
cat, stray cat, cats, cute cat, cute cats, kitten, kittens, kitten video, cute kittens, cool, animal rescue, kitten rescue, cat rescue, foster, care, love

Stray Kitten Goes to Great Lengths to Avoid Being Hand-Fed and Pampered for the Rest of His Life

thread about a person helping a kitten and then the kitten bringing her whole family over | thumbnail includes two pictures including a black kitten and a bunch of kittens sitting on a driveway 'I went out, ready for work, when I saw a small calico under my car. It's about 100⁰F with high humidity, so I turned around to go get water for her. I saw this little cutie just hanging out under the bush by my feet DillPixels'

Person Helps Out One Kitten, Kitten Brings Her Whole Family Over And Chooses The Human For Herself

One video of a cat and 9 Reddit text images with cat advice | thumbnail features two side by side images of the orange and brown and white cat from the first image in the list, overlaid text reads "How can I help socialize this girl?"

Fellow Rescuers Unite – Cat Folks Give Advice For Socializing Scared Strays

4 TikTok videos of a man feeding cats using a remote control toy car | Thumbnail includes screenshots of a man placing cat food on a toy car, toy car approaching cats, and stray cats eating cat food from the toy car

Man Uses Remote Controlled Toy Car To Deliver Food To Stray Cats

A YouTube video about the story of a stray cat that adopted a litter of stray kittens and is raising them alongside her own kittens | Thumbnail includes a screenshot from the video of a lot of tiny kittens, and a screenshot of the mom cat sleeping with a few kittens

Stray Super-Mom Cat Adopts A Litter Of Kittens And Raises Them Alongside Her Own (Video)

2 TikToks and funny comments about a stray cat that broke into a woman's house, got a bath, food, and treats and then left 'A stray cat found a way to get into my house Watch until the end'

Stray Kitten Breaks Into Woman's House, Scores A Warm Bath Then Dips

4 TikToks of a woman feeding four stray cats for over a year | Thumbnail includes two cats standing with their paws up against a door, three cats eating out of one bowl, and a cat looking inside a window

Woman Wasn't Able To Adopt Four Stray Cats So They Became Her Feral Pets Instead

26 before and after photos of rescued cats | Thumbnail includes a before and after photo of an orange rescued cat

Power Of Love: 26 Before And After Photos Of Cats That Were Loved Back To Health

27 before and after photos of rescued dogs | Thumbnail includes a before photo of a dog in a shelter and an after photo of the same dog but adopted 'The first time we saw him at the shelter vs his first week at home with us'

Power Of Love: 27 Before And After Photos Of Doggos That Got A Second Chance (April 29, 2022)

A short video of someone helping a stray kitten with their inflamed eye | Thumbnail includes a screenshot from the video with the mother cat observing as the human helps her kitten

Stray Mommy Cat Says Thank You To Human For Treating Her Kittens Inflamed Eye

16 screenshots from a Twitter thread about cats that found their own humans | Thumbnail includes a picture of a stray kitten 'Look what I found outside all alone, by my cat food dishes and in the cat bed I have by the outside cat houses. I guess I have a new kitten'

Short Stories Of Cats That Took Things Into Their Own Paws And Found Their Own Hoomans

3 pictures of a white and gray kitten that may be pregnant, 7 Reddit comments from thread discussing if the cat is pregnant or not | thumbnail features text that say "Is this cat pregnant or she's just gaining weight? She used to be skinny just month ago" and behind the text are two images of the cat, the left image is the white and gray striped cat standing on dirt and the right image is the white and gray striped cat eating kibble off the ground

Is This Stray Cat Pregnant or Just Fat? A Wholesome Reddit Thread We All Could Learn From

story about a stray cat getting rescued | thumbnail includes two pictures of a sick-looking cat

Awwdorable Tabby Cat Survives Street Life, Seeks Simple Living Indoors

 an article about a mean jerk face who's mad cats are being fed outside his window | thumbnail includes text saying 'WIBTA if I asked my downstairs neighbors to stop feeding stray cats?' and 'I know it’s something nice she’s doing but it does pose a threat for my dog.'

Total Jerk Face Tries To Stop Stray Cats From Being Fed Near His House

a wholesome story of a feral cat giving birth to 6 kittens | thumbnail includes a photo of the cat and text saying 'Took in a feral cat. Named her Wednesday. She doesn’t like me much. Now she is about to give birth in my living room. It’s the first time she let me pet her.'

The Tale Of Wednesday The Rescued Feral Cat Giving Birth To 6 Kittens

a gaggle of stray cats get fed lunch in the most wholesome way possible | thumbnail includes two photos of the cats being surprised by the food

Stray Cats Surprised With Wholesome Feast: Awwdorable Photos