
pictures of startled cats | thumbnail includes three pictures including a woman holding a started cat and a shocked cat sitting on a dresser and a cat with huge eyes staring off into space

25 Silly Pics Of Startled Cats Getting Spooked By The Most Hissterical Things

Facebook comments about funny things that orange cats have done | thumbnail includes one Facebook comments 'Angela Addison My Bubba wasn't the brightest crayon in the box. Once we removed a glass top from a table and he tried to jump on top of it and fell right through. He was still stunned by the unexpected result, and we could not stop laughing. → Glass was his enemy, because he would also scratch at the glass door to come in off the porch, even'

Funniest Things That Ginger Cats Have Done When Sharing Their One (Singular) Braincell: ICanHasCheezburger Edition

viral tweets about a mountain lion that looks like its posing for the camera | thumbnail includes two pictures of a mountain lion 'her as a guest judge on drag race when?????' '@USArmy How has serving impacted you?' '@mvn_dn Ask her'

'No one has mothered as hard as her': Mountain Lion Momma Serving Diva Realness Gets Photographed In The Wild And Twitter Immediately Meme-s Her

funny cat names | thumbnail includes two Facebook comments 'Ruth Beck I was at my vets and the nurse called out 'Baby Jesus' - the guy next to me stood red faced and took his cat into the surgery apparently his kids chose the name! 2w Like Reply D❤ 19' and 'Rachel Kight My 6yo named one of our cats Death Pickle. Oddly, the name suits the cat perfectly. 2w Like Reply 31'

Cringeworthy Cat Names That Are Actually Totally Adorable And Not Strange At All: ICanHasCheezburger Edition

viral twitter thread about advice for new cat owners | thumbnail includes two pictures of cats sitting in sinks 'As a new cat owner I have noticed that most "cat advice" is advice about how to change your behavior to accommodate the cat' and 'Dogs have owners, Cats have staff'

The Most Accurate And Useful (And Funniest) Pieces Of Advice For New Cat Owners

viral reddit thread about cats catching and releasing a lizard | thumbnail includes a picture of a chunky cat and one section of a reddit thread 'This is pastrami. Pastrami is only interested in three things. Treats, naps, and lizards. This involves the third thing. Yesterday, my cats were having a bit of patio time before the storms rolled in, when I heard some growling. This means only one thing- small cat (named as such because she is....small) has caught a lizard and does not want to'

Chonky Cat Dives After Lizard That Got Under Owner's Desk, Emerges Having Successfully Caught It (And Accidentally Saves Its Life)

viral twitter thread about someone's parents finally finding the cat he's been hiding in the house for weeks | thumbnail includes one tweet '22 @jooyExmas My parents finally found out that my brother been hiding his cat in the house for months now and the message they sent him???? Nigerian parents are so unintentionally funny bro' and one text exchange '5:11 154 Mumsy ll 5G Do you know I saw a cat in Daniel room yesterday 2 Replies I've been wanting to tell'

'Just go and rent an apartment': Parents Discover The Cat That Their Son's Been Hiding In The House For Months, Immediately Issue An Ultimatum

viral twitter thread about an outside cat coming inside and an inside cat being stuck outside | thumbnail includes two pictures of a cat chilling inside and an angry cat staring at it from outside and two tweets 'Not sure how this has happened. Outside cat is ours. Inside cat is not' and 'Oh your cat.... is not happy This is their villian origin story'

In A Silly Switcheroo, Housecat Finds Itself Locked Outside While A Random Cat Takes Its Place, And He Is Not Happy About It

pictures and tweets of snow leopards being goofy | thumbnail includes three pictures including a snow leopard caught on camera and someone holding a snow leopard and a snow leopard cub sitting on another snow leopard

Majestic Snow Leopards Acting Purrcisely As Itty Bitty House Cats: I.e. Being Derpy As Heck

pictures and posts of cats being mildly infuriating | thumbnail includes three pictures including cat paw prints on an epoxy resin table and a cat drinking directly out of a glass of water and a cat sleeping in a box instead of in a cat bed

28 Cats Mildly Infuriating Their Owners With Their Shenanigans, But It's OK, We Love Them Anyway

viral twitter thread about a cat crashing into someone's Zoom call | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Josh Trebach, MD @jtrebach gave a virtual lecture about iron toxicity and said “here's how we treat this" but my cat heard me say TREAT and started to meow nonstop 11:29 PM Apr 5, 2024 628.8K Views . 99 11.9K 39K 807'

Doctor Gives Virtual Lecture, His Cat Hears The Word 'Treat', Breaks Into The Zoom Call And Causes Chaos

funny pictures of judgmental cats | thumbnail includes two pictures of cats looking judgy and one tweet 'wow... so frickin judgemental... can i live??'

A Whole Batch Of Judgmental Cats Feeling Disappointed With Their Humans For Clearly Not Spoiling Them Enough

cute and funny pictures and tweets of cats in harnesses | thumbnail includes two pictures including a black cat in a yellow harness and another cat in a harness and one tweet 'we have an orange cat and got him a purple harness to wear and the color contrast was very fetching so for our black cat I was like ooh a bright yellow would really pop and...she just looks like she's wearing a high-viz. girl looks like she's on the jobsite'

Black Cat In Bright Yellow Vest That Looks Like A Real Purrfessional Prompts Other Users To Share Their Fashionable Harness-Wearing Kitties

derpy and funny cat pictures | thumbnail includes three pictures including a cat making a funny surprised face and a cat spreading its legs and a cat with its tongue out

25 Hilariously Derpy Cat Photos To Bring You A Smile Or Two During This Difficult Workday: ICanHasCheezburger Edition

reddit thread about a cat that used its owners training against him | thumbnail includes a section of a reddit thread 'my cat has weaponized his training against me like actually. i've been doing the re- association training with scratching with my cat basically since i first got him 6 or 7 months ago. he'll scratch the couch, i pick him up, place him at his scratcher, he scratches, he gets rewarded. EVERY website i've read on how to appropriately train a cat to stop this behaviour says'

When Cat Training Goes Wrong: Cat Learns That Scratching Furniture Is Bad, Does It On Purpose To Get Corrected And Get Treats

viral twitter thread about a cat somehow ordering a bed for itself on Amazon | thumbnail includes two pictures including a dog in a bed and a ginger cat and two tweets '...what do you mean "purchased one time," i don't remember buying this why is that today's date' and 'jeeyonardo dicaprio 심지연 @jeeyonshim did my cat just buy himself a bed, i'm 3:25 AM · Mar 21, 2024 44.8K Views crying'

Shocked Cat Owner Returns To Her Phone Only To Discover That Her Cat Somehow Ordered A Cat Bed For Himself From Amazon