
posts of animals newly adopted this week | thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat sitting with a man and a cat inside of a washing machine 'I took in this kitten, she chose my dad instead. She helps him watch TV &do dishes. He also got her addicted to the ice machine lol u/Mmm_Spuds'

Meet The Newly Adopted Faces Of The Week (21 Images)

20 lolcat memes | thumbnail left "moar now" cat meme, thumbnail right "don't bother me, can't you see I'm busy procrastinating" cat meme

Top 20 Memes of The Week - Cheezburger Users Edition #233

video of beavers with branches | thumbnail image of beaver chomping on branch

Brilliant Beaver Branch Managers Managing Branches (Video)

10 tweets people using their pets' products | thumbnail blue background "Dude With A Dog Named Fred @rob31857 I accidentally used my dogs shampoo this morning and now I feel like Such a Good Boy! 2:25 PM · Mar 1, 2022 · Twitter Web App 2,156 Retweets 243 Quote Tweets 39.5K Likes"

Twitter Thread: Silly Humans Accidentally Use Their Pets' Products

video of otters playing with ice | thumbnail otter laying on back playing with ice

Otterly Adorable River Otters Wrestle In Ice Bucket (Video)

Reddit thread about cats being affectionate towards their humans | thumbnail includes one Reddit post 'Font - amaranthinelux • 6d Whoever says cats don't care has clearly never owned a cat Discussion Two days ago I broke off my engagement due to my partner's infidelity and my girl has not left my side since I came home. My cat has absorbed more tears over the last 10 years than l'd like to admit but even so I feel like she knows that this is a serious event. I'm currently crying myself to'

Cat Comforts Woman After A Bad Divorce, Showing That Cats Really Do Care: Reddit Thread

stories and wholesome memes about cats | thumbnail includes two memes including a kitten sprawled out on a carpet 'Vertebrate - Adopted my cat six months ago from a local rescue and I don't think she had ever seen carpet before. She laid like this for about 30 minutes without moving' and a cat curled up on someone's lap 'Hand - Walked into the shelter and asked which cat had been there the longest. Came home with a deaf, toothless senior lovebug'

A Smol Collection Of Heartwarming Cat Memes And Stories Restoring Faith In Humanity

17 cat snaps | thumbnail left cat fell out of apartment ceiling "This cat just fell out my apartment hall ceiling." thumbnail right two cats "a pair of miniature urban lions

Cat Snaps Of Wholesomeness And Adorability

25 dog memes | thumbnail left imessage exchange dog baxter in sink, thumbnail right "Me: omg sorry just saw your text, it's been a crazy day Also me" dog relaxing meme

25 Mood Lifting Dog Memes For A Better Day

video of a man rescuing a kitten who was abandoned by its mother | thumbnail includes two pictures including a kitten on a rooftop and a kitten on a blue blanket

Rescuing A Tiny Terrified Kitten Who Was Abandoned By Her Mom And Bringing Her Home (Video)

11 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background "She brought my dog with her and the old lady and Jade fell in love with each other. Jade has gone both morning and night every day since. Apparently Jade recognizes that she's old and fragile and is deliberately gentle. "

Dog Lives Heartwarming Double Life Visiting Elderly Woman Daily

13 dog tweets | thumbnail dog looking up, tweet "breadxbrujeria my dog is truly obsessed with me. he just likes to follow me everywhere and stare. 5:29 PM · Feb 27, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 2,934 Retweets 785 Quote Tweets 55.8K Likes

Twitter Thread: Enamored Dogs Staring At And Appreciating Their Humans

14 cat tweets twitter thread | thumbnail blue background " I'm not much of a cat person but we have this cat that floats around the neighborhood. It was walking by our door and I called it and it came. So I gave it a handful of cat food. Now it won't go away. Oh brother what did I do"

Twitter Thread: Rescue Cats Choosing Their Humans And Being Adopted Inadvertently

24 animal memes and tweets | thumbnail left cat on desk with butt towards camera, thumbnail right bear meme "This is bear Bear is good warm and fuzzy fur Soulful eyes (also good for hugs) Tiny Perfect snout (good for smooches) Nub Tall (not sure if this is the tail) STRONG arms (good for hugs) Wonderful Tummy (Full of food) POWERFUL legs (Good for standing) Nice Feets Cute feet (which come with toe beans) (Good 4 High fives)"

Mid-Week Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul

a collection of posts about cats | thumbnail includes a picture of a kitten covered by a red blanket 'Any advice for someone who never owned a cat before? Meet muffin btw u/YaoiLovingPervert'

Cat Medley: Cuteness Galore, Funnies, Rescues, And Appreciation

video of a person gently brushing dust off of a chipmunk's chin | thumbnail includes a picture of a person petting a chipmunk's chin

Chipmunk Presenting Its Chin For Human To Gently Brush Dirt Off It (Video)