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imgur thread about rescuing a paralyzed stray cat | thumbnail includes two pictures of an injured cat 'Paralyzed Rescue Cat D*ldoDantes'

Thread: Heartwarming Rescue Of A Paralyzed And Injured Stray Cat

Everyone deserves love <3
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video of stray dog rescue the dodo | thumbnail left dog before recovery, thumbnail right same dog post recovery with adoptive father

Hairless And Scared Stray Puppy Fostered To Health And Floofiness

Amazing Transformation
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imgur thread about a stray cat bringing her kittens to her human | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat and kittens '"I looked over the fence and saw the cat I’ve been feeding had led her kittens to me. So I brought them inside..." - brunion'

Thread: Trusting Stray Cat Mom Brings Kittens To Her Chosen Human

Sometimes, you have to take a chance <3
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story of a pregnant stray cat asking a person for help | thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten with large paws as well as a mom cat lying next to five newborn babies

Pregnant Cat Begs Woman For Help To Save Her Kittens

Everything for her babies <3
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story about a stray sick kitten getting adopted and transforming into a gorgeous white cat | thumbnail includes two pictures including a sick stray cat and a fluffy white cat '"She was so pitiful to look at. Her skin was infected and wounded and she smelled very bad," - Nur Hamizah'

Wounded And Sick Stray Cat Gets Rescued And Completely Transforms

What a little love can do <3
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video of stray puppy being bathed | thumbnail left puppy being dried, thumbnail right puppy being showered

Smol Stray Puppy Gets First Bath Ever

Scrubadub In The Tub: Bath Time
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viral imgur thread about a stray cat getting adopted | thumbnail includes two pictures of a grey cat 'I saw him every morning behind our local gas station, drinking out of puddles. He was so underweight and I knew I just needed him to be mine. -FridgePants'

Viral Thread: Heartwarming Rescue Of An Underweight Stray Cat

Endless love for Church <3
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twitter thread about a guy who feeds stray cats running out of food and giving them a fried egg | thumbnail includes two pictures of a cat next to a fried egg and one tweet 'Ecoregion - zach silberberg ... @zachsilberberg theres a stray cat who visits my yard and i usually give him a can of tuna but i'm all out so tonight i fried him an egg and i dont think he knows what to do with it'

Twitter Thread: Cats Fascinated Yet Confused By Cooked Egg

Two eggs, three cats, endless hilarious confusion.
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video of a cat bringing a kitten home and the family adopting it thumbnail includes a picture of a cat and a kitten

Cat Brings Stray Kitten Home and Family Adopts Him (Video)

Wholesome through and through.
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video of a stray dog that was caught on camera on woman's doorstep gets adopted thumbnail includes a picture of a large black dog lying on a porch

Stray Dog Caught On Security Camera On Woman's Porch Gets Adopted (Video)

The sweetest little pooch.
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tumblr thread about a stray kitten getting rescued thumbnail includes two pictures including of a stray scared kitten and another of the same kitten looking happy 'Skin - What a difference a day makes! Took this little guy to the vet, got the fleas and dirt washed off him, got some antibiotics for a slight cold, but he is otherwise fine. Kneading and purring up a storm, eating a lot and being heart-crushingly adorable.'

Tumblr Thread: Saving And Adopting A Helpless Stray Kitten

Covered in burrs and sick, but saved!
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a stray blind senior kitty finds her forever home - thumbnail of molly the cat

Imgur User Adopts Senior Blind Kitty, Shares Heartwarming Story

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story of the stray kitten Bubbles who came running out of the woods for help and love - thumbnail of Bubbles the kitten in the woods and being taken cared of in a towel

Stray Kitten Finds Love And Help After Bolting Out Of The Woods

Such a sweet story
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story of a cat who took in a stray kitten under his wing, into his home and heart - thumbnail of cat and the stray kitten he befriended | cat peeking out from a flower pot and two cats sitting side by side

Cat Brings Home Adorable Stray Kitten

Best friends for life
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stray dog badge hyundai brazil showroom animals doggo tuscan prime instagram star job adopted | HYUNDAI HYUNDAI TUCSON PRIME NEW THINKING. NEW POSSIBILITIES. PRIME HYUNDAI HYUNDAI PRIME dog wearing a car dealership work tag

Stray Dog Gets A Home, Job, And Badge From Hyundai Showroom In Brazil

What a good boy!
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pitbull cat pregnant aww youtube video animals

Pitbull Offers House To Pregnant Stray Cat (Video)

We love a happy ending
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