
viral thread about how to help cats deal with heatwaves and signs of heatstroke | thumbnail includes two pictures of cats chilling 'It’s HOT... A lot of people are worried about their pets, understandably.  So what are some things you should (or shouldn’t) do to help keep your cat cool, and what are signs of heat stroke and how should you respond adrianontherocks'

How To Help Cats Stay Cool In Hot Weather, Signs Of Heatstroke And How To Respond: Informative Viral Thread

13 reddit images, cats in heat | thumbnail image of two fluffy cats laying in heat with text "they're struggling in the heat, any advice?"

Concerned Cat Owner Turns To Reddit For Advice On How To Keep His Cats Cool In The Heat

video of 20 facts about norwegian forest cats | thumbnail two side by side images of norwegian forest cats

20 Interesting Norwegian Forest Cat Facts (Video)

tumblr thread about why cats yell randomly | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - prokopetz I think sometimes cats don't actually know what specifically they want - they're just generally dissatisfied, so they stand there yelling "I YEARN" on the off chance that you'll be able to do something about it. #life #cats O 53,028 notes :'

Tumblr Thread: Attempting To Explain The Ridiculousness Of Cats Randomly Meow-Yelling

tumblr thread about whether adult cats should be lifted by the scruff of their neck | thumbnail includes one tumblr post 'Font - shadythetortie Follow Word of advice to cat owners: please don't pick your adult cats up by the scruff. The scruff is meant to support kitten weight. You can seriously hurt your cat by carrying it around by the scruff of the neck. That's 4-6kg of cat hanging from loose skin. Please don't.'

Tumblr Thread: Discussing Whether Adult Cats Should Be Lifted By The Scruff

thread about the wolf cat | thumbnail includes two pictures of a cats that looks like they have wolf genes

Meet The Wolf Cat: A Cat With A Natural Genetic Mutation And Pawsome Traits

12 embedded photos and videos from Reddit with animal facts | Thumbnail includes a lynx walking on snow 'Lynx have evolved enormous paws to distribute weight better in the snow'

Animal Facts Friday: Top 12 Fascinating Facts About The Animal Kingdom (April 15, 2022)

video of dolphins hunting octopus using stingrays | thumbnail image

Diligent Dolphins Use Stingrays to Hunt Their Octopus Lunch (Video)

twitter thread about a waitress asking a woman if she ever taught her about dinosaur poop | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Dr Susannah Lydon ... @susieoftraken So last night we went to eat at a pub, and the young woman serving us said to me "Can I ask you a weird question?". The only answer you can ever give to that question is "Of course..." "Did you come to my school when I was little and show me dinosaur poo?" 1/3 1:50 PM · Apr 9, 2022 - Twitter'

Twitter Thread: Woman Recognizes Old Teacher From Lesson About Fossils And Wholesomeness Ensues

video of monkeys at a florida airport | thumbnail left image of two monkeys on car, thumbnail right monkey portrait

Squad Of Monkeys Call A Florida Airport Home (Video)

viral imgur thread explaining overstimulation in cats | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat walking 'Sometimes, you'll be petting or playing with your cat- and they'll scratch you, or nip at you.  It happens to all of us!  This kind of behavior is typically referred to as overstimulation, and there are multiple ways it can happen adrianontherocks'

Why Do Cats Bite Their Humans: Viral Thread Explaining Overstimulation In Cats

twitter thread about people wanting to adopt kittens before they are ready to be adopted | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - Elle Em @elle em People: I would like to adopt a kitten Me: ok well they will be available in like six weeks People: no I want one now Me: they're still bottle-feeding People: ok but they're small and cute now Me: they will be small and cute in six weeks People: no they will be old Me: 12:49 PM - Mar 31, 2022 - Twitter Web App 929 Retweets 128 Quote Tweets 29.4K Likes'

Explaining Why It's Important To Adopt Kittens Only When They Are Ready: Twitter Thread

video of robo dog patrolling ancient ruins | thumbnail image of robotic dog in ruins

Robodog Patrols Ancient Ruins of Pompeii (Video)

viral imgur thread about why it's bad to use spray bottles on cats | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat 'Why you shouldn't use a squirt bottle on your cat, and what to do instead adrianontherocks'

Why Using Squirt Bottles On Cats Can Be Harmful Sometimes (Viral Thread)

video of hour long cat asmr compilation | thumbnail black cat with animated foods surrounding

One Hour Of Pure Cat Eating ASMR Purrfection (Video)

10 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background snake background "I(27M) have always been an animal lover. I love snakes, tarantulas, scorpions, lizards, geckos, dogs, cats. When I moved out of my parents' house and into my townhome, I decided to adopt a ball python. She is very docile and loves to be held. I set her tank up in one of the rooms downstairs. When my fiance(28F) and I decided that we were ready to move in together, I slowly introduced her to the snake. "

Insensitive Woman Wreaks Havoc On Fiance's Pet Snake, Plays Dumb