
tumblr thread about a man getting a hummingbird to sit on his palm | thumbnail includes two pictures of a man and a hummingbird on his palm 'Font - That fuckin smile at the end'

Tumblr Thread: Gentle Man Gets Friendly Hummingbird To Sit On His Palm

story about a kitten getting rescued from a tree then adopted by the family who rescued it | thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten sitting next to a man and a kitten lying next to a dog

Kitten Gets Rescued From A Tree, Decides To Adopt The Couple That Saved It

5 dog videos | thumbnail left dog chihuahua on bed upside down "life is just better..." thumbnail left dog perspective from upside down "upside down"

Insta Doggos: Funniest, Cutest, Most Rufferific Dog Videos Of The Week

pics of the cutest animals of the week | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat in a fireplace 'OC] My brother had to leave his cat with me, in my place in Kiev. The dude holds his defense in my chimney ^^ u/LeSirNickMobile'

Time To Take In The Weekly Dose Of Cute Animals (#175)

video of owlkitty in home alone parody | thumbnail image of home alone star with owlkitty hands on cheeks

Home Alone Parody Featuring Youtube Sensation OwlKitty (Video)

20 pictures of animals in panorama mode | thumbnail left warped cat image, thumbnail right image of dog looks like it has two heads because of panorama mode

Wonderfully Warped: Animals Photographed In Panorama Mode

12 reddit images, including 5 images of dog | thumbnail left rock on plaque, thumbnail right golden retriever

Golden Retriever Swallows Rock Resulting In 5k Surgery, Redditors Laugh In Retrospect

story about a cat who lost her litter during childbirth adopting a litter of orphaned kittens | thumbnail includes two pictures including a grey cat and a cat with kittens

Cat Who Lost Her Litter During Birth Adopts Orphan Kittens And Treats Them As Her Own

14 animal tweets | thumbnail blue background tweet "soul nate @MNateShyamalan ... i miss the early internet. people were like "you gotta see this dude. this cat sure is long." and they were right. it was really long. it never shoulda gotten any more complicated than that. 7:45 PM · Feb 20, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 11.2K Retweets 212 Quote Tweets 103.5K Likes"

Weekly Treat: Funniest And Overall Best Animal Tweets

This week’s collection of cat tweets | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Font - elle ... @scretladyspider Cats aren't uncaring, they're literally so affectionate they domesticated themselves, learned to mimic human babies, and vibrate if they like you. They definitely care, they're just brats with high expectations to be spoiled, which they deserve 2:51 AM May 30, 2021 - Buffer 8,222 Retweets 264 Quote Tweets 33.5K Likes'

Pawesome And Meowrific Cat Tweets We Saw This Week

collection of mildly amusing animal pics and stories | thumbnail includes a picture of a cat with its paws on its tail 'Our cat Mia, rests her front paws on her tail to keep them off a cold surface. u/andyf7' and a crayfish in an Asian isle in a store 'There is a live crayfish defending the rice aisle in my local Asian market u/SucksToYourAssmar3'

Sufficiently Interesting And Amusing Animal Stories And Pics

20 dog memes | thumbnail left dog laying between couple in bed smiling "first night from the shelter to his new home" thumbnail right dog face close up " Me: gets on the floor to do crunches My dogs, thinking I got on the floor to cuddle:"

Rufftastic Doggo Memes For Dog Loving Humans

video of hank the tank bear | thumbnail image of large bear

500 Pound Bear ‘Hank the Tank’ Has Broken Into 28 Homes (Video)

14 reddit text and video porcupine | thumbnail image of porcupine being pet with text "Despite his dangerously sharp quills, Charlie the porcupine loves to be pet"

Porcupine With Dangerously Sharp Quills Just Wants To Be Petted: Redditors React

5 funny cat videos | thumbnail left cat drinking from bottle in arms of human, thumbnail right kitten close up with bottle

Insta Cats: Funniest, Cutest, Most Purrfect Cat Videos Of The Week

15 text based images from reddit, cats sneaking in to neighbors' houses | thumbnail image of cat sleeping on bed with text "Went to bed last night with my wife and woke up to this in the morning. We don't have cat. (It's a neighbor's cat) Cat Picture 19.3k 295 1, Share + Award"

Comedic Instances Of Cats Visiting Their Neighbors And Setting Up Camp