
14 reddit text and video porcupine | thumbnail image of porcupine being pet with text "Despite his dangerously sharp quills, Charlie the porcupine loves to be pet"

Porcupine With Dangerously Sharp Quills Just Wants To Be Petted: Redditors React

5 funny cat videos | thumbnail left cat drinking from bottle in arms of human, thumbnail right kitten close up with bottle

Insta Cats: Funniest, Cutest, Most Purrfect Cat Videos Of The Week

15 text based images from reddit, cats sneaking in to neighbors' houses | thumbnail image of cat sleeping on bed with text "Went to bed last night with my wife and woke up to this in the morning. We don't have cat. (It's a neighbor's cat) Cat Picture 19.3k 295 1, Share + Award"

Comedic Instances Of Cats Visiting Their Neighbors And Setting Up Camp

14 animal snapchats | thumbnail left cheetah in truck with man old white beard holding back of cheetos "those are mine, look at the bag it says my name" thumbnail right image of man walking duck with shoes on collar and leash, dogs in his pockets

Delightfully Humorous Series Of Animal Snaps

27 pictures of cats sleeping | thumbnail left cat sleeping laying on cat structure, thumbnail right cat laying on back on couch, human sits next to cat

A Bountiful Bushel Of Adorably Sleepy Cats Drifting Off To Dream Land

12 dog tweets | thumbnail blue background " @queenozymandias ... URGENT VETERINARY SCIENCE REQUEST: does my dog know what l'm doing when I kiss his forehead? Does he know it means I love him 5:05 AM · Feb 18, 2022 · Twitter for Android 6,240 Retweets 406 Quote Tweets 100.4K Likes"

Bestest Most Rufferific Doggo Tweets We Found

16 dog snaps | thumbnail left dog snap head stuck in trash can, thumbnail right dog cuddling with cat "Walked in on this going on in the bedroom... They stayed in this position for at least 10 minutes"

Doggo Snaps Of Pawsitivity And Good Vibes

video of a dog and a leopard playing together in the snow | thumbnail includes a picture of a panther making a face at a dog in the snow

Doggo Outwits A Rescued Black Leopard During Playtime In The Snow (Video)

story about a dog who lost its leg to abuse then got rescued | thumbnail includes two pictures including a dog leg x-ray and a dog on a vet bed with its leg amputated

Dog Tragically Loses Leg, Gets Rescued And Learns To Love Humans Even More Than Before

16 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background "HmmSinkSo · 2 days ago My dog did that all the time. He'd just lie there huffing and puffing. Sure, life is so hard getting two walks and two meals a day and then having to sleep on my memory foam mattress with your jowls draped over my pillow, oh and muggins over here covering you in a blanket because you look cute all tucked in. Woe is you, old man. God, I miss him"

What Does It Mean When Dogs Sigh And Yawn: Human Dog Owning Redditors React

a man saves his cat from the tree its stuck in with the help of the internet | thumbnail includes photo of the cat and text saying 'I have no idea how my cat made it so far up this tree, but he’s been there for probably 5 hours minimum and doesn’t seem to know how to get down. I’ve called everyone I can think of, and now the crows are circling and'

Internet Bands Together To Rescue Cat From Tree

posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat 'Welcomed this sweet fella to our home yesterday. He’s spent his entire 5months of life in a shelter so this home thing is new but he’s figuring it out u/Curious-Variety-7570'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (13 Images)

20 lolcat cat memes | thumbnail left cat going through your colors, drying hack, thumbnail right black cat meme "I've done some thinking about this, human, and I've decided against getting up today. You may bring me breakfastin bed. Mouse on toast and a cup of nip tea will do."

Top 20 Memes of The Week - Cheezburger Users Edition #232

14 text based images discussion of dogs stealing food | thumbnail text "I was once reheating a steak l'd taken home from a restaurant. Full NY strip. I'd only taken a couple bites. I took it out of the pan (heating on stovetop), set it on plate, went to the sink to wash my hands, with my back to the steak across the kitchen. I turned around less than 15 seconds later and it was gone. Next to the counter was a very happy looking Puggle, licking her lips. She was only about a foot high, "

Instances Of Sneaky Doggos Stealing Human Food And Ruining Dinner Plans

video of the office parody with owlkitty | thumbnail cat owlkitty in office background

Silly Parody Of The Office Featuring Youtube Sensation Owl Kitty (Video)

17 fox pictures and tweets | thumbnail left fox tweet, fox plant "Helen Dale @_HelenDale The fox I planted last year is coming along nicely. 2:14 PM · Jul 15, 2018 43.7K 7.9K people are Tweeting about thjsredpanda.com" thumbnail right fox sitting on couch outside

When Wild Foxes Come To Visit: Tweets And Images