
tweets of funny paintings of cats throughout history | thumbnail includes two pictures including a painting of a cat playing the organ 'Organism - weird medieval guys @WeirdMedieval ... cat playing the organ, belgium, 15th century 6:51' and a cat churning butter 'Carnivore - weird medieval guys @WeirdMedieval ... cat churning butter, germany, ca. 12th century +pten E Ego Heruo raniti xpret" rone con 1:57 PM · Apr 30, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 7,498 Retweets 661 Quote Tweets 61.7K Likes'

Ridiculous Paintings Of Cats Throughout History: Tweets Proving Cats Have Always Had Us Whipped

12 cat tweets | thumbnail left and right grey cat on desk tweet "Jana G. Pruden @jana_pruden A cat just ran into my office and jumped up on my desk. I am at home. We don't have a cat."

Twitter Thread: Purrific Lil Cat Visits Woman's Office And Sets Up Camp

imgur thread about training cats | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat 'Training, if done properly, can be extremely enriching and beneficial to a cat (or any other animal).  Don't listen to anyone who tells you cats can't be trained- they absolutely can, and I know because I've done it adrianontherocks'

An Easy-To-Understand Guide To Training Cats From A Feline Behaviorist

13 reddit text images, cat sniffing thread | thumbnail blue background "My friend doesn't believe people sniff their cats,My two cats both have their own distinct scent. There's nothing better than gently resting your head on them while they are purring and just reveling in their soft fur and the scent of home"

Cat People Describe The Comfort Of 'Cat-Sniffing' Smelling Their Cats And Appreciating Their Scent

12 reddit images cat rug | thumbnail left cat with cat rug, thumbnail right cat in same position as displayed in rug "I made a rug of my cat. I think it looks a little derpy but it looks pretty close for being a rug!"

Creative Cat Loving Human Makes Cute And Derpy Rug Awwmazingly Identical To Her Cat

twitter thread about a bunch of people rescuing pregnant cats and adopting them and their babies | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat cuddling a bunch of kittens and one tweet 'Cat - www Frances and Family @francesandfam 8 months ago I brought Frances inside. 2 days later she gave birth. I never thought I could ever love anything as much as I love them. 6 cats was never part of my plans but I wouldn't trade them for anything in the whole world. Thank you for helping us all stay a family.'

Twitter Thread: Adopting Pregnant Cats And Wholesome Stories Of People Keeping Their Babies Too

16 reddit images, video of cat crawling like spider | thumbnail left and right black cat sprawled on floor "a new species of spider, Alexa, play Spider Cat remix by Homer Simpson on Apple Music"

Spooky Black Cat Looks Like A Spider Sprawling On The Floor: Redditors React To The Spider-Cat

13 reddit text images and video of cat being moved | thumbnail three images of waitress moving chair with seated cat "Posted by u/keras_rk 3 days ago © & * 2 17 e18 3 15 E2 Went to a restaurant in Turkey. Offered my friend a chair to find this stray sleeping in the chair. Asked a waitress to handle this situation. This was her "handling". Gotta love Turkey."

Stray Cat Sets Up Camp In Istanbul Cafe And Is Treated With The Utmost Respecc When Asked To Move Seats

viral imgur thread about a cat unexpectedly giving birth on Easter | thumbnail includes two pictures of a mom cat lying with a bunch of newborn kittens 'Surprise Easter kittens! kittycrazy88'

In An Awwdorble Surprise, Cat Gives Birth During Easter, Goes Viral And Takes Over Everyone's Hearts

14 cat tweets heads resting | thumbnail cat resting head atop table tweet "Panko A. Cat @fatfatpankocat Her head is very heavy because of all of her thoughts 10:55 PM · Apr 23, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 44.2K Retweets 1,481 Quote Tweets 343.8K Likes"

Twitter Thread: Tired Cats With Heavy Heads Full Of Deep Thoughts

12 twitter images, cat rotisserie chicken twitter thread | thumbnail image of cat in refrigerator going for rotisserie chicken tweet "Steel A Jeeg R Elden Ring (PS4) @DogBarkingBees PSA this is NOT OKAY cats only do this when they are EXTREMELY hungry for an entire rotissererie chicken VERTICAL ROOrs GREEN BUTTER LIVING LETTUCE Ready GOO Pepperoni 7:38 AM · Apr 21, 2022 · Twitter for Android 173.4K Likes 16.3K Retweets 749 Quote Tweets"

Twitter Thread: Satirical Funniness Stirred Up By Hongry Cat Going Wild For Rotisserie Chicken

imgur thread about cats lying down flat on their backs | thumbnail includes two pictures of kittens lying flat on their backs

Cats Lying Flat On Their Backs Because Of Their Totally Exhausting Lives

11 reddit images, cat recovery | thumbnail left kitten with two broken legs, thumbnail right adult cat with long legs

Kitten With Two Broken Legs Heals And Blossoms Into Long-Legged Adult Cat: Redditors Exclaim Support

12 reddit images, cat lying on mans legs | thumbnail left and right cat lying on man's legs on sofa belly up "Posted by u/celery-jones 1 day ago → 2 10 S While I was travelling, my BF bonded with my cat so hard I think he broke."

Cat Adopts His Mama's Boyfriend While She's Traveling, Comes Home To Wholesome Reunion

10 tweets cat thread | thumbnail blue background "charlie @chunkbardey sooo important to keep your cat stimulated by asking it questions like "who's my cute guy" “who's the smallest little guy" "who's my tiny little cutie pie mr man" "where's my little friend. where is my tiny little friend" 6:01 PM · Apr 17, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 10.6K Retweets 707 Quote Tweets 94.2K Likes"

Twitter Thread: Cat Loving Humans Emphasize The Importance Of Keeping Cats Stimulated In The Silliest Ways

story about an autistic boy volunteering in a cat shelter | thumbnail includes two pictures including a boy holding a cat in his lap and a boy with kittens all over him 'Rectangle - HisMomm · 3d ... (OC) My son is autistic & LOVES cats, so for the past 4 years he has volunteered to socialize the cats & kittens at our local animal shelter to help get them adopted'

Heartwarming Story Of An Autistic Boy Volunteering At A Shelter And Helping Cats Get Adopted