
tumblr thread about Vikings using cute small dogs for hunting | thumbnail includes a picture of a cute and small dog and one tumblr post 'homunculus-argument Follow wanted look up kind dogs vikings had order make historically accurate shitpost meme, but while googling "viking dog figuring l'd find pictures some kind big cool war dogs or dogs used hunting moose and bear, but instead found this'

Tumblr Thread: The Unexpectedly Adorable Type Of Dog Vikings Used For Hunting

twitter thread about a waitress asking a woman if she ever taught her about dinosaur poop | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Dr Susannah Lydon ... @susieoftraken So last night we went to eat at a pub, and the young woman serving us said to me "Can I ask you a weird question?". The only answer you can ever give to that question is "Of course..." "Did you come to my school when I was little and show me dinosaur poo?" 1/3 1:50 PM · Apr 9, 2022 - Twitter'

Twitter Thread: Woman Recognizes Old Teacher From Lesson About Fossils And Wholesomeness Ensues

10 reddit text images, inlaws replace woman's dog | thumbnail blue background text "we got back we went straight to his parents house to collect our dog but I knew straight away something was wrong. The dog they had wasn't mine (looked identical but was missing identifying marks). I lost my cool and started yelling at them but they denied everything and said I was just stressed and tired. "

In-Laws Trade Son And His GF's Dog In For Better Behaved Lookalike Assuming They Wouldn't Notice, Outrage Ensues

11 reddit text images, husband washes dogs with fancy shampoo | thumbnail blue background text "ITA: Part of my weekly cleaning on Friday is giving our two dogs a bath. It's normally my last task, and I'm rushing before she gets home from work. Admittedly, because I'm in a rush to have the house and dogs clean before she gets home, I will completely ignore other options and use her shampoo. Also her good towels. Her nice shampoo. "

Husband Washes Dogs With Wife's Expensive Shampoo And Towels, Fails To See The Issue

viral imgur thread explaining overstimulation in cats | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat walking 'Sometimes, you'll be petting or playing with your cat- and they'll scratch you, or nip at you.  It happens to all of us!  This kind of behavior is typically referred to as overstimulation, and there are multiple ways it can happen adrianontherocks'

Why Do Cats Bite Their Humans: Viral Thread Explaining Overstimulation In Cats

twitter thread about hermit crabs exchanging shells | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - sloane (sîpihkopiyesîs) @cottoncandaddy I just learned that if a hermit crab finds a new shell that is too big it will wait for other hermit crabs who need new shells to gather and then they will organize themselves by size and trade shells and I am pissed that the crabs have a better housing market than we do 6:34 AM Apr 3, 2022 - Twitter for iPhone 45.2K Retweets 838 Quote Tweets 384K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Hermit Crabs Organizing Themselves Based On Size And Trading Shells

13 reddit images and video, cat makes itself at home | thumbnail left cat on windowsill, thumbnail right cat eating tuna from bowl, text "Posted by u/Brooksy925 1 day ago 2 e Random Cat let himself into my Apartment, persuaded me to give him all my tuna, claimed a spot on the window and refuses to leave. He's been here for several hours. How can Cats just declare that they live in your home now and get away with it?!"

Unbeknownst Neighborhood Cat Feeder Delightfully Swindled Into Adoption By Local Stray Cat

twitter thread about people wanting to adopt kittens before they are ready to be adopted | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Elle Em @elle em People: I would like to adopt a kitten Me: ok well they will be available in like six weeks People: no I want one now Me: they're still bottle-feeding People: ok but they're small and cute now Me: they will be small and cute in six weeks People: no they will be old Me: 12:49 PM - Mar 31, 2022 - Twitter Web App 929 Retweets 128 Quote Tweets 29.4K Likes'

Explaining Why It's Important To Adopt Kittens Only When They Are Ready: Twitter Thread

viral imgur thread about why it's bad to use spray bottles on cats | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat 'Why you shouldn't use a squirt bottle on your cat, and what to do instead adrianontherocks'

Why Using Squirt Bottles On Cats Can Be Harmful Sometimes (Viral Thread)

twitter thread about someone encountering a scary-looking animal and not knowing what it is | thumbnail includes a picture of an unknown animal and one tweet 'Plant - Blizz ... @Blizzjuuheardd Boy what the fuck is this shit I'm getting out of tampa bro'

Person Photographs Strange Animal And Freaks Out, Twitter Tries To Figure Out What TF It Is (Viral Tweets)

14 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background, text "We actually met our upstairs neighbor when she was petting him, and her and my girlfriend became friends. That friendship lasted until our cat started spending more and more time at her place. More and more frequently our routine was interrupted when M (our cat) would stay at her place overnight. We live in a large appartment complex on the ground floor whereas she lives on the 3rd with a nice view. M can walk up there easily."

Jealous Cat Owners Set Strict Boundaries After Their Cat Consistently Visits The Neighbor's Apartment

twitter thread about the the biggest animal in the world the Hatzegopteryx | thumbnail includes one drawing of a man next to a Hatzegopteryx and one tweet 'Organism - Andy Riley O @AndyRileyish the scariest animal that ever lived is not T-Rex or Velociraptor. It's this. The mouth alone is longer than your body. Apex predator. And it flew. May i introduce you to Hatzegopteryx. HATZEGOPTERYX Fanx: Anma TeMroRA RAN Lan Camc Macama taca) Eamamn wr o-( as-ar 4:56 PM - Mar 27, 2022 · Twitter'

Twitter Thread Discovering An Animal Whose Mouth Is Longer Than A Whole Human: Viral Tweets

14 reddit text images, people bumping into their cats | thumbnail blue background, cat graphic, text "quadgop · 2 yr. ago I was driving past a school a couple of blocks from home and saw his fat ass disappearing through a side gate. Pulled over and said to him through the fence "what are you doing out here?". You could see from the confusion on his face that he was surprised to see me, it was all "wait, wut?". He meowed at me a couple of times then wandered off to whatever business he was up to.

Silly Stories Of Humans Bumping Into Their Independent Cats Outside Of The House

10 reddit text images, stolen cat | thumbnail blue background text "She was angry and started calling us cruel to leave Noodle for 3 days. We got mad and asked her why she cared more about a cat who doesn't even really care that we are gone than her kid who had his property stolen and their DIL who had her HOUSE AND CAR KEYS STOLEN. She hung up on us after saying she was gonna come to get the cat. I texted her and said that if I got back home and my cat was gone, "

Delusional Mother-In-Law Steals Cat, Surprised When Son And Daughter-In-Law Call Cops

twitter thread about cats being affectionate to their humans | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - johannes (yo-han-ehz) / semi-professional cuntboy @JohannesTEvans it's so funny that people think of cats as distant and aloof when frequently cats are just as obsessed with the people they live with as the people are with them and it's so GOOD 8:49 PM · Mar 22, 2022 - Twitter for Android 10.2K Retweets 1,797 Quote Tweets 93.1K Likes'

Actually, Cats Are Not Aloof, They Are Obsessed With Their Humans: Twitter Thread

twitter thread about a restaurant making pizzas for dogs | thumbnail includes two photos of a dog eating pizza and one tweet 'Food - Genie Espinosa @geniespinosa I just found a new pizza place that ALSO do pizzas for dogs (giving benefits to a charity) SO THIS HAPPENED: 11:03 PM - Mar 26, 2022 - Twitter for iPhone 11.9K Retweets 872 Quote Tweets 85.5K Likes'

Discovering A Restaurant That Makes Pizzas For Dogs For Charity (Twitter Thread)