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20 pictures of animals in panorama mode | thumbnail left warped cat image, thumbnail right image of dog looks like it has two heads because of panorama mode

Wonderfully Warped: Animals Photographed In Panorama Mode

Panorama madness
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collection of mildly amusing animal pics and stories | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat with its paws on its tail 'Our cat Mia, rests her front paws on her tail to keep them off a cold surface. u/andyf7' and a crayfish in an Asian isle in a store 'There is a live crayfish defending the rice aisle in my local Asian market u/SucksToYourAssmar3'

Sufficiently Interesting And Amusing Animal Stories And Pics

oooh, ahhh, oooh, ahh~
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twitter thread about animals that look similar but are not genetically related | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - ben "darth normal" flores ... @limitlessjest It's so insane that alligators and crocodiles aren't at all genetically related. Is there any other case of similar evolution like that 4:26 AM - Feb 20, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 4,919 Retweets 1,403 Quote Tweets 103.1K Likes'

Twitter Thread: Animals That Look Similar But Aren't Genetically Related At All

*Confusion intensifies*
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a cute quora thread about cats calling for their owners | thumbnail includes text saying 'I had a cat when I was stationed at Fort Sam Houston in Texas. I lived off post in a house with three housemates. The cat liked to stay outside in our backyard at night. He usually wanted to come in the house at around 6:00 a.m. He let us know he wanted to come in by throwing himself (literally) at the front screen door multiple times and yowling as loud as possible until someone would let him in '

Quora Thread: Why Do Cats Call For Their Owners Inside The House

So Sweet!
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a slideshow of fascinating doggo photos from Pompei | thumbnail includes  two photos of dogs in pompei

A Delightful Slideshow Of Pompeii Pups & History

History Is So Cool
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thread about choosing pets over parenting kids | thumbnail blue background  text " But the reason I realised I didn't want kids now is because, as the woman in the relationship, I picked up so much more of the care for the dog. All the training, getting up early for toilet trips, making sure his food was defrosted, every damn thing was down to me. I nearly lost a client due to lack of sleep/barking training/ having a hard time coping (I'm freelance). "

Redditors Discuss How Owning Dogs Influenced Their Decision To Not Have Kids

Thought provoking
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list of discussion about working in animal shelters | thumbnail "And yet I saw a man today insisting to return a puppy because it was "very aggressive" and he "feared for his safety" so much so that he kept the puppy in the crate. He sent us a video of the "aggression" and my whole team almost died. The puppy was on his back and chewing on his shoelace.... that's it. Calmest example of puppy play l'd seen. Yes, he is no longer allowed to adopt from us."

Beautiful And Less Beautiful Every Day Animal Shelter Occurrences

It happens every day
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14 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background "Also, as a dual citizen (USA/europe): I don't think a lot of foreigners have any idea how large some American houses are, and American houses were obsessed with "open spaces" for DECADES where houses just didn't have walls built in main living areas, or the walls were actively taken out. It can be large and intimidating for dogs and they have nowhere to go and want a "cave" -- crate's are great for that."

European Confused By Americans Crate Training Their Dogs, American Redittors Shed Some Light

Redditors exchange doggo culture info
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a reddit thread about underrated animals | thumbnail includes three animals and text 'what's your favorite underrated animal, and why?'

Redditors Share Their Favorite Underrated Animals

So Interesting!
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11 reddit text images karen mil brings goat | thumbnail blue background text "MIL has PTSD and for most of the time I knew her it was very repressed but she recently had another traumatic event and is now struggling. She is very co dependent and has a hard time being around us without her husband, so I made a rule that she can bring one of her comfort animals. "

Crazy Karen MIL Brings 'Emotional Support Goat' To Her Son And DIL's House, Pure Chaos Ensues

On today's episode of 'crazy Karen and her animals'
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video covering wooly mammoth tusk discovery | thumbnail image of tusk and image of wooly mammoth

Woolly Mammoth Tusk From Ice Age Found in 'Once in a Lifetime' Discovery (Video)

An amazing discovery
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11 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background text "I (f25) have two dogs. 'Abby' (15) and 'Sam' (4). Both were rescues. My boyfriend 'Jim' moved in with me three months ago and I'm losing my mind. Jim had pets growing up and is a self proclaimed 'expert'. Inherently I have no issues with this, but since moving in, he micromanages everything I do with my dogs."

Controlling BF Moves In And Starts Micromanaging GF's Dog Parenting, She Goes Off On Him

It might be time to re-home the boyfriend
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video of a herd of elephants getting released into the wild | thumbnail includes a photo of the elephants getting released into the wild

54 Elephants Get Released Back Into The Wild (Video)

Look out!
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13 text reddit images and one cat image | thumbnailblue background, dark purple cat graphic on right, text "This also extends to bedtime, where he will spend most of the night being King of the Hill curled up on her belly or hip. He is very comfy and pleased to be there, that there is very little that would convince him to move."

Man Gets Petty Revenge On Hooligan Cat For Hogging His Pregnant Wife And Projectile Vomiting

Well that's a story you don't hear every day
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12 reddit text images, dog phrases to erase from existence | thumbnail blue background text "Freyhna · 6 days ago "Oh but I don't mind" there is a reason I don't want my dog to jump up on you and you allowing it/inviting her to do it is undermining me, my training, and confusing my dog. Ultimately I get to choose what behaviors are acceptable for my dog and jumping up on people is not one of them. Thi"s is for the ultimate safety of my dog and those around me.

Dog Owners Choose Common 'Dog Phrases' That They Want To Erase From Existence (Reddit Thread)

These phrases have got to go
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an assortment of adorable speech needs animals | thumbnail includes a photo of a sheep and a photo of a chimpanzee with down syndrome

Born Different: Special Animals Who We Love

So Adorable
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