Owners Discuss Spatial Priorities When Living With Dogs

twitter thread about a dog butt-texting someone and scaring them | thumbnail includes two message panels and one tweet 'Font - rye. @DopeyMcGeee Fiance is out of town and I fell asleep texting her. Dog came and laid her bare belly on the turned-on screen and managed to send texts that definitely made her think I was having a stroke. J J+!$° A 00:01 & HB yg X do The Brain Hurt' 'Font - & HB yg X do The Brain Hurt Are you ok? N; Baby??? Rve???2? 6:12 PM - Mar 20, 2022 - Twitter'

Dog Sends Texts To Fiancé, Making Her Think Partner Is Having A Stroke: Twitter Thread

reddit posts about a cat choosing to walk on its two front paws | thumbnail includes two pictures of a cat waking on its two front paws 'My Nan adopted a new cat, the shelter said "They walk a bit funny" u/CrackB3ar'

Grandma Adopts A Cat Who 'Walks A Bit Funny', It Becomes A Viral Sensation

10 reddit images one embedded video dog trying not to fall asleep | thumbnail left and right small brown dog trying not to fall asleep closing his eyes in car n

Doggie Copilot Refuses to Sleep on 16-Hour Ride: Adorableness Follows

13 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background "Anyways, so he's started complaining about all the pet fur, the dogs barking at him, cats on the sofas.. I ignored him mostly, cuz he's old and bitter but I would occasionally remark that his old place was covered in literal trash and to think of it as an upgrade."

Low-life Dad Moves In With Adult Daughter And Husband, Has The Audacity To Complain About Pets

10 reddit text images, cat on a leash | thumbnail blue background "My cat is sitting on my feet between the desk and my legs, back arched and fur sticking up but not hissing or growling just kind of frozen. The receptionist is yelling at the guy to get his dog under control or get out while he's yelling at me for being so stupid as to have a cat in public on a leash instead of in a cage."

Dude Takes His Cat To The Vet On A Leash, Gets Chewed Out By Everyone Present

viral twitter thread about a person who got rejected from cat sitting | thumbnail includes one tweet and one letter of rejection 'Product - ... @brondotcomputer I got rejected from...catsitting Hi Bronwyn, Thanks tor the call yesterday, it was great to meet you! You seem like a reaily nice person and we enjoyed chatting. But the other applicant we met with is a Marine Biologist. Which pretty much makes her overqualified to be a cat-sitter, but that's why we chose her. I knovi'

Twitter Thread: Woman Gets Rejected From Cat-Sitting For Being 'Underqualified'

twitter thread about a man rescuing a rabbit from inside of a car | thumbnail includes two pictures including a man holding a rabbit and a text message screenshot and one tweet 'Smile - Mohamad Zoror @MohamadZoror thinking about the mechanic at Hyundai that found a rabbit IN my car you yot nTImaKE Sure unatis addressed. Thank you! i appreciate it!! Today 1:52 PM Hi Mohamad, your tires are here and Gio is working on it now. I have an amazing story for you as well! There was a jack rabbit IN'

Twitter Thread: Mechanic Rescues A Rabbit Who Was Stuck In Person's Car

10 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background, text " I once had a great interaction years ago with a parent and kid who had asked to pet my dog. And I told her that my dog is generally friendly but is usually kind of nervous meeting new people. And the dog didn't snip at her but started baring her teeth, and the parent used this as a moment to explain to her kid that it was a sign the dog didn't want to be pet "

A Shout-Out To Parents Who Make Their Kids Ask Permission Before Petting Dogs: Reddit Discussion

10 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background "This happened on Christma's Eve. My girlfriend and I went to my hometown for the holidays and while I was showing her the city, a street dog came to us. She was limping and was all dirty. She licked my hand and then started using her paws to beg for attention. We pet her and thought she was adorable. I went to the store to buy her food and water."

Mexican Street Dog Finds Parisian Furever Home In True Christmas Spirit

10 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background snake background "I(27M) have always been an animal lover. I love snakes, tarantulas, scorpions, lizards, geckos, dogs, cats. When I moved out of my parents' house and into my townhome, I decided to adopt a ball python. She is very docile and loves to be held. I set her tank up in one of the rooms downstairs. When my fiance(28F) and I decided that we were ready to move in together, I slowly introduced her to the snake. "

Insensitive Woman Wreaks Havoc On Fiance's Pet Snake, Plays Dumb

10 images reddit and animal images, dogs know best | thumbnail left and right dogs with grimaced faces "when my dog has beef I believe him"

Reddit’s Best Stories of How Dogs Know Best (Most of The Time)

story about a man crawling through forty feet of pipes to rescue a kitten stuck in a storm drain | thumbnail includes two pictures including a black kitten in a storm drain and two men sitting above a storm drain 'We realized the only way we were going to get this kitten was to trap him in the section he was in - so this fine gentleman climbed down a neighboring inlet and crawled through about 40 feet of pipe to trap the kitten tapwoodcarving'

Man Crawls Through 40 Feet Of Pipe To Rescue Tiny Black Kitten Stuck In Storm Drain (Viral Thread)