
Mimes Horatio Caine putting on his sunglasses... I think we've found a shady spot here for some gifs and memes... Sunglasses have become an almost essential fashion accessory for the style-focused. But as long as people turn their faces into something resembling a bug, there will always be jokes to be had.

Image silly sunglasses whatbreed - 5116689408

Don't laugh

bulldog fashion glasses Image lookin-good style sunglasses - 5027299328


animated gif gifs glasses handsome husky Image lick sunglasses tongue - 5156847360

Goggie Gif: Smoov Moovs!

best of the week bros Edgar Allan Poe Hall of Fame historic lols nevermore sunglasses writers - 5206854144

Edgar Allen Bro Presents...

animals awesome cool gangsta guinea pigs I Can Has Cheezburger sunglasses - 5084152832

O.G.: Original Gpig

boxer glasses Image sunglasses towel - 5105882880


animals Cats cool I Can Has Cheezburger please sunglasses - 5097244160

Alternate Caption: "Deal With It"

fashion husky Image looking good scarf style sunglasses - 5037078272

Fear and Loathing

clothing Image sunglasses too much weimaraner - 5000647168

Too much

clothing corgi corgis Image sunglasses - 4994053376

We're on

bandana Image Music musician sunglasses whatbreed - 4972517888

Let himself go

animated gifs fromTCF gifs Image money rich sunglasses - 4954218496


beach clothing huskies Image outdoors relaxing sunglasses sunny voting-page - 4917424640


got hot i has Image know mixed breed pug sunglasses you - 4890132992

i got hottness...

do want floating happy i can has Image pool shades summer sunglasses whatbreed - 4854310912

I Can Has

best of the week bottle cyoot kitteh of teh day drunk fromTCF Image sunglasses wine - 4865437184
