
posts about cats being jerks | thumbnail includes three pictures including a cat biting someone and a cat reaching for food on the counter and a cat in a litterbox with a sign above it that says 'DO NOT PET SNOWBALL SHE WILL BITE'

25 Hilarious Cats Who Are Purrfessionals at Making Their Humans’ Lives More Difficult

viral twitter thread showing animals you can't have as pets and cats | thumbnail includes picture of a snow leopard and a picture of a cat and a tweet 'Edaphosaurus @Edaphosaurus Thread of animals you can't have as pets with solid substitutes that you can have instead I Can't have Can have - snow leopard - domestic cat 12:51 AM • Aug 3, 2024 1.9M Views 188 16.9K 71K ☐ 6K ↑'

A Hilarious List of Animals You Can’t Have as Pets With Sublime Substitutes You Can Have Instead (Spoiler, They're All Cats)

pictures of funny cats | thumbnail includes three pictures including a cat standing on someone's chest and staring at their face and a cat in a funny stance and a surprised cat surrounded by shredded toiler paper

25 Hissterical Out-Of-Context Pics That Really Put the ‘Cat’ in Catastrophe

viral twitter thread about a cat who got run over by a car and now growls at all cars | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat on a couch and a tweet 'Claire @clairestrickett 5 months into her current incarnation, a car ran over Peggy's back right leg and crushed it beyond repair. 5 and a half years later, her favourite pastime is to sit atop the sofa and growl at every single car that passes. 10:13 PM ⚫ Jul 27, 2024 · 1M Views • > 199 12.9K 71K ☐ 1.3K 1'

Cats Gets Leg Run over by a Car, Five Years Later, She Hissterically Growls at Every Car That Drives By

video of a cat with a funny meow that doesn't like to be called baby | thumbnail includes three pictures of a cute black and white cat making faces

'She's a crazy, outrageous cat': Cat Has the Weirdest Meow, Hates Being Called Baby and Always Responds When She’s Talked To (Video)

thread about parents demanding that their daughter get rid of her cat because her sister had a baby | thumbnail includes one picture of a boy hugging a cat 'My cat stays in my room, always had. But my little sister had a baby and now all of a sudden i have to get rid of him?? That has NOTHING to do with me and my cant. “The cat is gonna steal the babies breath"'

'The cat is gonna steal the baby's breath': Overprotective Parents Force Daughter to Get Rid of Her Cat Because Her Sister Had a Baby, She Refuses, and the Internet Comes to Her Defense

video of a cat drinking milk behind a Dean giving a sermon | thumbnail includes one picture of a Dean giving a sermon and a cat on a table behind him

Sneaky Cat Steals Some Milk During Dean's Morning Sermon: 'The Lord giveth, and the Cat taketh away' (Video)

viral twitter thread about expensive cat vet visits | thumbnail includes two pictures including a white cat '$300 leg cramp' and a black cat with no tail 'Here's the man with the $450 tummy ache'

'Here's the man with the $450 tummy ache': Funny Cats Going To The Vet Over Silly Reasons And Costing Their Humans Hundreds Of Dollars

viral twitter thread about cats telling people off | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Janet Emson @JanetEmson Anyone who says that other animals don't talk to us has obviously never had a cat tell them off for being 5 minutes late to bed, or feeding time, or dared to go out of the house. Or been near a cat. 1:51 PM Jul 12, 2024 · 468.4K Views 435 1.9K 24K 392'

People Getting Told Off By Their Cats For The Funniest Things: 'I was once ten minutes late with his tea'

viral twitter thread about a cat eating pizza on top of his human | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Lillie @lillie_arghn Woke up at 3am to find my cat eating a slice of my pizza on my chest. The pizza was downstairs in the kitchen. Dragged it upstairs to eat it off my body. 7:00 PM ⚫ Jun 29, 2024 2.4M Views 471 16.3K 93K ☐ 2.2K'

'Dragged the pizza upstairs to eat it off my body:' Funny Felines Showing Their Affection With Unexpected Food Deliveries

funny things cats do that they're not allowed to do | thumbnail includes two Facebook comments 'Amy Weiss Zachary Steal car keys and some how get them into the dishwasher if the door isn't latched. We have to check the dishwasher every time before we start it. 6d Like Reply Send message Hide' and 'Mel Harris Sits on the coffee pot cause technically they're not on the counter. 6d Like Reply Send message Hide 32 4'

A Series Of Hissterically Spicy Cats Doing Things They Know They're Not Allowed To Do: ICanHasCheezburger Edition

pictures of a cat locking a dog out of the house after it opened the door | thumbnail includes three pictures of a dog opening a door and a cat closing it 'Teaching my dog to open the door thinking nothing could go wrong'

Owner Teaches Dog How To Open Door While Mischievous Cat Watches, Then The Cat Hilariously Locks The Dog Outside (Video)

cats that have been banned from the vet's office | thumbnail includes one picture of a black cat in a box and a section of a reddit thread 'Anyone else ever been fired from their vet's office? My sweet little 6 lb, 3 legged void wounded 3 and left dozens more shaking with fear after our last visit. Even while on gabapentin, Wednesday had 3 techs trying to hold her down so the vet could give her a shot. Poor thing looked like a Tasmanian devil fueled only by RAGE.'

Extra Spicy Hissterical Cats That Have Been Banned From Their Vet's Office

funny posts about cats being petty | thumbnail includes one section of a reddit thread 'Posted by u/Dragon In Plain Sight Cats can be petty too Growing up, we had a big white cat named Jerry. Laid back, chill kinda cat. Jerry decides one day to sharpen his claws on the side of the couch, right in front of Mom's recliner, while she was reading. Mom yells at him to stop. He ignores her. She yells again, he ignores her. Finally she throws her paperback novel at him, and'

Hilarious Cats Being Petty As Heck About The Smallest And Silliest Inconveniences

viral twitter thread about cats throwing up in funny places | thumbnail includes two pictures of a cat sitting on a small piece of paper and one tweet 'Dr. fem boi magnet @La_calderone My cat started gagging so I put down a paper towel for her to throw up on and look what she did 11:29 PM ⚫ Jun 22, 2024 • 1.4M Views 201 1 6.5K 115K 3K ↑'

Chaotic Posts Of Cats Intentionally Throwing Up In The Most Hissterical Places And Ways

viral twitter thread and pics of celebrities and their cat lookalikes | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat and one picture of Anya Taylor Joy 'your cat looks like anya taylor-joy'

20 Side-Splitting Cat Impurrsonators: Funny Felines Who Look Suspiciously Like Celebrities